Economy++ icon

Economy++ -----

Lootcrate System • Shop GUI • Coin booster • ATM • Jobs • Salary • 1.21* support • Homes

Bug Fix:

Removed the "You have to use a pickaxe " error in chat , when mining blocks except ores
----------, Nov 12, 2024

The plugin is updated to Minecraft 1.21


- The /setworld command is removed from the plugin, it doesnt work verry well and i have readed a lot of problems in the recensies and my Email, so we removed the whole per world system. Im sorry if its works for someone verry well.

Bug Fix:

- We fixed the console errors about the EntityKillEvent
----------, Nov 10, 2024

Updated to 1.20.4
- The Economy++ plugin is updated to Minecraft 1.20.4, and is now usable on all the 1.20.4 servers.

New things:
- Added unemployed prefix to the new players.
----------, Feb 11, 2024

In this update we fixed a lot of bugs and console errors

- Scoreboard error in console
- Loading data files error in console
- Update checker error in console
- We coded a new version of the update checer, wich works faster and have nog errors.
- Error in console while clicking in a inventory
- No more errors in your console while click in a inventory on a random position.
- Fixed some chat message
- Did some changes to a lot of messages.
----------, Dec 29, 2023


We added a scoreboard wich displays your balance & job!

Bug Fix:
Console errors about the data files.

----------, Dec 20, 2023

Bug Fixes:

- You can't craft any item anymore with a lootcrate
----------, Dec 3, 2023


Home system
The amount of maximum homes is configurable in Config.yml
/sethome <home> - Set a home point to your current location.
/delhome <home> - Delete a home.
/home <home> - Teleport to one of your homes.
/homes - Get a list of your current homes
Permissions: Economy++.home

- Updated the plugin help message.

----------, Nov 23, 2023

We fixed a verry important bug
We fixed a error message in the console when mobs kill each other.
----------, Oct 22, 2023

Added shop signs
Now you can create shop signs, when players right click the sign, it will open the Shop GUI.
You can create a shop sign while typing the following line on a sign:
Line 0 : [shop]

Bug Fixes:
- The /help command is now up to date.
- When execute /payall you can't send a negative amount.
- You can't create a cheque anymore with a negative amount.
- World check bugs are fixed
----------, Oct 15, 2023

A shop has finally be added
A brand new feature has been added to the Economy++ software, a Shop GUI.

- Players can open the shop with /shop
- Admins or players with the permission: can add items to the shop with /shop add <buy_price>. The current item and amount of items in your hand wil be added to the shop for the price you entered.
- The help message for the shop is /shop help

Admins or players with the permission: can remove items from the shop when Shift+Right click a item in the shop.

Bug Fixes
We fixed a lot of bugs in this version of Economy++

- All data files has been added to the /economy reload command. this command will reload every data file the plugin contains.
- You cant pay negative balance anymore to other players
- Console error logs has been removed.
----------, Sep 25, 2023

Lootcrate system
A brand new feature has been added, a Lootcrate System.
Players can now buy a lootcrate with /lootcrate <amount>
While right click on a end portal frame that has been set to a Lootcrate block, the will recive a item. All items players can recive, are configurable in the LootcrateData.yml.

To set a lootcrate block, type /setlootcrate and right click a end portal frame. To execute this command you need the permission: econnomy++.cratecreate
The price for a crate is configurable in Config.yml

Repair sign
All types of tools and armor can now be repaired.
While right clicking on a repair sign your tool or armor will get full durability.
The price to repair items is configurable in Config.yml

- Old permissions has been removed
- The /job booster has been added to the /job help command
- /jobs message is edited.
- Jobs GUI, now there is a lore added, that you can change your job
----------, Sep 19, 2023

Added coin booster for jobs & bug fixed

Coin booster
We added coin booster for all of the jobs.
if you type /job booster a GUI will open in the gui you can choose for a x2 booster, a x3 booster or a x4 booster
The coin booster will expired after 1 hour

Bug fixes:
- Errors in the server console
- Error when creating netherite armor and tools

----------, Sep 10, 2023

The Economy++ plugin is updated to minecraft version 1.20.*

New Jobs:

Earn money with, crafting tools, crafting armor and cooked items.
Earn money with catching fishes, books, and other stuff.
Earn money with kill animals with your sword, axe and a bow.

Changes to existing jobs:
Updated ores to 1.20*
Added netherite pickaxe

Added netherite hoe
Added pumpkins & melons
Updated crops to 1.20*

Updated to 1.20*
Added netherite axe

Bug Fixes:
- /eco help works fine now
- /job info has now the right colors
- Your balance can no longer be under $0

New Features:
/job change - Players can change their job for $1000

----------, Sep 3, 2023

We added the following things:

Enable / Disable mob & animal rewards
- You can now enable or disable a specific mob or animal

We fixed the following bugs:

ATM close button

- If you click the barrier in the ATM inventory, it will close the menu

Economy command
- The /economy version command works correctly now
----------, Oct 27, 2020

We added the following things


- Changed the whole plugin color theme

1.16 Compitable
- The economy++ plugin is now full 1.8 -> 1.16 compitable

We fixed the following bugs

Set world
- /setworld is now working on every minecraft version.

Add balance to player account
- Adding balance to a specify player account is now fixed
----------, Oct 18, 2020

We added the following things

- We can monitor how many server using our plugin and where, for privacy statement:

- Create a ATM sign
- Line 1: [atm]
- Check your balance
- Pay to other players
- Create cheque's

- Create a cheque in the ATM machine
- To get the money, right click!

We have fixed the following bugs.
Mob & Animal rewards
/setworld <world> command, you have to reload your server if you add a new world.

----------, Mar 30, 2020

Hi Everryone,

There are a few problems with the Buy & Sell signs, the reason is, Minecraft doesn't support no longer Item ID's. We will add fast as possible the complete minecraft item list to our code and fix the signs with item names instead of item ID's.
Until that time, the Buy & Sell signs are removed from the plugin, our apologies for this.

But we have also good news!
We added the following things,
Multiple world support (/setworld <world>) and it will be added to the config list.

Farm events are updated, you only can harvest with a hoe
Wooden hoe -> 1x the harvest item
- Stone hoe -> 2x the harvest item

- Iron hoe -> 3x the harvest item
- Gold hoe -> 4x the harvest item
- Diamond hoe -> 5x the harvest item

Woodcutter events are updated, you can know cut all types of leaves and logs.

We have fixed the following bugs.
Error with /setworld
Errors with Farm listeners
Errors with Woodcutter listeners
----------, Mar 29, 2020

Finally we supported 1.15.* Minecraft Servers.
The plugin can now be used on the following MC Server versions:
- 1.8.*1.9.*1.10.*1.11.*1.12.* 1.13.*1.14.*1.15.*

External Software
We coded a external software application for player data.
To start the external application, type:
/economy adminpanel
In the application, all player are listed, if you click on a player IP or player name, it will open a another screen where you can find some ingame data( e.g IP, Name, Balance, Job, ETC.
The permission to open the application is: economy++.adminpanel
You can find the default password in AdminPanelData.yml.
Warning: Change the password fast as possible, its a default password!

----------, Mar 20, 2020

Hi Everyone,

The plugin is finally updated to 1.14 / 1.14.4

Whats new in this update:
- 1.14 support
- Titles by account resets
- Bug fixes in EntityDeathEvent ( Mobs & Animals)

----------, Feb 14, 2020

Update checker
/economy update - Check if there is an update. (economy++.update)
Console message
► Join message - If player is OP or has the permission (economy++.update) you get a message if there is a new version!

Debug permission
► Added permission to /economy debug (economy++.debug)

----------, Sep 19, 2019

• /resetalljobs
- Reset all player jobs!
PERMS: economy++.resetjobs

/setworld <world> - Set the specified world to economy world, only in this world the plugin should work!
PERMS: economy++.setworld

Bug Fixes:
• Remove error message in jobs screen
• Fixed salary time
----------, Sep 17, 2019

/payall <amount> - Pay money to all online players.

Bug fixes:
Fixed some language mistakes.
----------, Sep 11, 2019

• Added salary to the plugin, in the config.yml you can enable & disable salary. Also you can set the amount of salary, its the same for everyone. And you can set every how many hours the salary is payed!
/salary - Salary help CMD

Bug & Error fix
Error in /economy debug is now fixed.
• Error with buy sign is now fixed.
• Re-organised the code for optimal usage.
----------, Sep 10, 2019


/job delete <player> - Delete a player job.

Bug Fixes:

• Buy / Sell sign errors in console
• Fixed the permission message
----------, Aug 28, 2019

Bug Fixes:

Now you recive money for killing Animals & Mobs
• Sign shop ID will work now, (E.G: 95:4)
• Removed console error if you killing mobs or animals
• Now you recive money if you join the server (if the option is enabled)
----------, Aug 27, 2019

Get money if you kill animals.
• Configurable in Config.yml

No more errors in the console if a entity (mob) kills another entity (mob)
----------, Jul 8, 2019

Bug Fixes:
  • Buy & Sell signs works now without bugs!

If you find a bug, PM me!
----------, Jun 24, 2019

In this update the following thing is new:

Now you can set your custom payments for job skills in the config.yml
----------, Jun 18, 2019

Complete job system
Miner - Earn money with mining blocks
• Farmer - Earn money with harvest seeds, carrots and potatos
• Woodcutter - Earn money with cutting trees and shears leaves

Bug Fixes:
• Text errors
• missed $ characters

Warning: Copy the old config.yml & playerdata.yml and paste it in the new data files!!!
----------, Jun 13, 2019

If you kill mobs you earn money now.
All rewards are configurable in the config.yml
----------, Jun 10, 2019

  • /resetallaccounts - Reset all player bank accounts
  • Command aliases - /money, /addmoney etc.
  • /economy- Help message
  • Money on join & first join
----------, Apr 11, 2018

Now you can enable & disable the option money on join
----------, Apr 9, 2018

  • If enabled in config you get money on first join
  • If enabled in config you get money on every join
  • Version in plugin.yml
----------, Apr 9, 2018

> Buy & Sell signs
> /balreset <player> - Reset a player account
----------, Apr 6, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 313,681
First Release: Mar 27, 2018
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
45 ratings
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Version -----
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