Enchants Squared - The EnchantsPlus rewrite! [1.14-1.21.4] icon

Enchants Squared - The EnchantsPlus rewrite! [1.14-1.21.4] -----

50+ Highly customizable vanilla-like enchantments. w/ WorldGuard, Geyser, & Jobs compatibility

FIXED Duplication exploit of enchanted books during the renaming of items during anvil combining
FIXED Tree feller not working with certain tree types, and they should now work more reliably and consistently across the board

ATTEMPTED FIX At configs forcing default values, and sometimes loading empty

TWEAK The "Mass" enchantment no longer increases your gravity anytime you sneak, instead it only does so when you sneak while falling
TWEAK Added BRUSHES to the list of equipment items, so they now start getting custom enchants too, i guess?

I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I probably will not be developing EnchantsSquared with new enchantments or features in the future. A lot of you probably already noticed this due to my low update frequency and feature additions. I'll still keep it up to date with new versions and such, and fix any drastic bugs (like this duplication bug) and maybe implement some small changes if they don't require any effort to do. Truth be told, I just don't really like working on this project.
It's not interesting enough for me and it doesn't stimulate me. If anyone knows of a developer that might enjoy working on this project more, you can try to convince them to push feature requests and if I trust the developer enough they may take ownership of this plugin. I don't wanna work on this plugin any more, but due to the size of the plugin (130k downloads is *crazy*) I'd feel worse if it landed in the hands of someone irresponsible or greedy.

Hope you understand
----------, Feb 20, 2025

FIXED Error on /es enchant command
FIXED Permission-based enchantments having their permission condition be inverted
FIXED Rejuvenation and similar enchantments not working on ValhallaMMO tools

TWEAK Temporarily disabled auto-updating of config.yml, as it seems to be deleting some manual changes
TWEAK Players without permission to obtain an enchantment may now still use them
----------, Dec 12, 2024

FIXED Invalid configured sounds crashing the plugin, which caused the plugin to not work because I improperly configured the sound for the "slowness" enchantment. That has also been fixed
FIXED Kinship console errors

The plugin should now work fine with 1.21.3!
----------, Nov 17, 2024

- TWEAK /es enchant may now be used the enchantment's display names as well as IDs

- FIXED Enchantments not working against players with worldguard installed
- FIXED Flight not being removed in disallowed regions
- FIXED Issue where /es give would sometimes not add enchantments to the item
- FIXED Issue where "Illuminated" could place torches in disallowed regions
- FIXED Trident Sharpness never actually appearing, and renamed to "Harpooning"
----------, Aug 14, 2024

Hi guys! Sorry about the last update, that was my fault. I just assumed 1.21 wouldn't require many changes and didn't bother to test it further. Turns out, I had to restructure the whole plugin to get it to work for 1.21, shows me to not rush things.

Anyway, to make things up, I added some more enchantments!

ADDED 1.21 compatibility

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Pact of the Perfectionist
Lose 20-40% of your damage, but deal 5-10% more damage per hit up to +50-100% damage. You lose all your accumulated damage buffs when you yourself take damage. (Can only get stacks with fully charged melee or ranged attacks)
Rare enchantment that grants immunity to fall damage.
Dropping on the ground from large distances create explosions that increase in damage and radius the further you drop from.
Sneaking causes you to fall 2.5x faster (1.20.5+ only)
Also works with elytras, enjoy your divebombing :)
Killing an entity causes it to explode for 2-4-6 damage in a 2-3-4 block radius, additionally burning the affected entities for 4-6-8 damage.
NEW ENCHANTMENT: Pact of the Faerie (1.20.5+ only)
Makes you 25-50% smaller, but also affects your block- and attack reach
NEW ENCHANTMENT: Pact of the Jotunn (1.20.5+ only)
Increases your block- and attack reach by 25-50%, but also makes you 25-50% bigger
NEW ENCHANTMENT: Strider (1.20.5+ only)
Allows you to step up full blocks
NEW ENCHANTMENT: Aspect of the Enderman (1.20.5+ only)
Allows you to reach 2-4-6 blocks further

FIXED Elytras breaking with the flight enchantment

TWEAK Player attributes are now properly cleaned up on server shutdown as well

Like usual, a review is much appreciated and it would mean even more to me if you checked out my other big project ValhallaMMO!
----------, Jul 1, 2024

I had to remove the glint effect off of items because it was properly removed from the api now :(

Plugin is now compatible with 1.20.6+

FIXED Azalea leaves not being destroyed by Tree Feller
FIXED Lava Walker sometimes producing console errors
----------, Jun 17, 2024

Fixed issue where excavation no longer worked with worldguard installed
----------, Mar 1, 2024

Fixed plugin not loading up due to dependency being referenced directly (making ValhallaMMO required and not optional)
----------, Feb 28, 2024

This version is no longer compatible with ValhallaMMO Alpha
----------, Feb 27, 2024

FIXED flight exploit, flight not going away when unequipped at specific times
FIXED regularly triggering enchantments not working when held in main hand
----------, Dec 30, 2023

Apparently the bug fix to fix functionality on 1.20.4 didn't work, so here's another one
----------, Dec 13, 2023

Fixed an issue where 1.20.4+ server versions could not start the plugin. This is due to an API change regarding enchantments
----------, Dec 11, 2023

Title, but also switching armors now properly updates your enchantments
----------, Oct 12, 2023

Improved performance on regularly executing enchantments such as rejuvenation and lava walker (especially notable on large player count servers)

Fixed issue where enchantments still couldn't be combined on spigot under certain circumstances.

Fixed flash effect producing exceptions on 1.19 versions as well

Switching held items now properly updates the enchantments on it (enchantments don't linger for a couple seconds after switching hands)

The HIDE_ENCHANTS item flag will now prevent enchantment lore from being visible on the item
----------, Sep 16, 2023

Specifically on spigot, fixed an issue where enchanted books could not be combined with items if the enchanted book had no vanilla enchantments applicable for the first item.
----------, Aug 8, 2023

This was because I mistakenly inverted the permission requirements, causing enchantments to become unobtainable if you actually had permission for it (which if not configured will always be true)
----------, Aug 1, 2023

FIXED infinite flight not being configurable, changed it to require the base duration to be negative
FIXED load order exceptions occuring when both WorldGuard and/or ValhallaMMO are installed
----------, Jul 27, 2023

Temporary fix implemented where certain config changes were un-done on server startup
----------, Jul 7, 2023

FIXED the plugin causing errors if both Worldguard and ValhallaMMO are installed
FIXED lava walker not functioning if put on a non-damageable item. So if you wanted to put lava walker on something like a wearable trinket, now you can
----------, Jul 5, 2023

FIXED bug where if an item broke due to Flight or Lava Walker it would destroy the rest of the player's armor set
FIXED loot chest custom enchants using fishing odds rather than dungeon odds
----------, Jul 3, 2023

FIXED issue where "flash" animation was causing errors in console on 1.20
FIXED generated loot chests not actually getting custom enchantments
FIXED issue where /es give would not properly enchant books with vanilla enchantments
----------, Jun 29, 2023

FIXED exception spam in console if "on attack" enchantments have a disabled proc animation
----------, May 29, 2023

Partially rewrote the Flight enchantment, meaning it will now work appropriately with players who already have permission to fly (including opped players)

Fixed WorldGuard bug where errors were thrown under certain circumstances.

API: enchantments that also double up as listeners will no longer register themselves because this sometimes caused exceptions thrown in console saying these enchantments cannot be registered before the plugin is enabled. These listener enchantments are now only registered on plugin enable separately.
Also added a new onPluginEnable() method to the CustomEnchant class that may be overwritten in case any more actions need to be done on plugin enable.
----------, May 3, 2023

FIXED issue where custom enchanted books could not be combined with items a lot of the time, this issue was exclusive to Spigot and not forks like Paper or Purpur. (You should be using paper/purpur or other optimized forks anyway, as the performance is much better)

FIXED exploit where Telekinesis was capable of duplicating drops if paired with Excavation or Sunforged.

FIXED NoSuchMethodError on 1.16 or lower versions of Minecraft
----------, Apr 18, 2023

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Rapid Shot. Limited to bows and crossbows and does not work with glowing or tipped arrows. This enchantment grants you a chance to fire several arrows in rapid succession, each doing reduced damage but removing the target's immunity frames allowing them to be hit quickly back to back. By default, this enchantment has a max level of 3 and fires 2/3/4 arrows rapidly (minus 1 for the original shot, of course), where each arrow does 50%/45%/40% of the damage allowing a potential damage output of 100%/135%/160% damage. And of course, each arrow can proc other enchantments separately. Basically, you got more arrows to aim, but if you hit all your shots you can do much more damage than you originally would.
Can only activate if you fully draw your bow back.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Rope Dart. Defaulted to bows and crossbows, but can work with other weapon types too. This acts as a reverse punch enchantment. It grants you a chance to sort of "hook" the target and, after a short delay, yank them closer towards you. This enchantment gets weaker with enemy knockback resistance.

Thanks for the suggestions/ideas Urmo!

FIXED issue where if you put color codes within the enchantment's display name, like making the name a fancy gradient, would break the lore detection of the plugin and cause these lines of lore to be duplicated when used in an anvil.

TWEAK /es enchant now updates the player's inventory, which occasionally caused items to not visibly be enchanted (especially when using a resource pack, for some reason)
----------, Apr 7, 2023

Fixed issue that disabled anvil repairing equipment
----------, Mar 31, 2023

Hi everyone! Been a solid while since an update, I've been busy on various other projects but it's about time I pay some more attention to ES.

This plugin has been COMPLETELY REWRITTEN, the plugin has been remade in a more optimized fashion that's both much easier to maintain and expand upon. Previously the plugin had a bunch of special cases for certain enchantments (spaghetti code) which is now no longer the case, along with a lot of general improvements and features.

I recommend you delete the EnchantsSquared plugin folder before startup, as the config has been tweaked and balanced in various ways.

Do keep in mind, it being a rewrite there's a good chance I missed a bug here and there. If you run this plugin on a decently sized server I recommend playtesting first. I also don't know how well the plugin performs yet, but it should be better because the plugin now utilizes equipment caching so that enchantments don't need to be gathered from items as often.

Anyway, on with the features and improvements.

FEATURE ValhallaMMO now properly works with EnchantsSquared, hooking into its skills and abilities and properly rewarding players for things like blocks broken. You can now also make your own enchantments that grant any number of ValhallaMMO stats! If you decide to put custom enchantments on ValhallaTrinkets accessories, they work now too!

FEATURE custom enchantments can now appear in dungeon loot as well.

FEATURE custom enchantments can now be configured to have conflicting vanilla and custom enchantments.

FIXED enchantments on books or armor held in hand no longer grant their benefits.

TWEAK Fleeting, Barbarian, Vigorous, Steady, all now apply attribute modifiers to the player instead of potion effects or hacky item attributes. Check config.yml for the clean_old_enchantments option, which will clean old items of their old outdated attributes.

TWEAK Basalt skin provides fire resistance as before, but now the player is slowed down while they're on fire.

TWEAK Vampiric now also heals you for a % of the damage dealt, and in addition to health also recovers some hunger points when you kill something.

TWEAK "constantly triggering" enchantments such as Rejuvenation or Fleeting no longer need player movement to activate.

TWEAK Excavation can now be configured to be leveled, rank I mining a 1x2 area, rank II mining 5 blocks in a + shape, and rank III and onward mining a square of increasing size (rank III being 9 blocks, IV being 25, V 49, etc. I don't recommend normalizing anything above IV).

TWEAK Sunforged now cooks the drops of blocks rather than the blocks mined themselves. This makes it play nicer with other plugins, and is much more reliable.

TWEAK Kinship can now repair gold pickaxes from nether gold ore, as well as repair a % of durability rather than a flat amount. Kinship now also works with decimal repair numbers, so 0.1 would mean a 1/10 chance to repair 1 durability.

TWEAK Curse of Brittleness has been reworked from an anti-Rejuvenation to an anti-Unbreaking, causing items to take more durability damage instead of random durability.

TWEAK by default, Curse of Heaviness has had its Mining Fatigue debuff removed.

TWEAK Soulbound is now capable of only having a % chance to preserve an item, allowing it to have several ranks. Also, it will now refund your items even if a server restart occurs before your respawning.

TWEAK Lava Walker blocks now decay after some time, and if broken do not reward any blocks! Also, Lava Walker now triggers far more frequently, allowing you to more safely navigate oceans of lava.

TWEAK Wings can now have its flight meter displayed as a boss bar.

TWEAK Potency can now increase potion effect amplifiers based on a decimal multiplier, instead of just increasing their strength by a flat number. Potency can now also have blacklisted effects that will not get amplified.

TWEAK various commands are now capable of using target selectors (like @p, @r, @a) instead of player names.

TWEAK added config option to consume the same amount of exp levels as the enchantment table displays (level 30 enchantments consuming 30 levels of exp, like the old system).

TWEAK all "potion effect on hit" enchantments now have configurable particle and sound effects.

TWEAK the knockback blast from Shockwave is now reduced by knockback reduction.

TWEAK improved the default look of /es menu!

TWEAK Curse of the Berserker is now renamed to Pact of the Berserker, and is now the color &9 instead of &c. This is because I'll be making more "trade-off" type enchantments.

TWEAK Crushing now does bonus damage against all types of heavy armor (gold, iron, diamond) instead of just diamond and netherite.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Perforating! Perforating is like Crushing, except it does bonus damage to light armors instead (leather, chain, diamond- yes, diamond is much lighter than iron and gold)

: Dragonhide! Provides damage resistance. This is a stupid overpowered enchantment, so I disabled it by default.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Shattering! Provides a chance for the attacker to disable the enemy's shield for an extended amount of time.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Telekinesis! Allows the user to immediately have all mined block drops transferred to their inventory. If your inventory is full, it drops at your feet instead.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Ionizing! Provides a chance for the hit enemy to also be struck by lightning.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Deforestation! It's tree feller, which allows you to mine down whole trees just by breaking 1 block. This also gets rid of the leaves :)

Of course, please let me know of any issues you find. I hope you enjoy the plugin
----------, Mar 29, 2023

Metrics can be disabled by adding metrics: false to config.yml, fresh installs will see this option without manually adding

Thanks for sticking with the plugin :) ValhallaMMO development is quite close to being finished, after that's done I'll largely rewrite the plugin to be less buggy and allow for better quality enchantments
----------, Jun 9, 2022

Plugin is now compatible with 1.18, please let me know if you find any more issues!

Fixed an issue where EnchantsSquared's custom WorldGuard flags would not register under certain circumstances. You can find a complete list on the plugin page now.

Sorry for the lack of updates in terms of content everyone, I've been working very hard on my current large project ValhallaMMO that to me takes priority. There are some extra planned content updates to EnchantsSquared still, but they won't be available for a while. In the meantime, enjoy the plugin on 1.18!
----------, Dec 1, 2021

Sorry it took a while to release this update.
The issue with mcMMO where people can exploit breaking and replacing blocks for EXP still hasn't been fixed. I really wanted to fix this before releasing the update but I haven't been able to figure out why it happens yet.
There's also apparently a bug with purpur to do with rejuvenation not working properly, which I haven't been able to reproduce. That being said, this plugin is not being developed with the API of Purpur considered. Only paper and spigot. I can't guarantee everything works properly if you don't use these two.

Fixed an issue where the invalid command error message was always shown after executing /es menu

FIxed an issue where the fire resistance enchantment was disabled by default due to a typo in the config

Fixed an issue where improper configured villager trading costs would crash the server if the amount of emeralds exceeded 64

Improved the grappling enchantment to actually have a cooldown now, and the hook may be configured to require a block stuck to it to grapple from

Configs now update automatically with whatever additions were made to it in future updates

Added all new 1.17 blocks to the default excavation blocks config. If you want to load this in, remove the current excavationblocks.yml file before starting your server

A telekinesis enchantment is going to be developed at a later date

Thanks for supporting the plugin!
----------, Aug 11, 2021

Fixed a bug that caused items to refuse to combine in anvils, this is due to an inconsistency between paper and spigot

Fixed a bug where chemical shield could not be added to shields through the anvil

Fixed an issue where soulbound would sometimes interfere with other plugins' on-death mechanics

Fixed an issue where unbreakable items could still take damage with certain enchantments

New enchantment: Basalt Skin
Gives fire resistance while worn, but slows you down (toggleable in config)

New enchantment: Grappling
A fishing rod enchantment that turns it into a grappling hook! Has a configurable cooldown

New enchantment: Piercing
Sharpness, but for tridents. Normally tridents can't take sharpness and just impaling, but now there's a way to increase the damage of a trident against all mobs instead of just under water creatures.

Thanks for supporting the plugin, a review is much appreciated!
----------, Jul 9, 2021

The plugin has now been compiled in java 16, this means it should be good to go for Minecraft 1.17

Added a debug mode. Quite a few people say of inconsistencies with the anvil, and it sometimes not working for combining enchantments. It won't really appear for me though, so I can't really find and fix the issue if I don't see the issue. Debug mode should help with that a bit, debug mode will send the player, if applicable, status messages whenever they try to combine things with the anvil (it will send to console if not applicable). Hopefully this helps in getting bugs fixed.

Made all of the plugin's enchantment fire custom events whenever they trigger. This is only relevant for developers. The events all implement the abstract EnchantmentTriggerEvent, the following subclasses are extended by it:
AttackEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Poisoning/Toxic)
BlockInteractEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Illuminated)
ConstantEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Flight or Blessing)
DefendEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Shielding)
EnchantingEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments that only trigger once like Vigorous or Plating)
EntityKilledEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Soulbound)
HealthRegenEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Vitality)
ItemInteractEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Shockwave)
MineEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Excavation)
PotionEnchantmentTriggerEvent (fires for enchantments like Potency)

The plugin is considered mostly done at this point, although I still take suggestions/feedback and try to maintain the plugin to the best of my ability. If you find any more bugs or have suggestions, please let me know on my discord or on the spigot discussions page

Any feedback as a review is also very much appreciated :)
----------, Jun 16, 2021

New command: /es give
Gives you an item customizable with a number of options:
custom: adds a number of custom enchantments to the item
enchant: adds a number of vanilla enchantments to the item
name: adds a custom display name to the item
lore: adds custom lore to the item

/es give Athlaeos diamond_sword 1 custom=bonus_exp:5 name=&2Blade_of_Knowledge enchants=sharpness:10,unbreaking:5 lore=&aGives_you_a_lot/n&amore_exp

Just use underscores in the place of spaces in names and lore, and /n for a new line in lore. Use commas to add several (custom)enchantments to the item.

Reworked Vigorous to add the extra max health attribute to the item instead of actively updating it. This makes it so the plugin doesnt have to reset the player's health to default every time, so it allows you to have custom HP for players again. See config for more details.

Reworked Steady to add the knockback resistance attribute to the item instead of reducing the player's velocity after being hit. This should make steady a lot more consistent and reliable, and less buggy.

Added a new enchantment: Plating. This increases the armor value on an item, which by default is just elytras. This is also done through attributes.

One note with attributes though, in certain item cases it'll appear the item's attributes have been vastly changed when they really haven't been. For example, if a sword has had their attributes changed it'll appear to have -2.6 attack speed. This is normal, and it'll still have the "1.6" attack speed it should have. This can't be changed as default attributes applied by minecraft are visually shown differently than if attributes are applied externally.

Fixed an issue where grindstones didn't always clear enchantment lore, even though enchantments disappeared.
----------, May 13, 2021

Fixed a bug where villager trades would sometimes switch their (custom) enchantments
----------, Apr 2, 2021

You guys have been insane as of late, jumping from 1000 to 1500 downloads in just 1 update. Thank you so much, this was the fastest growing update of any of my plugins.

Disabled enchantments now are never registered by the plugin. This means any disabled enchantments won't be obtainable or usable. Use this feature to disable enchantments in case they're clashing with other plugins!

Added the /es menu command, which is essentially just /es list but in GUI format. This GUI contains all the enchantments in item-form, along with configurable icons and lore and stuff.
To use this command you need the permission es.menu

Flight received an optional overhaul! You can now configure the enchantment to have several levels. Each level increases the time a player can fly with it, after this time has depleted the player receives a slow falling buff and has to be on the ground to replenish their flight.
Important warning for people who already use this plugin:
This feature has been enabled by default, so if you do not want this feature you should look at the default config on this spigot page and apply any settings the default config has that your own config doesn't. Don't forget to add %lv_roman% to the flight display name in case you want to use this feature. The plugin will update existing wings enchantments to Wings I if this feature is left enabled.

Fixed a bug where items could not be combined with enchanted books if the book contained a vanilla enchantment that wasn't compatible with the item, despite one of its custom enchantments being compatible.
----------, Mar 31, 2021

Fixed an oversight where items would be given enchantment glints on log-in, regardless if they actually had any enchantments or not.
----------, Mar 16, 2021

Thanks a lot for 1000+ downloads!

Partially fixed inconsistencies regarding combining items in an anvil
As it turns out, spigot's anvil listener is a bit inconsistent at times. Sometimes the extra EXP costs will be applied and sometimes they're not. When the exp costs are 0, you can still take the output item out but they won't be visible on your cursor, but you can still place it in your inventory.
I'm still looking for ways to fix this, but at least in the meantime you can combine items properly again.

Fixed a bug where librarian book trades would sometimes reset to something else

Fixed a bug where the stunning enchant could launch entities into the stratosphere

Fished up enchanted books can now contain custom enchantments

Other villagers like armorers or toolsmiths can now also trade tools and armor with custom enchantments.

Items only containing custom enchants will now receive an enchant glint

Made preparations for dungeon-found enchanted items to also contain custom enchantments, this is not implemented yet.
----------, Mar 16, 2021

You can now configure a chance for villagers to sell custom enchanted books instead of vanilla ones! As well as a custom cost (range).
For each enchanted book a librarian would normally sell, it has a configurable chance to be replaced by a custom enchanted book. You can also choose certain enchants to not be obtainable via trading, allowing even more control.

Of course, since enchanted books only containing a custom enchant are obtainable now, they should naturally also be compatible in the anvil. They are now! You can now combine items with with enchanted books containing *just* a custom enchant, as well as configure an additional cost to combine them.

I just finished this update and I don't have the means to fully test this plugin for bugs, so if you have any bugs to report let me know on my discord and I'll get to fixing it as soon as I can! Especially bugs related to trading and anvil combining, since those are the two mechanics that significantly changed.

Also, this update adds in the means to disable certain core features in case of compatibility problems with other plugins, such as the custom enchantment table, anvil, and trading mechanics. Or just if you don't want to use them

As always, a review is much appreciated and thanks for using ES!
----------, Mar 6, 2021

Fixed an issue where the kinship enchantment was capped at max level 1 regardless of configuration

Fixed an issue where custom enchant on enchanted books would still work

Corrected a default message that's sent to the player when removing an item from the grindstone, items only get their custom enchantments removed. Attribute modifiers are NOT removed
----------, Feb 20, 2021

Fixed an inconsistency in item lore placement whenever an item is updated (when logging in, for example)

Fixed inconsistencies in enchantment permissions required
The permission is now changed to how the enchants are noted in the tab autocomplete of /es list
es.enchant.illuminate --> es.enchant.illuminated
es.enchant.steady --> es.enchant.knockback_protection
es.enchant.lavawalker --> es.enchant.lava_walker
es.enchant.luck --> es.enchant.lucky
es.enchant.curse_brittle --> es.enchant.curse_durability

Fixed bug where filling an invalid enchantment in /es enchant would throw an error in console
----------, Feb 17, 2021

Fixed a bug where excavation would always drop exp if sunforged has drop_exp set to true, regardless if the tool had sunforged or not.

Fixed a bug where kinship no longer triggered on each block mined with excavation

Fixed a bug where blocks mined would disappear when mined with sunforged, if the block had no recipe set. (Items such as dirt, coal ore, etc.)
----------, Feb 11, 2021

Greatly optimized Excavation (BlockBreakListener), up to 10x more performance (yes, it was poorly optimized before lol)

Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances a NullPointerException would be thrown related to items that have no metadata

Added an additional option to Sunforged to allow exp to drop from smelted blocks. This is very overpowered though, so I don't recommend it unless you want very easy to obtain experience on your server.
Add the following option to the sunforged enchantment in the config to enable exp drops, they will be disabled by default:
Code (YAML):
drop_exp : true
----------, Feb 10, 2021

Fixed a bug where putting an item through a grindstone sometimes did not remove all the enchantments

Fixed a bug where the /es remove command removed the lore from the item, but not the enchant itself (it would still keep the effect)

Fixed a bug where all lore of all items in your inventory outside of custom enchantments would be removed when logging in

Fixed a bug where people using other /fly commands and plugins would not be able to fly
----------, Feb 9, 2021

Bug fix: items would get custom nbt tags applied to them even if no enchantments are present on the item, causing items to stop stacking with one another. With this fix existing items are reverted back to normal and future items without enchantments remain unaffected
----------, Feb 6, 2021

Fixed a bug where console would throw an error if you chose to look up information on the "unassigned" enchantment in /es list

Fixed a bug where tools with excavation or sunforged could break blocks even if they were not strong enough to break them, such as stone pickaxes breaking obsidian. Tools with sunforged could also mine and harvest ores they were not meant to, such as wooden pickaxes being able to harvest gold and iron ore and getting ingots from them.

and a couple more probably

New enchantment: Potency
Any potion the user drinks is increased in power, but duration is reduced. This does not affect potion effects given by other enchantments. Example: A strength II potion lasting 1:30 would now give strength IV lasting 0:45 as an example

New enchantment: Neutralizer
A shield enchantment that, when the user uses it to block, splash potions and lingering potions will not affect the user. This applies on both negative and positive potion effects, so be careful.

New curse enchantment: Curse of Berserk
A curse enchantment that, when worn or held, the user deals a % more damage but also takes a % more themselves.

Huge performance boost to the plugin overall. The plugin now has a much easier time detecting which enchantments are on which items, and the player movement listener is now much less "spammy".
However, sadly these performance improvements made the plugin incompatible with version 1.13. My apologies for this

One important note though
, if any of your existing items are not working you should put them in your inventory and re-log out and into the server. The plugin will go through your items and add the relevant metadata to them to make them work again.
----------, Feb 6, 2021

added 3 optional parameters to the config:

Code (YAML):

: true
: true
: true
These will allow you to enable or disable the rarity of an enchant, the max level of an enchant, or the compatible items of an enchant within /es help

Reduced enchantments per page in /es help from 4 to 3 to prevent cluttering

/es list will no longer list disabled enchantments

/es list can now also take an arbitrary search term as 2nd argument, which will show all enchantments where their in-game names contain this search term. Example: /es list ex will show all enchantments containing the letters "ex", such as excavation or executioner

The kinship enchantment no longer includes the gold pickaxe as compatible items, since gold pickaxes can't harvest gold ore.

Added jobs compatibility, mining with excavation, sunforged, or harvesting with auto-replant are now able to be registered by jobs.

With these changes (primarily to /es list) your players should be able to find important details on enchantments without having to know the system names of these enchants.
----------, Jan 26, 2021

New enchant: Lava Walker
Like frost walker, but for lava! Converts nearby lava blocks into a block of your choosing, will be magma by default. Costs some durability to use.

New enchant: Auto Replant (Harvester)
Enchant for hoes only. When right-clicking a crop it will instantly be harvested and replanted.

Made github available
----------, Jan 22, 2021

the plugin didn't read this value because of a typo in the code so the default level minimum was always set to 0, this has now been fixed
----------, Jan 20, 2021

Fixed issue where using attack-based enchants (poisoning, withering, stunning, etc.) would throw errors in console if attacking a non-living entity such as item frames, exp orbs, or items.
----------, Jan 20, 2021

Fixed a bug where the Steady enchant (knockback_protection) would make the player invincible for a time after being hit if the server also has essentials installed and have the player be invincible for a time after teleporting.

Removed some redundant debug messages such as the one appearing when players use the toxic enchant
----------, Jan 12, 2021

New command: /es list
/es list lists all the enchants as well as descriptions of them. The descriptions can be changed in the config.
/es list {page number} will navigate to a certain page, but if you want info on a specific enchantment use /es list {enchantment}. The enchantments can be auto-filled from tab autocomplete, so you don't need to remember how specific enchantments are systematically called.

Added an optional permission-based filter on enchantments. If you choose to opt in, players will instead require specific permissions for certain enchantments to show up while they're enchanting.
The permissions are es.enchant.(enchant). View the config for more info.

Fixed a bug where skulls and items would disappear when worn as armor.

Thanks for using the plugin!
----------, Dec 21, 2020

Fixed a bug where books could not receive custom enchantments
Removed remaining debug messages in console
----------, Dec 19, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 131,773
First Release: Dec 15, 2020
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
70 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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