Discord Economy Bridge - 1.7-1.21 [SlashCommands][ [Minigames in Discord] Supports DiscordSRV
Discord commands to interact with your server's economy on discord
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Minigames to play in discord!
Player and admin control of economy!
Slash commands!
Almost 95% of message responses are customizable!
The use of plugin is done trough linking the minecraft account to the bot(discord) either trough DiscordSRV or without it
Integration with DiscordSRV. Works without it also or you can use a separate bot while still using DiscordSRV's linking feature!
Note that this plugin won't work with offline users if the server is in offline environment (but should work with bungee online mode)
Bot commands
- Shows all the available commands
bal, balance
- Shows your or someone elses balance.
addmoney amount
- Adds money to the specified player's balance
removemoney, remmoney amount
- Removes money from the specified player's balance
leaderboard, lb, top
- Shows the top 10 richest players on the server!
blackjack, bj <bet>
- Bet an amount of money in a blackjack game
coinflip, cf <wager>
- Wager an amount of money on who gets the good coin side! (Multiplayer) Play against other Discord users.
pay -
Send/Pay an certain amount of money to a player!
rockpaperscissors -
Play a game of rock papers scissors!
Tell me something todo
Please suggest features
An economy plugin that supports Vault
Updating config.yml to a newer version:
Regenerate config.yml and refill the fields or add the missing fields using the example from here:
Supported Plugins:
Add/Remove money from player trough discord!
Check player's balance trough discord (offline checking only works for online mode servers!)
Custom command creation with placeholders
All inbuilt command responses are customizable (with a custom embed builder in discord_messages.yml)
Gambling minigames such as blackjack and coinflip
Slash commands (With permissions) Have to enable it first in config. Guide is located here.
DiscordSRV implementation
Also works without DiscordSRV but is not recommended since it reduces the amount of features
Making a discord bot account
Go to
Create a new application
Name your application whatever you want and click create
Now go to Bot settings and click Add Bot button and click Yes, do it!
Now if you want you can change the profile picture of the bot here but what we are here for is the token
So click copy to get the token, we will need this for later
Setting up the plugin
Load up the server with the plugin, this should generate config.yml in the plugins/DiscordEconomyBridge folder
In config.yml in TOKEN field change BOT_TOKEN to the token you just copied
Now restart the server and the bot should be online
Setting up roles -
since you need role to be able to add, remove money
Method 1 - escaping the role
\@rolename will give you: <@&
> the underlined numbers is the id of the role, of course this is just an example
Now in config.yml under discordModerators add the role id
Method 2 - Enabling developer mode
In discord go to settings
then appearance
Under advanced enable Developer Mode
Now right click on your desired role in the server role explorer and click copy id, now the id is copied to your clipboard
Now in config.yml under discordModerators add the role id
Setting up slash commands -
Put in the ID of the server you want slash commands in
slashCommandServers field. It's an list. So example
To get the id of the server you have to enable developer mode in discord, don't worry it's nothing hard to do.
Just go to User Settings -> Advanced and enable Developer Mode
Now you can right click on the server icon to copy the id. A new button will be there called Copy ID
You can join my discord server if you need further help -
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Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Mar 18, 2021
Last Update:
Oct 10, 2024
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
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