This is a large update! It's recommended to update as soon as possible, as it contains multiple security and bug fixes.
It also vastly improves the plugin's stability.
- A language file validator, which will update potentially old files existing on servers.
- Basic config file validation, versioning, and updating.
- Support for Discord slash commands
- Experimental: Added experimental support for Geyser/Bedrock users. Must be enabled in the config by setting up experimental.geyser.
- PlaceholderAPI is now supported (optional). Placeholders can be put on the bot's Discord status. Placeholders with linked player count and player link information were also added. See plugin description for a list of placeholders supported.
- Improved alerts for servers running old or unsupported versions. Messages are more descriptive, and differentiate between release and pre-release, development or test builds.
- The player count on the bot's activity is now updated every 3 minutes, instead of every 30 minutes.
- Embed colors now support custom hex colors, and different colors can be specified for info, error or success messages.
- Verification now needs to be done via a Discord /verify command, instead of sending the code to the bot's DM.
- Reduced plugin .jar size by removing unnecessary dependencies that are already bundled with Paper/Spigot.
- Default translations are no longer copied out of the .jar into the plugin folder. This means you will get updated translations when updating the plugin, instead of using whatever version existed when you first installed the plugin.
- The path for custom translations has been changed from language to translations.
- Updated Spanish translation
- Chat commands (the ones where you configure a prefix and send a message in a channel to get the bot to respond) have been removed. You should now use Discord slash commands.
- Message reactions, response deletion, and other chat-related features and config options have also been removed, since there are no more chat commands.
- Fixes a potential memory leak when starting the server
- Improves thread-safety on a few features, including fixing a race condition when the bot is started and stopped in quick succession.
- Correctly cleans up async bot tasks when shutting down or restarting the Discord bot.
- Fixes a bstats metric that had been broken since the beta (linked users)
- Fixes a bug where the linked user's name would be "null" if they hadn't joined the server before linking.
- Fixed a bug where some features did not respect the /drs reload command
- The error message when a user is not found while linking is now shown properly to the user, as opposed to throwing a cryptic error on the console
This update changes the major version because it breaks backwards-compatibility by removing chat commands. It is a drop-in replacement for server owners in every other way.
Configs and language files will be automatically updated. Databases are fully compatible with 1.x.x.