Enchants Squared - The EnchantsPlus rewrite! [1.14-1.21.4] icon

Enchants Squared - The EnchantsPlus rewrite! [1.14-1.21.4] -----

50+ Highly customizable vanilla-like enchantments. w/ WorldGuard, Geyser, & Jobs compatibility

EnchantsSquared v2.0!
Hi everyone! Been a solid while since an update, I've been busy on various other projects but it's about time I pay some more attention to ES.

This plugin has been COMPLETELY REWRITTEN, the plugin has been remade in a more optimized fashion that's both much easier to maintain and expand upon. Previously the plugin had a bunch of special cases for certain enchantments (spaghetti code) which is now no longer the case, along with a lot of general improvements and features.

I recommend you delete the EnchantsSquared plugin folder before startup, as the config has been tweaked and balanced in various ways.

Do keep in mind, it being a rewrite there's a good chance I missed a bug here and there. If you run this plugin on a decently sized server I recommend playtesting first. I also don't know how well the plugin performs yet, but it should be better because the plugin now utilizes equipment caching so that enchantments don't need to be gathered from items as often.

Anyway, on with the features and improvements.

FEATURE ValhallaMMO now properly works with EnchantsSquared, hooking into its skills and abilities and properly rewarding players for things like blocks broken. You can now also make your own enchantments that grant any number of ValhallaMMO stats! If you decide to put custom enchantments on ValhallaTrinkets accessories, they work now too!

FEATURE custom enchantments can now appear in dungeon loot as well.

FEATURE custom enchantments can now be configured to have conflicting vanilla and custom enchantments.

FIXED enchantments on books or armor held in hand no longer grant their benefits.

TWEAK Fleeting, Barbarian, Vigorous, Steady, all now apply attribute modifiers to the player instead of potion effects or hacky item attributes. Check config.yml for the clean_old_enchantments option, which will clean old items of their old outdated attributes.

TWEAK Basalt skin provides fire resistance as before, but now the player is slowed down while they're on fire.

TWEAK Vampiric now also heals you for a % of the damage dealt, and in addition to health also recovers some hunger points when you kill something.

TWEAK "constantly triggering" enchantments such as Rejuvenation or Fleeting no longer need player movement to activate.

TWEAK Excavation can now be configured to be leveled, rank I mining a 1x2 area, rank II mining 5 blocks in a + shape, and rank III and onward mining a square of increasing size (rank III being 9 blocks, IV being 25, V 49, etc. I don't recommend normalizing anything above IV).

TWEAK Sunforged now cooks the drops of blocks rather than the blocks mined themselves. This makes it play nicer with other plugins, and is much more reliable.

TWEAK Kinship can now repair gold pickaxes from nether gold ore, as well as repair a % of durability rather than a flat amount. Kinship now also works with decimal repair numbers, so 0.1 would mean a 1/10 chance to repair 1 durability.

TWEAK Curse of Brittleness has been reworked from an anti-Rejuvenation to an anti-Unbreaking, causing items to take more durability damage instead of random durability.

TWEAK by default, Curse of Heaviness has had its Mining Fatigue debuff removed.

TWEAK Soulbound is now capable of only having a % chance to preserve an item, allowing it to have several ranks. Also, it will now refund your items even if a server restart occurs before your respawning.

TWEAK Lava Walker blocks now decay after some time, and if broken do not reward any blocks! Also, Lava Walker now triggers far more frequently, allowing you to more safely navigate oceans of lava.

TWEAK Wings can now have its flight meter displayed as a boss bar.

TWEAK Potency can now increase potion effect amplifiers based on a decimal multiplier, instead of just increasing their strength by a flat number. Potency can now also have blacklisted effects that will not get amplified.

TWEAK various commands are now capable of using target selectors (like @p, @r, @a) instead of player names.

TWEAK added config option to consume the same amount of exp levels as the enchantment table displays (level 30 enchantments consuming 30 levels of exp, like the old system).

TWEAK all "potion effect on hit" enchantments now have configurable particle and sound effects.

TWEAK the knockback blast from Shockwave is now reduced by knockback reduction.

TWEAK improved the default look of /es menu!

TWEAK Curse of the Berserker is now renamed to Pact of the Berserker, and is now the color &9 instead of &c. This is because I'll be making more "trade-off" type enchantments.

TWEAK Crushing now does bonus damage against all types of heavy armor (gold, iron, diamond) instead of just diamond and netherite.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Perforating! Perforating is like Crushing, except it does bonus damage to light armors instead (leather, chain, diamond- yes, diamond is much lighter than iron and gold)

: Dragonhide! Provides damage resistance. This is a stupid overpowered enchantment, so I disabled it by default.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Shattering! Provides a chance for the attacker to disable the enemy's shield for an extended amount of time.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Telekinesis! Allows the user to immediately have all mined block drops transferred to their inventory. If your inventory is full, it drops at your feet instead.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Ionizing! Provides a chance for the hit enemy to also be struck by lightning.

NEW ENCHANTMENT: Deforestation! It's tree feller, which allows you to mine down whole trees just by breaking 1 block. This also gets rid of the leaves :)

Of course, please let me know of any issues you find. I hope you enjoy the plugin
----------, Mar 29, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 131,803
First Release: Dec 15, 2020
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
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