Economy++ icon

Economy++ -----

Lootcrate System • Shop GUI • Coin booster • ATM • Jobs • Salary • 1.21* support • Homes

New features & Bug Fixes
We added the following things

- We can monitor how many server using our plugin and where, for privacy statement:

- Create a ATM sign
- Line 1: [atm]
- Check your balance
- Pay to other players
- Create cheque's

- Create a cheque in the ATM machine
- To get the money, right click!

We have fixed the following bugs.
Mob & Animal rewards
/setworld <world> command, you have to reload your server if you add a new world.

----------, Mar 30, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 313,859
First Release: Mar 27, 2018
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
45 ratings
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