[Discontinued] DynamicShop 3  [1.16.5 ~ 1.21] icon

[Discontinued] DynamicShop 3 [1.16.5 ~ 1.21] -----

Full GUI Server Shop, Supply & Demand, Dynamic pricing.

Minor fixes. It should work fine in Minecraft 1.21.

Thanks to jungwuk-ryu.
----------, Jul 30, 2024

Fixed an issue where strings sometimes did not display properly if they contained "\n".
----------, Dec 19, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where items could not be added to the shop in MC versions prior to 1.20.2.
  • Modified so that the icon of the balance button can be changed. (PR #91 by AfkF24)
  • Improved the ability to edit item quantity in the Trade UI.
  • Fixed an issue where new values were not displayed in config.yml even if the plugin was updated.
  • Change the version of placeholderAPI to 2.11.5.
  • Update worth.yml file.(Data source: link)
----------, Dec 19, 2023

This minor patch addresses a compatibility issue in Minecraft 1.20.2.
----------, Dec 17, 2023

1.Fixed UI string key error related to trading volume limit.
2.Added debug logs related to item transactions.
Available by entering the '/ds dbglog' command in the console.
----------, Apr 24, 2023

Minor fixes and improvements.
----------, Apr 22, 2023

1. Add Exp to trade currency types
2. Fixed an issue where the sound effect was too loud when using the 'sell all' command
3. Removed unnecessary exception messages when the economy plug-in does not exist.
4. Min unit change in price: 0.01 -> 0.0001
----------, Apr 21, 2023

I was just misunderstood for a moment, but in reality there seems to be no problem.
This update re-enables the 'sell' command and adds the 'dshop.sell' permission. (Given by default.)

I am still investigating the issue mentioned in the previous update. If anyone has a related problem, it would be great if you could let me know.
----------, Apr 19, 2023

Reported issue where 'QuickSell', 'Sell hand', 'Sell handall', 'Sell all' incorrectly calculate item prices. However, it is not yet clear if this problem actually occurs. If you experience any related issues, please update to version 3.14.2 or 3.118.2. This patch temporarily disables the `sell` command. Remove 'dshop.use.qsell' permission to disable 'QuickSell'.

If you are not experiencing any of these problems, you do not need to take any action.
Please note that when multiple stores carry the same item, the best price for the player will be applied.

Affected versions:
DynamicShop3 3.14.0~3.14.1
DynamicShop3 3.118.0~3.118.1
----------, Apr 19, 2023

When using the sell command, if there is no sold item, a related message is displayed.
----------, Apr 15, 2023

1. Add sell command: /sell <hand | handall | all>
2. Changed so that trading volume limits can be set separately for buying and selling.
----------, Apr 7, 2023

1. Added item trading amount limit function per player.
2. Added 'resetTradingVolume' command.
3. Significantly improved execution speed of 'deleteOldUser' command.
4. Fixed an issue where maxStock and discount settings were lost when using the 'edit' command.
5. Fixed an issue where the discount setting value was lost when using the recommended value setting function.
6. Improvements related to max stock limit. Improvements to sell some quantities if available.
7. Fixed an issue where, in very exceptional scenarios, selling an item could cause the item to disappear and not be paid.
8. Fixed an issue where item delivery cost calculation would sometimes cause an exception.
9. Other minor fixes and improvements.
----------, Apr 1, 2023

Fixed exception related to shop sign interaction.
Fixed potential minor issues with UI refresh.

Development will be suspended for the time being due to personal health problems.
----------, Mar 21, 2023

Hotfix for MC1.16~1.17
----------, Mar 7, 2023

[New Features]
1. Add item discount rate setting.
2. Add 'discount' to 'editAll' command.

1. Improved so that changing the store name is also reflected on the start page.
2. Improved shop selection UI in the start page button editor.
3. Separate text keys for JobPoint and PlayerPoint.

[bug fix]
1. Fixed an issue where the stock-related text was displayed even when the 'hideStock' flag was enabled.

Other minor fixes and improvements.
----------, Mar 7, 2023

Minor performance improvements for selling items
Other minor fixes and improvements (mostly code refactoring that doesn't change functionality)
----------, Mar 4, 2023

Minor fix related to JobPoint
----------, Feb 25, 2023

1. Item Palette improvements
- Add all potions to the item palette
- Fixed an issue where items that have been registered in the store do not appear in the item palette

2. PageEditor improvements
- Add features to push or pull all items

3. Add 'copyShop' command

4. 'editAll' Command Improvement
- Modify the Stock or Median always stored as integers.
- Modify so that the 'purchaseValue' is not negative.
- If you use the data that you don't have as an assignment value, ignore it and skip.

5. QuickSell improvements
- Improved so that JobPoint and PlayerPoint stores can also use the QuickSell function. (However, it is not supported when trading the same item in multiple currencies)
----------, Feb 23, 2023

1. Fixed an issue where the last letter of the lore of an item with lore was cut off.
2. If an item has a custom name, display that name when trading.
3. Fixed the problem that the shop does not work at all when the permission setting part of the shop yml file is corrupted.
----------, Feb 20, 2023

Hotfix for potential gridlock issue.
----------, Feb 19, 2023

1. Multiple sell/buy command support
2. PlayerPoints Support
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements
----------, Feb 19, 2023

Startpage editor improvements.
- Now use the item palette to change the icon.
- Now save the icon's item meta
Add Sell Command, Buy Command
- When a transaction occurs in the store, a specific command can be executed.
- Placeholder : {player} {shop} {itemType} {amount} {priceSum}
----------, Feb 18, 2023

Sign Update - by LincolnJota

Resolves an issue where items with long names could not be listed in the sign shop.
Item names are now case sensitive. (You must use the name displayed in the '/ds iteminfo' command.)
Existing signs are not affected.
----------, Feb 12, 2023

Gets some minor features from the paid version.
- Improved page editor
- Improved Item Palette
- CSV format log (Log Viewer not included)
Added option to print logs to console or admin (useful for small servers)
----------, Feb 12, 2023

Fixed performance issue related to JoinQuit event.
Updated Worth.yml file to version 1.19.
----------, Feb 8, 2023

1. improve performance of QuickSell method - by Kapitowa

2. Fix: Quick-Sell and Quick-Find on localshop - by FlorianKoerner

3. Fixed an issue where the cycle of stock stabilization and stock random change did not work correctly.
(Important note! Longer cycles were working incorrectly. Even if your server was using shorter cycles, it may be affected by this update. Even with the same settings, the changes may be slightly slower than before.)
----------, Jan 22, 2023

Fixed an issue where decorations on startpage could be removed regardless of permissions.
----------, Apr 18, 2022

Fixed an issue where API's 'getSellPrice' function returned an incorrect value.(Sales tax was counted twice)
Allow null for player parameter of Quick sell API.
----------, Apr 1, 2022

Quick sell related bugfixes. Changed to skip incomplete shop data.
----------, Apr 1, 2022

Add API: FindEmptySlot
----------, Mar 29, 2022

Fixed the problem that the shop hours check was incomplete
----------, Mar 29, 2022

Fixed an issue where the lore of items added from other plugins was displayed incorrectly
----------, Mar 28, 2022

Add new flag : integer only.
Purchase price will be rounded up, sale price will be rounded down.
The lower the item price, the more distortion occurs. It is recommended to set the price to 10 or higher.

Changed to move to the Shop UI when clicking 'Close' in the 'Item settings'.

Other minor fixes.
----------, Mar 20, 2022

The plugin now supports PlaceholderAPI.
Added option to turn off hexcolor or PAPI.
Most commands are now also available on the console.
Fix max page text not updating immediately in shop UI.
Other minor fixes.
----------, Mar 9, 2022

Color picker related bug fixes
(fixed typos related to gray, light gray, light blue)
----------, Mar 6, 2022

Allow execution of some commands from the console:
SetTax, Reload, SetDefaultShop, DeleteUser, OpenShop

Other minor fixes and improvements.
----------, Mar 6, 2022

hotfix for 3.4.0 & color picker
----------, Mar 5, 2022

3.4.1 (hotfix for 3.4.0)
----------, Mar 5, 2022

Added a new UI for creating shop buttons or decorative buttons on the start page.
----------, Mar 5, 2022

Lang.yml file now supports hex code.

Adjusted the quantity of unstackable items in the trading UI.

If the store's item data fails to load normally, a separate icon will be displayed instead of spamming the server console log.

Minor stability improvements.
----------, Mar 5, 2022

Fixed minor issues with OnChat
----------, Mar 1, 2022

You can edit purchaseValue and salesValue with the editAll command. (If purchaseValue is modified while two values are the same, salesValue is also changed. To make two values different, you need to modify salesValue first)

Fixed an issue where max stock related data was lost when moving items in the shop.

Minor improvements to autocompletion of commands.
----------, Mar 1, 2022

You can now disable the shop.
It is recommended to disable it first when editing the shop.
(If you are the only player on the server, you don't need this)
If the shop data is changed while users are using it, related UI will be safely closed with a notification message.
Newly created shops are created in an disabled state.
Existing shops remain active.

Add 'hidden in command' flag

Fixed an issue that could sometimes fail to detect the economy plugin when the server is started.

Fixed a problem that occurred when the stock exceeds about 2.1 billion by selling items in the shop.

Fixed the price of items with a very low value and a very large quantity to not be zero.
----------, Feb 26, 2022

Fixed an issue where shops with the JobsReborn flag turned on could not be used
----------, Feb 23, 2022

Modify the contents of 'ShopBuySellEvent' to track enchanted items in DynamicShop-Graph 0.2.6
Fix update checker
Add a description for worth.yml
----------, Feb 23, 2022

The icon for the close button and page button can be specified in config.yml.

Fixed an issue where the options for specifying number formatting did not appear in Config.yml.

If you click on an item in your inventory while the StartPage is displayed, you will be taken to the store handling that item.
(Left-click to move to the shop where you can purchase the item at the lowest price, and right-click to move to the shop where you can sell the item at the highest price.)

You can now click on inventory in the shop screen to go to the page with that item.

UI update related code optimization. The TradeUI is updated once every 5 seconds instead of once every 25 seconds. The shop UI now refreshes once every 5 seconds.

Change to return to the original page when you press close in the palette or trading UI

Fixed an issue that could sometimes fail to remove items from the store

Improved logic for Quick Sell to find the most advantageous stores for sellers

Added option to hide shops that users do not have access to in command auto-completion

Changed to cancel infinite stock when the median value of an item with unlimited stock is raised in the item edit window.

Fixed the problem that when dividing a value of -1 in the item edit window, it becomes 1.

Added notation for empty pages in page editor

Fixed a problem in which the sale price of an item was displayed slightly differently on the shop screen and the transaction screen. This happens with very low-stock items. It was just an error in the value displayed on the UI. (The number displayed on the Trade UI was the correct number.)
If you are curious about the reasons for this, the details are at the bottom.

Code refactoring and minor fixes


Due to the nature of the way the plugin calculates the item price, even if the selling value and the purchase value are the same, the selling price and the purchase price at the same time are not perfectly equal.
Imagine a case where both prices are exactly the same. Here is an item that has a purchase price of $10 and a sale price of $10. When you buy one of these items, the price goes up because the number of items in the store is reduced. Now, if you resell the item you just bought, it's a very, Very small, but profitable. You can make money at no cost by buying items that are quite expensive in bulk and selling them immediately.
----------, Feb 22, 2022

It's OK to delete "UI.UseTranslatedItemName" from your config.yml file.
It doesn't do anything.
Please use "UI.LocalizedItemName" .

----------, Feb 20, 2022

Added option to disable localized item names
(It turns out that plugin users don't need to install the library)
----------, Feb 19, 2022

- Show translated item names in messages
- Number formatting options
- Custom Quick Sell GUI
- Minimum and maximum delivery charges
- Fix to prevent non-admin users from dyeing the sign of shop
- Changed so that the shop UI does not open when the admin dyes the sign.
- Fixed an issue where shop coordinates disappeared when editing the 'delivery fee' flag.
----------, Feb 19, 2022

Added 'show max stock' flag
Add maxstock to 'edit' and 'editall' commands
Display a message only when there is an update (admin users only)
Fixed an issue where help for the 'editall' command was not displayed
Fixed an error in auto-completion of the 'edit' command
StartPage editor shows a list of colors when creating decorative buttons.
----------, Feb 19, 2022

You can now limit the maximum stock of an item.
When the maximum stock is exceeded, the store will no longer purchase that item.

Fixed an issue where some text related to auto-configuration was incorrectly linked in the 'Item Settings' window.
----------, Feb 18, 2022

Premium version is out now.

- Fixed an issue where admin users could steal items from the 'Item settings' window
- Improved 'Round down' function in the item setting window
- If the 'Local Shop' flag is turned on by turning on the 'Delivery Charge' flag, the default coordinates of the store is not set.
- Minor text fixes
----------, Feb 18, 2022

Back up the plugin's yml files before updating.

A premium version will be uploaded on a separate page in the near future.

One yml per shop
- It brings performance benefits and makes it easier to maintain.
- If you have an older version of the shop.yml file, it will be converted automatically.
(Once the conversion is complete, the original file will be deleted)
- The items in each shop.yml file are automatically sorted.

Improved text editing
- Add Layout.yml.
- Reworked Lang.yml file.
- Improved to support '\n' in Lore of all UI buttons.
- If there is a lore in the item meta, it is displayed in the shop UI.

Improved stock stabilization calculation.
- Old: change by n% of the median value
- New: change by %n of the gap from the median
- You can use old way if you want.

Improved random stock fluctuations
- Fixed so that there are fewer cases of being too expensive or too cheap

Improved shop settings UI
- Moved 'Hide inventory' and 'Hide price type' to flags.
- Added 'Hide Store Account Balance' flag.
- Changed shop location information to be automatically set when the localShop flag is set.
- Changed the flag in the shop information to be displayed only to admins.

Sign shop improvement
- Fixed the problem that signShop only has coordinate values without world distinction.
- Improved feedback when signShop setup fails.
- If shop UI is opened with a sign, close button will close the window unconditionally.

Delivery charge improvement
- Changed so that a separate message is not sent when making a transaction that includes delivery charges.
- Even if the delivery fee is greater than the selling price, it is not exempted. Instead, the delivery cost is displayed in red.

Update Checker Improvements
- display current version, latest version

Item palette improvement
- Improved sorting
- Improved search function. Item name Searchable only by the first letter of each word.
- When adding items with the 'add all' button, they are added to the location where you first clicked in the shop.
- Automatically increase the store's maximum pages if necessary.

Item editing improvement
- Auto-set button displays recommended values in advance

Start page editor improvement
- Changed button name, lore to have default color
- Changed so that the icon does not change when creating a shop button
- Displays the currently applied command
- Shift left click to delete items immediately

Improved title display in UI
Fixed an issue where an arrow would sometimes appear when the price did not change.
Modified to be updated periodically if the 'Trade view' is kept open.
Removed Convert command.
Tidy up the config file.
Other bug fixes and performance improvements.
----------, Feb 16, 2022

Fixed bug related to item pallet page
----------, Feb 6, 2022

- Fixed an error related to async chatting
- Improved 'PAGE' tag in lang.yml file
PAGE_TITLE: §f{curPage}/{maxPage} page​
- If the length of the lore text is 0, it will be hidden in the UI.
- Code refactoring & clean up
----------, Feb 5, 2022

Only tested on 1.18.1 and 1.17.1
It is expected to work normally in versions below 1.17.
Please let me know if there are any problems.

- Fixed interval related bugs of stabilizing and fluctuation.(Does not work if set longer than 24 in-game hours)
- Fixed an issue where incorrect values were applied when dividing or multiplying prices with the editAll command
- Added one more pair of price change arrow strings.
(to set purchase and sale separately)
- Code refactoring. Slightly improved performance.
----------, Feb 2, 2022

Now shop info icon can be changed. (config.yml)
Added Quick Sell related APIs
Fixed some notation errors related to the log
Some decimal notation improvements
Fixed Jobs Reborn plugin integration error
----------, Jan 30, 2022

(Google translation)
Fixed an issue where the settax command was not applied immediately.
Fixed an issue where the store log file was not created.
Improvements to the shop item price change arrow.
- Register arrow character in lang.yml file. ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN
- You can turn off the arrow display in the shop options.
Improved setting freedom of stock stabilization.
Improved the degree of freedom to set random stock fluctuations.
Improved setting freedom of shop information display text. lang.yml. SHOPINFO
Increase the number of pages in the item pallet.
Fixed an issue where autocompletion of some commands was case sensitive.
QuickSell improvements.
Add New Cmd. SetToRecAll.
Replace the worth file with a new one. ( https://gist.github.com/queengooborg/92d08120f0d6d25175f6c7a30e3ccac7)
Other bugfixes and stability improvements.

settax 명령어가 즉시 적용되지 않는 문제 수정
상점 로그 파일이 작성되지 않는 문제 수정
상점 아이탬 가격 변동 화살표 관련 개선
- 화살표 문자를 lang.yml 파일에 등록. ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN
- 상점 옵션에서 화살표 표시를 끌 수 있음.
재고 안정화의 설정 자유도 개선
재고 무작위 변동의 설정 자유도 개선
상점 정보 표시 텍스트의 설정 자유도 개선. lang.yml. SHOPINFO
아이템 파렛트의 페이지 수 증가
일부 명령어 자동완성이 대소문자를 구분하는 문제 수정
퀵셀 개선
SetToRecAll 커맨드 추가
worth 파일 새것으로 교체 ( https://gist.github.com/queengooborg/92d08120f0d6d25175f6c7a30e3ccac7)
그 외 버그수정 및 안정성 개선
----------, Jan 29, 2022

If you have problems with the last version, please use this version.
----------, Jul 8, 2020

Many thanks to jmanpenilla
- For more information, check github page.
----------, Jul 6, 2020

Many thanks to jmanpenilla
- '/ds openshop' command
- For more information, check github page.
----------, Jun 23, 2020

Many thanks to jmanpenilla, KevinDaGame

- Bug fixes & improvements
- For more information, check github page.
----------, Jun 16, 2020

Many thanks to Multitallented, 24MCER, jmanpenilla

- Bug fixes & improvements
- For more information, check github page.
----------, May 21, 2020

Many thanks to Multitallented, 24MCER.

- Briefly tested with 1.15.2
- Minor bug fixes & improvements
- For more information, check github page.
----------, May 13, 2020

2.10.6 [ ★ Important ]

- Bug Fix (Error: Onclick.java:242)
Fixed an issue where the plugin would recognize the double chest as a Plugin UI if the last slot is contained a sign.
----------, Aug 11, 2019

2.10.5 [ + ] [ ☆ ]

- /ds qsell : Shift click will sell all items of the same type.
- some more improvements.
- You can set sales tax 0% if you want.
- Add new permission node for creative mode : 'dshop.admin.creative'
- Bug fixes related to 'dshop.admin.shopedit' permission.

----------, Aug 1, 2019

2.10.4 [ + ]
- You can set shop lore text. (Optional)
- Double the waiting time for text input.(Search, etc)
- You can remove line 'Click: go to trade view' if you want. Edit TRADE_LORE to ''.
removelore.png shoplore.png shopyml.png
----------, Jul 5, 2019

2.10.3 [ ★ Important ]
- Fixed: buyonly/sellonly settings cleared when moving items. ★
- Hide sell price from buy only items.
- Hide buy price from sell only items.
----------, Jul 3, 2019

2.10.2 [ + ]
- Show sell price
- Add command : /ds shop <shopname> hidePricingType <true|false>

- Code cleanup.

This is minor fix but It may unstable.
Last stable version is 2.9.6.
----------, Jul 3, 2019

2.10.1 [ ★ Important ]
Fix some bugs related to item settings UI
Fix bug related to 'static price + specific sell price'
----------, Jul 3, 2019

2.10.0 [ + ] [ ★ Important ]
- You can set sell value.
- Item Settings UI improved.
- Transaction Log (Default : disable)

- When create a shop shortcut button in the startpage editor, show a list of shop.
- Remove unnecessary currency symbols from UI.
- Warn player if sign is not placed on wall.
- Fixed a problem where min/max prices were not saved when moving items.
- Fix bug related to delivery charges. ★
- Some more minor fix.
----------, Jul 3, 2019

2.9.6 [ ☆ ]
Minor fix&improvements to sign interaction.
- Better auto correct.
- Console spam fix.

Alternative way to create sign:
1st line : (empty)
2nd line : shop name
3rd line : item name
4th line : (empty)
Right click on sign.
----------, Jul 1, 2019

2.9.5 [ + ] [ ★ Important ]
- Fixed some bugs related to UI.
[Fixed] Click Player's inventory or non-UI-chest -> error (In certain cases only) ★
[Fixed] Tradeview -> click empty slot -> error

- Sell Buy X64

제목 없음.png
----------, Jun 30, 2019

2.9.4 [ + ]
- Shop name with color.
Newly created shop will have 'Options.title' field. You can edit yml file for already created shop. This is optional field. Shop will work just fine without this.

- Item name without underscore.
New: Iron Ingot
itemname.PNG shopname.PNG
----------, Jun 30, 2019

2.9.3 [ ☆ ]
- Remove message 'Shop not found'
----------, Jun 25, 2019

2.9.2 [ ★ Important ]
- Sign interaction fixed.
- If something gone wrong, just right click the sign.
It will be automatically fixed.

- 표지판이 우클릭해도 반응없는것 수정.
- 작동하지 않는 표지판을 우클릭하면 정보를 재생성함.
----------, Jun 25, 2019

2.9.1 [ + ]
- Add option for /shop
Please check config.yml

/shop 명령어가 기본상점을 여는 대신 startpage를 여는 옵션을 추가했습니다.

Code (YAML):
SalesTax : 25.0
: en-US
: §3§l [dShop ] §f
: true
: BlockShop
: 1.0
: false
: 10
: true
: true
----------, Jun 25, 2019

2.9.0 (for spigot 1.13.2~1.14.2) [ + ] [ ☆ ]
- Add option for Shop close button. check config.yml.
- /ds shopname sellbuy < sellonly | buyonly | clear >

- Bug fix : Can't move startpage buttons.
- Remove debug message from /ds qsell

- 상점안의 닫기버튼에 대한 옵션을 추가했습니다.
- 상점내 모든 아이탬을 일괄적으로 구매전용,판매전용으로 바꿀 수 있는 명령어를 추가했습니다.
- startpage에서 버튼을 우클릭으로 이동할 수 없는 문제를 수정했습니다.
- /ds qsell으로 빠른판매시 디버그메시지가 표시되는 문제를 수정했습니다.
----------, Jun 23, 2019

2.8.3 [ + ]
제목 없음.png

- [Improved] Sign shop
1st line : [ds] or [dshop] or [dynamicshop]
2nd line : shop name
3rd line : (Optional) item name
4th line : (Optional) 1st line will be replaced by this.

- Supports newly added signs. (spruce, birch, acacia, jungle, and dark oak)

This project is now open source
----------, Jun 7, 2019

2.8.2 (for 1.14.x) [ ☆ ]
- [Fixed] 'AsyncPlayerChatEvent' related errors.
- This version not working in 1.13.x
----------, Jun 7, 2019

2.8.1 [ ☆ ]
- [Fixed] Item is not displayed when Infinite stock + Buy only
- Updated Template ( Startpage.yml)
----------, Apr 15, 2019

2.8.0 [ + ]
I'll take a break for a while. :D
If i have time, I want to re-write entire code...

New options
- Stock stabilizing
- Hide stock
----------, Apr 11, 2019

2.7.4 [ + ]
- Alternative line break marker
Default value is /
(for backward compatibility)
----------, Apr 8, 2019

2.7.3 [ + ]
- Add Language key: on, off, set, unset, null(open for everyone)
- Some built in currency symbol removed.

(some of them may still exist. you can delete it from yml if you want.)
- Some small changes
----------, Apr 6, 2019

Thanks to cliffness reporting this problem.
----------, Apr 4, 2019

Hotfix related to link account
If you are not interested in new features, You may want to wait until the new update stabilizes.
----------, Apr 3, 2019

- New flag. Jobs reborn point shop

- Shop account improved.
/ds shop <shopname> account <set|linkto|transfer>
----------, Apr 3, 2019

- You can limit shop account.

/ds shop <shop name> account <value>
(-1 = Infinite)
1.png 2.png

- Click button at 'Startpage' will not close Startpage UI.
'/ds close' will close it.
Button 0 will open shop UI anyway. (Same as before)
Button 1 will show your balance (Aconomy), close window.
Button 2 will show your balance.

- '/ds shop <shop name> editall' extended.
3 (2).png
However, there is no sanity check. use at your own caution.
----------, Apr 1, 2019

- Sounds

- Optimization (more effective for small server. ~10 players)

- (Beta) Import data from other plugin
- You can import data from ' Shop'
----------, Mar 28, 2019

[Fixed] Player can't discard item

Sorry for spamming update :(
I really hope there is option for separate branch. (ex. beta, stable)
----------, Mar 26, 2019

I should have been onto this way earlier.
----------, Mar 26, 2019

Normally, Player can't sell used item .
But Player can sell used item with Quick sell .
It is fixed now.
----------, Mar 26, 2019


Slightly better worth.yml
( old / new )

Adjustment formula for calculating recommended median
( For 10 players )

some more minor fixes..
----------, Mar 24, 2019

[Fixed] Can't delete Item which added before v2.4.1
----------, Mar 24, 2019

Well. Never mind.

- Automatically calculate proper median value.
- Formula: ( 4 / price ^ 0.3 ) * 1000 * player count
- Please check config file.

- Plugin will create worth.yml file.
- Data is based on This.

- Some improvement in data save
before: before.PNG after: after.PNG

Pre-made Template [ Updated! (v2.4.2)]
Startpage.yml : https://pastebin.com/cRH8jfWA
Shop.yml : https://pastebin.com/wJY65tpT
----------, Mar 24, 2019


I will stop adding new feature for a while.
I want to have some kind of 'Stable' version.
(I hope this update is the first case.)
----------, Mar 23, 2019

2.3.2 was broken.
I found it too late.
:( :( :(
----------, Mar 23, 2019

There is problem with v2.3.2
Use v2.3.1 instead. Sorry :(


- If, somehow user's data is missing from user.yml, plugin will try to recreate data. Instead of total chaos.

- You can delete old inactive user data.

- If inventory is closed right after shift click, clicked item is moved to player's inventory (which should not happen). Luckily, this only happen to admin player. I Fixed it anyway.

- I'm not sure is this the correct way to offer API, but API thingy is included.
I'm still testing this.
----------, Mar 23, 2019

It was mathematically flawed, tend to keep decreasing in long term.
It's fixed now.
For your information, static price items are not affected.

I still recommend you set 'strength' value lower than 5%.
(If you don't want radical change.)

※ 'strength 5%' mean 5% of median.
median 1000, stock 1000
-> median 1000, stock 950~1050
----------, Mar 22, 2019

[ ! ] If you have problem after update,
restart your server. (not reload)

If you are still having problems (I don't think it's going to happen), delete all Lang.yml files.

- Min/Max price
- If user's lang.yml file missing some string key, English string will be added.
- Minor fix and improvement

제목 없음3.png 제목 없음.png 제목 없음2.png 제목 없음4.png
----------, Mar 22, 2019

Code optimization.

Sales tax per shop
제목 없음2.png

Item palette : After adding items, open added page. (or edited page)

Startpage : Decorative button. Easy to create and copy.
제목 없음.png

- [Fixed] Delivery cost is not deducted when the item is sold
- [Fixed] Chat input never expires.
----------, Mar 21, 2019

----------, Mar 21, 2019


- Insert page, Delete page
제목 없음.png

- AddAll
제목 없음3.png
result: 제목 없음4.png

- You can change prefix now. (ex. [dShop])

- New commands
/ds renameshop <shop> <new name>
/ds mergeshop <shop1> <shop2>

- Chat input (ex. search item) improved.
(It was canceled inconsistently)

- Show a warning if player try to add items to a full shop

- Permission reorganize.
The following permissions are combined into ' dshop.admin.shopedit'.
- dshop.admin.shopadd
- dshop.admin.shopedit
- dshop.admin.shopeditall
- dshop.admin.flag
- dshop.admin.position
- dshop.admin.shophours
- dshop.admin.fluctuation
- dshop.admin.permission
- dshop.admin.maxpage
----------, Mar 21, 2019

Start page editor
제목 없음.png

Item Settings UI improvement.
제목 없음2.png

New command
/ds defaultshop <shop name>

bstats added
----------, Mar 20, 2019

Bug fix & Optimization.
There were small differences between precalculated value and actual value.
Now it's fixed.
----------, Mar 20, 2019


New Commands:
/ds qsell
/ds settax <value>

Bug fix
- [Fixed] shop item with idx 45 not shown

Quick sell
- Sign shop and local shop will be ignored from list.
- It sells at the most expensive price possible.
----------, Mar 20, 2019

제목 없adf음.png
- Now you can set fluctuation option per shop.
It works more consistently.

- Click 'close' button in Shop ui will open start page instead of close shop.
Title: §3§lStart Page
UiSlotCount: 9
displayName: §3§lMain shop
lore: §fMain shop
action: Dynamicshop shop Main

- Bug fix.
----------, Mar 19, 2019

Show shop open/close time at shop info.

Fix bug related to these buttons.

Add commands
/ds shop <shop name> editall median = stock
/ds shop <shop name> editall stock = median

Fix bug related to command help message.
----------, Mar 18, 2019

----------, Mar 18, 2019

1.84 :unsure:
[Improved] Item Pallet will add item at previously clicked slot.

[Fixed] You can add items to some UI inventory.
[Fixed] '/ds shop <shopname> edit' is always not working. (since when did this happen???)
[Fixed] You can't buy any item if it set to infinite stock AND fixed price.
----------, Mar 17, 2019

----------, Mar 17, 2019

Hotfix about ui
----------, Mar 17, 2019

Hotfix /shop error
----------, Mar 17, 2019

Shop flag ( experimental)
- signshop: Access by Sign only
- localshop: You need to visit actual shop location
--- deliverycharge: Pay delivery charge, Buy items remotely

Shop Settings UI
제목 없3음.png

(Optional) Display stock in stack. (check config.yml. default value is false)

Bug fix.
----------, Mar 17, 2019

- If player's inventory is full, item will drop on ground.
- plugin update checker
- lang file rewrite
- some more...
----------, Mar 16, 2019

제목d 없음.png
1st line : [ds] or [dshop] or [DynamicShop]
2nd line : shop name <- case sensitive!
3rd line : item name (optional)

if 3rd line is empty, it will open shop ui.
----------, Mar 16, 2019

제목d 없음.png

Please check Startpage.yml

Command: /ds

Title: §3§lStart Page
UiSlotCount: 9
displayName: §3§lExample Button
lore: §fThis is Example Button/§aHELL WORLD!/§6§lYou can create your button
action: Dynamicshop Testfunction/Dynamicshop Testfunction
----------, Mar 16, 2019

dshop.user.shop.shopname.buy <- new
dshop.user.shop.shopname.sell <- new

Don't set shop's permission to something like "dshop.user.shop.shopname.buy".
Then anyone who want to buy item from that shop will need "dshop.user.shop.shopname. buy.buy".
----------, Mar 15, 2019

----------, Mar 15, 2019

You can set permission per shop now.

- ds shop <shopname> maxpage <number>
- ds shop <shopname> permission <true|false|custom>

- ds createshop <shopname> [<permission>]

Default is open for everyone.
'UserNeedPermission' and 'Page' is removed from 'config.yml'

'/ds createshop' now prevent overwrite an existing shop.

If you use fluctuation fuction, trade view will show changed value in real time. (It was implemented before but not working correctly)

Reduce console spamming.

and some more.....

I'm currently working on....
- shop list ui
- shop icon. shop icon lore.
- clean up lang.yml file
- position based local shop.
----------, Mar 15, 2019

ItemSetting window bug fix
----------, Mar 15, 2019

bug fix
----------, Mar 15, 2019

bug fix.
----------, Mar 15, 2019

minor bug fix
----------, Mar 15, 2019

----------, Mar 14, 2019

bug fix
----------, Mar 14, 2019

----------, Mar 14, 2019

minor bug fix
----------, Mar 14, 2019

Please back up your yml files before download new version.
Thank you.
----------, Mar 14, 2019

----------, Mar 14, 2019

bug fix
----------, Mar 14, 2019

Default value for this feature is 'false'.
Check config.yml for more details.
----------, Mar 14, 2019

Please check config.yml
----------, Mar 13, 2019

...and some more...

I suggest you delete old Lang file.
Sorry for inconvenience.
----------, Mar 13, 2019

UI improvements 10.png 11.png
----------, Mar 13, 2019

minor bug fix
----------, Mar 13, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55,077
First Release: Mar 13, 2019
Last Update: Jul 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
99 ratings
Find more info at durumi.gitbook.io...
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