[Discontinued] DynamicShop 3  [1.16.5 ~ 1.21] icon

[Discontinued] DynamicShop 3 [1.16.5 ~ 1.21] -----

Full GUI Server Shop, Supply & Demand, Dynamic pricing.

The icon for the close button and page button can be specified in config.yml.

Fixed an issue where the options for specifying number formatting did not appear in Config.yml.

If you click on an item in your inventory while the StartPage is displayed, you will be taken to the store handling that item.
(Left-click to move to the shop where you can purchase the item at the lowest price, and right-click to move to the shop where you can sell the item at the highest price.)

You can now click on inventory in the shop screen to go to the page with that item.

UI update related code optimization. The TradeUI is updated once every 5 seconds instead of once every 25 seconds. The shop UI now refreshes once every 5 seconds.

Change to return to the original page when you press close in the palette or trading UI

Fixed an issue that could sometimes fail to remove items from the store

Improved logic for Quick Sell to find the most advantageous stores for sellers

Added option to hide shops that users do not have access to in command auto-completion

Changed to cancel infinite stock when the median value of an item with unlimited stock is raised in the item edit window.

Fixed the problem that when dividing a value of -1 in the item edit window, it becomes 1.

Added notation for empty pages in page editor

Fixed a problem in which the sale price of an item was displayed slightly differently on the shop screen and the transaction screen. This happens with very low-stock items. It was just an error in the value displayed on the UI. (The number displayed on the Trade UI was the correct number.)
If you are curious about the reasons for this, the details are at the bottom.

Code refactoring and minor fixes


Due to the nature of the way the plugin calculates the item price, even if the selling value and the purchase value are the same, the selling price and the purchase price at the same time are not perfectly equal.
Imagine a case where both prices are exactly the same. Here is an item that has a purchase price of $10 and a sale price of $10. When you buy one of these items, the price goes up because the number of items in the store is reduced. Now, if you resell the item you just bought, it's a very, Very small, but profitable. You can make money at no cost by buying items that are quite expensive in bulk and selling them immediately.
----------, Feb 22, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55,161
First Release: Mar 13, 2019
Last Update: Jul 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
99 ratings
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