Dream's Manhunt
This plugin works to provide a speedrunner and one or multiple hunters. The speedrunner's goal is to kill the enderdragon. The hunter(s) goal is to kill the speedrunner before they kill the enderdragon.
Directions can be found in the Documentation Tab.
- (NEW) Basic configuration file for default Manhunt games.
- Permissions tested with LuckPerms.
- User-friendly GUI to create and destroy Manhunt sessions.
- Added settings to the GUI to change the worldborder.
- Pagination to allow for virtually infinite scrolling on the GUI.
- Creates overworld, nether, and end apart from the main worlds.
- Deletes manhunt overworld, nether, and end when the game is over.
- Allows hunters and the speedrunner to log out and back in while retaining the same game.
- Built-in action bar compass to show the location, and Y-axis of the speedrunner, but to stop working when it is within 25 blocks of the speedrunner. It also tells when the player is in a different dimension from you.
- Speedrunner gets a 30-second headstart.
- Heals, feeds, satiates, and resets experience for all players when the game starts or for the hunter if they die.
- Resets all achievements/advancements for all players when the game starts.
- Sets the world time to 1,000 ticks (just after sunrise) and the weather to clear when the game starts.
- Always sends the speedrunner and hunters to the worldspawn unless a bed spawn is set (hunter only).
- When a hunter dies, they enter spectator mode rather than dying and respawn in 5 seconds.
- Keeps track of if the enderdragon dies (does not matter who kills it) or if the speedrunner dies to end the game.
- /manhunt help - Shows the command help screen
- /manhunt world <teleport (Optional)> <world_name (Optional)> - Either states the current world or teleports you to the world provided
- /manhunt games - View what games are currently in action.
- /manhunt reload - Reloads the configuration file without a need to reload or restart the entire server.
- /manhunt config <key> <value (Optional)> - Sets or views the configuration option for the server.
Configuration Options
- advertisements
- true/false
- Enables or disables advertisements to OPs on the Manhunt GUI permanently.
- defaults worldborder
- 1000-25000 (increments of 100) or "Infinite"
- Sets the default worldborder for every Manhunt.
Normal Permissions
- manhunt - Permission to be able to use the Manhunt GUI.
- manhunt.create - Permission to create, invite, and start Manhunts.
- manhunt.list.exempt - Exempts from the invitation lists.
- manhunt.list.override - Overrides the invitation exemption.
- manhunt.roster.view - Permission to view the roster as the leader or player.
- manhunt.roster.kick - Permission to kick or invite players from the roster page as the leader in your Manhunt.
- manhunt.settings.view - Permission to view the crafting table in the GUI to see the settings for the current Manhunt.
- manhunt.settings.worldborder - Permission to alter the worldborder as the leader in your Manhunt.
- manhunt.admin.help - Permission to view admin commands.
- manhunt.admin.world - Permission to view the world the admin is currently in.
- manhunt.admin.world.teleport - Permission to teleport to worlds the admin enters.
- manhunt.admin.games - Permission to view ongoing games as the admin.
- manhunt.admin.reload - Permission to reload the configuration files for Manhunt as an admin.
- manhunt.admin.config.view - Permission to view the configuration file contents.
- manhunt.admin.config.change - Permission to change the configuration file contents.
Star Permissions
- * - All permissions granted.
- manhunt.* - All normal and admin permissions in Manhunt granted.
- manhunt.create.* - All create permissions granted.
- manhunt.list.* - Guarantee being on the invitation lists.
- manhunt.roster.* - All roster permissions granted.
- manhunt.settings.* - All settings permissions granted.
- manhunt.admin.* - All admin permissions granted.
- manhunt.admin.world.* - All admin world permissions granted.
- manhunt.admin.config.* - All admin config permissions granted.
All permissions get overriden by OP permissions unless you specify otherwise in your permissions plugin.
The following are enabled permissions by default:
- manhunt
- manhunt.create
- manhunt.roster.view
- manhunt.roster.kick
- manhunt.settings.view
- manhunt.settings.worldborder
Future Feature Plans
- Make the configuration file change more basics of the Manhunt.
- Allow multiple speedrunners in the Manhunt.
- Change more game-bending rules with another configuration file for hunter-handicaps and speedrunner-handicaps.
- Add superpowers to another configuration file (aka superpowers which come at a cost).
- Support versions from 1.7.X to 1.21.X (or more future versions).
- Any ideas? Add them to the discussion!
I would love for people to post ideas for future feature plans and bugs in the discussion area. I read every single one of them, but only respond to the ones I find would be good to implement or interesting ideas. Feel free to send me bugs in the discussion too.
If you could also donate because you like my work, it helps me out a ton. Thank you for your support!