added the option
portalInsideDelay in config.yml to set custom delay to spawn the inside of the portal in order to fix specific cases where teh portals fail to properly show
also the plugin was rebuild and its able to work on versions 1.21.1
Fixed exit portal width bug
Added support for minecraft versions 1.21+
NOTE: its suggested that if you use versions older than 1.21 to NOT update your dimensions plugin and simply use version 3.2.7
Fixed issue caused by the fixedExitPortal size update
Updated portal configuration to allow setting fixed exit portal size
Fixed an issue with the portals not teleporting properly
Fixed an issue with RandomLocationAddon
Fixed an issue where the randomLocation addon would always create an exit portal, and also fixed an issue where the plugin would not return correct location if the exit portal was disabled
Fixed ItemsAdder Implementation for CustomLighterAddon
Some addons would not load properly
Bug fixes with entity teleportation:
- Entities will not be teleported back and forth
- Entities will be teleported if their location or eye location is inside a portal
- Entities will not be teleported if a portal breaks
Fixed issue where nether portal effect would always show
Fixed issue with world height
Fixed a bug where using buckets to ignite/destroy portals would do it even if the event was cancelled by other plugin
Added new GUI when using the /dim command (more updates soon)
Embedded the PatreonCosmetics addon inside the main plugin (can be disabled in config)
API Changes
fix issue with /dim reload reverting config
other changes and fixes
Plugin would not work correctly on 1.19.2
Now you can have multiple lighters
wiki for more information
Fixed a bug with portals not being lit if the surrounding blocks matched portal's material.
Fixed an issue with random portals linking even with the option disabled.
Added option to listen to specific events in order to skip unwanted checks
Fixed issues with hub addon
> Dimensions 3.1.5-BETA
Minor changes
> ChargeOnUseAddon
The addon would not charge players or disable teleportation if balance was not enough
> CommandsOnUseAddon
The addon will not override the rest of the addons when ``DisableTeleportaion`` is ``true``
> End_gateway can now be used as inside material
> Now Supports 1.19.3
The plugin would spam debug messages in the console as info
> Added support for horizontal portals (BETA)
+ DimensionsVelocity plugin
+ IgniteByEventAddon (BETA)
Dimensions 3.1.0:
- Added ``/dim info``command
- Fixed an issue where portals would spawn inside other portals
- Fixed an issue where portals would load without their saved data
- API changes
- Added ignoreLinkedPortals option in the config.yml
- Now you can override teleport servers if a portal used was from a specific portal
- Fixed several portal linking issues
- Portals unlinking no matter what portal was destroyed Portals losing their links after restart
- The first player to join the server was the play to be teleported when a portal was used (from another server)
- other linking issues
> Fixed an issue when the addon is installed but not enabled
> Fixed an issue with entities not being teleported when the addons was installed
> Fixed an issue with better portals ignoring all the other addons and just teleporting players
> Fixed an issue for locations larger that 10000000
>Fixed an issue with locations larger than 10000000
> Fixed an issue when placing exit portals using the palceholder
+ModelEngine addon
-PortablePortals addon (it was never supposed to be released)
> Fixed an issue where the destination placeholders would not replace sometimes
> Now the hubworld addon allows you to not set a hub world, but instead set hub portals
> Instead of ``Addon.HubWorld`` you need to set ``Addon.Hub.World`` and it works like it did in the previous version, no need to change anything
> If you want to use the hub portals instead, then you need to set ``Addon.Hub.Portals.List`` and then list the locations of your portal OR join your server and use the ``/dim addHub`` command while looking at a portal.
> Lastly, the hub portals feature works in two ways (when you enter a non-hub portal). You can either teleport to a random hub portal or teleport to the first on the list (in case the portals can be destroyed for some reason or whatever). You choose between ``random`` & ``firstToLast`` by putting whatever you choose at ``Addon.Hub.Portals.Mode``
> Instead of ``Addon.RandomLocationRange`` you use ``Addon.RandomLocation.Range``
> Also now there is ``Addon.RandomLocation.AllowLinkTp`` which you can set to ``false`` to always randm tp and not link
> Added the option to use a placeholder block (more info on the wiki)
Dimensions 3.0.5 will no longer update your addons so you will have to do it manually.
Also you will need to replace ALL the addons you are using with the new version because there were changes in every single addon in order to support Dimensions 3.0.5
- TimedPortalsAddon changes
Timed portals can now use ParticlePacks after a set delay
(more info can be found in the wiki)
- ParticlesAddon
Now particle packs do not do the calculations every time they run. Instead they store the particles they have to spawn and use them. (That way the plugin will not cause 100% cpu usage if there are 50+ portals)
+ DimensionsBungee & BungeeAddon
Updated RandomLocationAddon & BetterPortalsAddon
Update the addons to support Dimensions 3.0.0
Removed a test addon that would spam messages in the console (IgniteByEvent addon)
- Fixed a visual bug where the portals would not show the destination of the portal correctly
- Fixed a bug where the commands would run multiple times if the player was not being teleported away
Bug fixes
Performance upgrades & bug fixes
Added new addon ParticlesAddon (more info in the wiki)
Added new commands for BetterPortalsAddon "/dim mirror"
Added support for 1.18
bug fixes
performance improvements
IMPORTANT: BetterPortalsAddon is not included in the update. The addon will be added later
Better portals will now show other side of the portal when a player ignites the portal
Better portals bug fixes and visual changes
Stylish portals and custom lighter addon will now build exit portals the way they should be built
CustomLighter addon now supports oraxen fully
CustomLighter bug fixes
performance imporvements
other bug fixes
Pasted portals addon update
other bug fixes
There are updates on every single addon so you NEED to replace every addon you have with the new ones.
Changes can be found in the dimensions
fixed an error with better portals when there were portals with no names
Fixed errors from addons when the portal was not found.
Bug fixes
performance imporvements
Added these addons:
- BetterPortalsAddon (requires BetterPortals plugin)
- CommandsOnUseAddon
- StyledPortalsAddon
Premium addons for Dimensions
Premium addons for Dimensions
Addons are now seperate .jars
Timed featrure would always cancel the teleport event
Added new feature "TimedPortals"
You can use this feature to auto-destroy portals after a set amount of time.
Bug fixes
Updated to support the latest version of Dimensions
Fixed an error while attempting to ingnite a portal with no "igniter" assigned
Fixed a problem with portals not igniting by plugins when a custom lighter has been assigned for the portal
Added support for SuperiorSkyblock2 for the PastedPortals feature
Minor changes
Fixed an error while attempting to ingnite a portal with no "igniter" assigned
Fixed a problem with portals not igniting by plugins when a custom lighter has been assigned for the portal
Added support for SuperiorSkyblock2 for the PastedPortals feature
Minor changes
Added option to toggle deny message on wrong lighter for the portals (More info on the portal creator)
Minor changes
Updated to support Dimensions 1.1.15
Fixed an error while trying to load Player history data
Update to support the latest version of Dimensions.
Added new command
"/dimad fixedlocation" (more info when you execute the command)
Added new feature
Added options for server owners to select what the Unbreakable portal feature will ignore
PastedPortals feature has less range to improve performance and to prevent server crashes
Plugin now REQUIRES PlaceholderAPI
Better managment for each feature
Added two new option for the Money feature
Minor changes to the Commands feature
Major improvements for the Hub feature
Minor changes to the LimitedUses feature
Special thanks to ReverendJesus for his great help with finding bugs
Updated to support Dimensions 1.1.11
Fixed a bug where the plugin would only allow users to only allow the Hub feature for one portal
Updated the Commands feature. Commands can now have requirements to run the command. (Check the portal creator for more info)
Fixed a typo in the config (You may need to update the values of DaylightSensor feature in your portal configs)
Updates to support the latest Dimensions update (1.1.10)
Major improvments to Bungee support
Now the plugin should be able to teleport players to their correct world no matter how they got in their server.
Fixed a bug with LimitedUses feature when explosion was enabled
Minor bug fixes and code changes