NOTE! You need to re-generate the config file to get the new settings and prevent errors!
Added a new command to safely save players data and kick them, useful when you need to kick players before a server restart or shutdown so you make sure all data is saved.
Changes to how database encoding is set, this may help users that had issues with saving nickname colors. (Will need more testing)
Fixes for SSL warnings on some MySQL servers.
Small improvements on the MySQL connection handler class.
Added support for QuickShop offline buy orders, however this will not work at this time as there is a bug on QuickShop that does not trigger the shop transaction event on shops where players sell items. Once it will be fixed by QuickShop dev it will work fine with this plugin.
Added /ems help command to display a list of commands.
Added support for AuctionHouse plugin for offline auctions.
Added support for PlayerShopGUI+ plugin for offline sales.
Config changes:
Added settings to enable/disable support for AuctionHouse and PlayerShopGUI+ plugins.
Updated the help menu message text.
Added the kick message when using saveAndKick command