Discord Role Sync icon

Discord Role Sync -----

A Minecraft plugin for syncing Discord roles to Minecraft permission groups and whitelist

  • You can now add the permission discordrolesync.bypasswhitelist for a user to be whitelisted even when not linked, if the plugin's whitelist is enabled. Note that for most permissions plugins, to add a permission to the user they must first attempt to join.
----------, Dec 27, 2024

  • Fixed a bug in which a user would get the linked role assigned before they were fully verified.
----------, Dec 12, 2024

  • Fixed the message that's shown to a user when they're denied entry because they're not verified and the whitelist feature is enabled.
----------, Dec 12, 2024

  • Updated French translation
  • Fixed issue where users would not get a group added if they already had a group that inherited from that group, when using LuckPerms.
----------, Oct 26, 2024

  • Fixed a potential race condition when processing user groups that could cause groups to not be added correctly, or to be incorrectly removed. This also improves performance on large servers.
  • Improved the error shown to users when a Geyser user is not found in geysermc's cache.
As a reminder, Geyser support is still experimental.
----------, Aug 19, 2024

  • You can now configure the bot to send command replies publicly in the channel, instead of privately (that only the sender can see). This is configurable per command.
  • You can now specify a list of roles in which its members will not be renamed by this bot.
  • You can now specify a template for renaming Discord users, supporting PlaceholderAPI and the player's Minecraft username.
  • Added an option to configure how the plugin will choose to operate with online or offline UUIDs. Online and offline modes can now both be forced or manually set in each command, and there's a fallback mode that will use the offline UUID if the online UUID does not exist. This improves compatibility with login plugins in offline mode.
  • The placeholder discord_nick was broken, and has been replaced with discord_display_name which is now correct.
  • Improved config file validation, with better and clearer error messages.
  • Fixed compatibility with Java versions before Java 21 when using the PlaceholderAPI integration added in 2.1.0
  • Fixed a bug with the Geyser/Floodgate integration that prevented Xbox usernames with spaces to be linked.
----------, Jul 31, 2024

  • Fixed compatibility with older Paper versions (MC 1.16 and under) by removing a conflicting dependency.
----------, Jul 8, 2024

  • Fixed compatibility with older Paper versions (MC 1.16 and under) by removing a conflicting dependency.
----------, Jul 8, 2024

This is a large update! It's recommended to update as soon as possible, as it contains multiple security and bug fixes.
It also vastly improves the plugin's stability.

  • A language file validator, which will update potentially old files existing on servers.
  • Basic config file validation, versioning, and updating.
  • Support for Discord slash commands
  • Experimental: Added experimental support for Geyser/Bedrock users. Must be enabled in the config by setting up experimental.geyser.
  • PlaceholderAPI is now supported (optional). Placeholders can be put on the bot's Discord status. Placeholders with linked player count and player link information were also added. See plugin description for a list of placeholders supported.
  • Improved alerts for servers running old or unsupported versions. Messages are more descriptive, and differentiate between release and pre-release, development or test builds.
  • The player count on the bot's activity is now updated every 3 minutes, instead of every 30 minutes.
  • Embed colors now support custom hex colors, and different colors can be specified for info, error or success messages.
  • Verification now needs to be done via a Discord /verify command, instead of sending the code to the bot's DM.
  • Reduced plugin .jar size by removing unnecessary dependencies that are already bundled with Paper/Spigot.
  • Default translations are no longer copied out of the .jar into the plugin folder. This means you will get updated translations when updating the plugin, instead of using whatever version existed when you first installed the plugin.
  • The path for custom translations has been changed from language to translations.
  • Updated Spanish translation
  • Chat commands (the ones where you configure a prefix and send a message in a channel to get the bot to respond) have been removed. You should now use Discord slash commands.
  • Message reactions, response deletion, and other chat-related features and config options have also been removed, since there are no more chat commands.

  • Fixes a potential memory leak when starting the server
  • Improves thread-safety on a few features, including fixing a race condition when the bot is started and stopped in quick succession.
  • Correctly cleans up async bot tasks when shutting down or restarting the Discord bot.
  • Fixes a bstats metric that had been broken since the beta (linked users)
  • Fixes a bug where the linked user's name would be "null" if they hadn't joined the server before linking.
  • Fixed a bug where some features did not respect the /drs reload command
  • The error message when a user is not found while linking is now shown properly to the user, as opposed to throwing a cryptic error on the console
This update changes the major version because it breaks backwards-compatibility by removing chat commands. It is a drop-in replacement for server owners in every other way.
Configs and language files will be automatically updated. Databases are fully compatible with 1.x.x.
----------, Jul 5, 2024

This is a large update! It's recommended to update as soon as possible, as it contains multiple security and bug fixes.
It also vastly improves the plugin's stability.

  • A language file validator, which will update potentially old files existing on servers.
  • Basic config file validation, versioning, and updating.
  • Support for Discord slash commands
  • Experimental: Added experimental support for Geyser/Bedrock users. Must be enabled in the config by setting up experimental.geyser.
  • Improved alerts for servers running old or unsupported versions. Messages are more descriptive, and differentiate between release and pre-release, development or test builds.
  • The player count on the bot's activity is now updated every 3 minutes, instead of every 30 minutes.
  • Embed colors now support custom hex colors, and different colors can be specified for info, error or success messages.
  • Verification now needs to be done via a Discord /verify command, instead of sending the code to the bot's DM.
  • Reduced plugin .jar size by removing unnecessary dependencies that are already bundled with Paper/Spigot.
  • Chat commands (the ones where you configure a prefix and send a message in a channel to get the bot to respond) have been removed. You should now use Discord slash commands.
  • Message reactions, response deletion, and other chat-related features and config options have also been removed, since there are no more chat commands.

  • Fixes a potential memory leak when starting the server
  • Improves thread-safety on a few features, including fixing a race condition when the bot is started and stopped in quick succession.
  • Correctly cleans up async bot tasks when shutting down or restarting the Discord bot.
  • Fixes a bstats metric that had been broken since the beta (linked users)
  • Fixes a bug where the linked user's name would be "null" if they hadn't joined the server before linking.
  • Fixed a bug where some features did not respect the /drs reload command
This update changes the major version because it breaks backwards-compatibility by removing chat commands. It is a drop-in replacement for server owners in every other way.
Configs and language files will be automatically updated. Databases are fully compatible with 1.x.x.
----------, Jul 4, 2024

This version contains important bug fixes and small improvements.

  • Important: fixes a bug with getting Minecraft usernames that broke the -info command and the automatic Discord nickname rename feature. This was due to an API being removed by Mojang.
  • Username-related information now works for offline servers!
  • Better messages for some server-side errors
  • Small performance improvements and reduced .jar size
  • Updated Japanese translation
----------, Jun 21, 2024

This is a security update
  • Updated dependencies to fix security vulnerabilities
  • Removed the runtime dependency downloader, so you no longer need to restart the server when first installing this plugin
  • Fixed a bug with new Discord ID sizes (thanks @saul3740.2 on Discord for reporting!)
----------, Nov 9, 2023

This release adds the following:

  • A config option to use embeds instead of regular messages (disabled by default)
  • Config options to change the Discord commands
  • A config option to make the bot respond with messages instead of just reacting
  • A config option to change the prefix of messages the bot sends on Minecraft
----------, Dec 6, 2022

This version fixes a bug on startup with some SQLite versions.

1.0.0-BETA.x versions are no longer supported.
If you are using 1.0.0-BETA.11 or below, to upgrade you need to either:

  • delete your database.db file / drop the database tables
  • upgrade to 1.0.0-BETA.18 or lower, before upgrading to 1.0.0+
----------, Jan 28, 2021

This release fixes a bug with the config encoding that happened in a few select systems.
A German translation was also bundled.

This plugin is now considered released (not in beta anymore), so updates should be less frequent now, and the number of new features added will be limited.
----------, Jan 14, 2021

This release adds an -admlink command so staff can force link users.

The format is:

-admlink discord_id minecraft_username

For example:

-admlink 184075556017537025 nichogx
----------, Sep 1, 2020

This release fixes an exception that was thrown when users ran the link, unlink or info commands with no arguments.
----------, Aug 26, 2020

This version fixes a bug that happened in servers with both whitelist and verification enabled. If the user already had the whitelist role before linking and verifying, they wouldn't be added to the whitelist until a server restart, or until the role was removed then added again.
----------, Aug 26, 2020

Please review the release notes on GitHub since edits are required in your config file.

This release fixes a bug when using both verification and message deletion, and adds an option to disable SSL for the MySQL connection.
----------, Aug 20, 2020

This update adds BungeeCord support and a new Turkish translation.
A bug with some MySQL versions was also fixed.


# bungeecord servers run in offline mode but need the plugin to
# run in online mode (this was a request). Put the following to true
# if you want the plugin to run in ONLINE mode even if the server
# is in offline mode.
alwaysOnlineMode: false
----------, Aug 18, 2020

This updates fixes a bug in which the linked role would be removed every time the bot restarted if the user was not verified, even if require verification was off.
----------, May 22, 2020

This is a big one. You should delete your DiscordRoleSync/language folder and let it regenerate.

You should also disable Bukkit default whitelist with /whitelist off if you are using this plugin's whitelist manager. This update adds to the plugin its own whitelist implementation.

Also, add this to your config file or delete it and let it regenerate:

# if the bot should require users to be verified
# to verify, users should type /drs verify in the chat
requireVerification: false

# the URL of an invite for your Discord server (will be sent to unlinked users when
# they try to verify their account)
discordUrl: ""

Changes include:
  • Spanish language file added (es_ES) - thanks DonAlexYT
  • Added optional verification requirement - compatible with our whitelist!
  • Added update checker and notifier
  • A few bugfixes when running on offline mode (and add support for the info command on offline mode)
  • Fix a bug on the unlink command when the user was not found (it will now react with an X instead of a checkmark)
I recommend a backup of your database before updating as it will be migrated to the new format when you run this version for the first time.

As always, support is available on Discord in case you need anything.
----------, May 21, 2020

This update adds Italian and French language files (thanks Fargus!)

A few modifications to the source code will also prevent future bugs which could appear. This also made the .jar a few KB smaller, not that it really matters...

Unless something urgent appears or I decide to add a new feature, I promise I'll stop flooding you with updates from now on :)
----------, May 19, 2020

Please delete your DiscordRoleSync/language folder and let it regenerate.

Limited offline mode support has been added. Please see the offline mode warnings at the end of the main Spigot page.
----------, May 18, 2020

This update adds an option to give linked users a role.

# if the bot should give the linked players a role (which will be removed if they are unlinked)
giveLinkedRole: false

# the role that should be given to linked users. Ignored if giveLinkedRole is false
linkedRole: "000000000000000000" # linked

----------, May 17, 2020

Update your config file!
These lines should be added:

# how the bot should change the Discord nicknames when the user is linked
# possible values are:
# - no: the bot will not touch the Discord nicknames
# - after: the bot will put the Minecraft user in parenthesis: discord name (mc user)
# - replace: the bot will replace the user's Discord nickname with the Minecraft user
# HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER ROLES. Nickname editing will also not work with server owners
changeNicknames: "no"

This release adds an option for the bot to change the nickname of the users when they use the !link command.

It will only change the nickname when linking though, so people who are already linked will not see a change - you can get their username manually through the -info command and change manually if you want:

-info <discord ID>

It's their discord ID (an 17 or 18 digit number) - NOT their nickname or tag.
----------, May 16, 2020

The plugin wasn't working with PermissionsEX. This versions fixes that issue.

I still recommend using LuckPerms instead of PermissionsEX
----------, May 15, 2020

This version:
  • Adds support for every permissions plugin that works with Vault (LuckPerms, PEX, etc.)
  • Makes plugin compatible with Java 9+ (only worked in Java 8 before)
  • Fixes bug when using SQLite instead of MySQL
Breaking changes were made to the config file. You should either delete your config file and let it regenerate or:
  1. Delete the permissionPlugin key from the yml
  2. Change the "permissions" key to "groups"
  3. Rename all set permissions from "group.xx" to just "xx"
----------, May 15, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,654
First Release: May 14, 2020
Last Update: Dec 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings