Dream's Manhunt (1.21.X) icon

Dream's Manhunt (1.21.X) -----

Manhunt as shown by Dream and his videos

Pre-Step 1) Ensure permissions are all set or people are OP.

Step 1) Type /manhunt or /mh
Step 2) Select "Create Manhunt" (Grass Block)
Step 3) Select the role you want to be
Step 4) Select "Invite to Manhunt" (Steve Head)
Step 5) Select the player you want to invite
Step 6) Select the role you want the player to be
Step 7) Select "Start Manhunt" (Iron Sword)
Step 8) Have fun!

TIP 1: Open the "Current Roster" (Book and Quill) to view or kick certain players as the leader. People who are not leaders can also select "Current Roster" to view who is in the Manhunt but cannot kick players from it.

TIP 2: Open the "Settings" (Flint and Steel) to change the worldborder diameter. It ranges from 1,000 to 25,000 blocks with 100 block increments as well as "Infinite" as options to play with.

TIP 3: Hover over the Crafting Table to see the current game's settings.

SPEEDRUNNER: You will get a 30 second headstart and will have no clue where the hunters are when the timer runs out besides your own Minecraft instincts and their nametags.

HUNTERS: You have infinite lives. Even if you leave the server, you can re-join as a hunter, but it will be treating it as if you died (you lose your stuff and go back to the world spawn). IMPORTANT --> Make sure to use the built-in compass which is located just above your hotbar. The yellow means the player is slightly in that direction. The orange means the player is somewhat in that direction. The red means the player is very close to that direction. The dark red means the player can be found if you continue going in that direction. The dark red will either be a "-" (hyphen), up arrow, or down arrow. If it is a "-" (hyphen), the player is around the same Y-axis as you. If it is an up arrow, the player is higher than you. If it is a down arrow, the player is lower than you. When you are within 25 blocks of the player, your compass will no longer work by stating, "Your target is nearby." In under 8 blocks of the player, the compass will disappear entirely.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 228
First Release: Sep 29, 2024
Last Update: Oct 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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