Fixed player login event trigger. Basically seems like the PreLoginEvent triggers much earlier in new versions then PlayerLogin event, that was breaking the sync system.
Fixed EssentialsX economy name preventing proper eco sync
Added support for new mysql driver paper spigot promotes
Fixed color codes symbol broke
Made kick of players configurable on saveAndKick command
Config changes:
Added option to disable players being kicked on saveAndKick command, to allow players to be moved to the bungee fallback server.
Code (Text):
#Save and Kick command - disable kicking players after save if you want them moved to the fallback server when bungeecord is used
Kick-after-save: true
Big changes to mysql connection to allow older mysql server versions to work, note that older versions will not support special characters to be saved and some performance settings improvements.
Improvements on import and export commands to prevent out of memory errors on large amount of users, over 100k.
Implemented support for eco commands with * and ** instead of player name.
Config changes:
Added 2 new chat messages.
DatabaseTaskStart: '&6[System]&e Command will run in background for all players in database! Check console for progress...' DatabaseTaskRunning: '&4[System]&c A database task is already running! Please wait until it''s done, check console for progress.'
No longer blocking the server reload command. We still not recommend you use it as a clean server restart is better.
Tweaks to Essentials user map file generation to prevent or fix data corruption. You will have to start the server and then restart for this to apply because essentials loads before ems.
Added support for spigot 1.13 pre7. This adds early 1.13 compatibility, note that further 1.13 testing will still be required but most likely the plugin will be 1.13 compatible even after release.
Changes to how minecraft color codes are stored in the database, this will fix color codes issues on nick names for some users without having them to change mysql server settings. Existing data will get converted automatically when it's loaded and saved.
NOTE! You need to re-generate the config file to get the new settings and prevent errors!
Added a new command to safely save players data and kick them, useful when you need to kick players before a server restart or shutdown so you make sure all data is saved.
Changes to how database encoding is set, this may help users that had issues with saving nickname colors. (Will need more testing)
Fixes for SSL warnings on some MySQL servers.
Small improvements on the MySQL connection handler class.
Added support for QuickShop offline buy orders, however this will not work at this time as there is a bug on QuickShop that does not trigger the shop transaction event on shops where players sell items. Once it will be fixed by QuickShop dev it will work fine with this plugin.
Added /ems help command to display a list of commands.
Added support for AuctionHouse plugin for offline auctions.
Added support for PlayerShopGUI+ plugin for offline sales.
Config changes:
Added settings to enable/disable support for AuctionHouse and PlayerShopGUI+ plugins.
Updated the help menu message text.
Added the kick message when using saveAndKick command
Added error monitoring on sync task, so if an error will take place and the sync is broken the sync runnable will cancel it self and stop the error. Also added more info if error occurs so it will help on further improvements.