Dimensions | Custom Portals icon

Dimensions | Custom Portals -----

Allow players to easily build portals to another world (aether, etc)

Version: 3.2.8
Dimensions is a criminally underrated plugin for special and unique minecraft servers, and may as well be the only one of its kind. The author has been extremely nice as well, and has given continuous support over the past few years. It wouldn't do any justice if I said this plugin is a solid and straight 10/10.

You can do virtually anything with this and a world generator plugin, creating an experience that of a mod with custom portals.

The customization is incredible, featuring addons which suit almost every single need you could think of. Want players to build portals to your hub world and back? Check. Want a portal that self destructs after enough uses? Check. Want pasted portals using worldedit? Check.

Overall, this plugin gets 6 stars for what it can achieve for server owners looking to change the game.

Version: 3.2.5
Very nice plugin, very many addons with which you can do whatever you want. Excellent developer support, easy to understand wiki.

Version: 3.2.4
The best plugin with which I was able to create portals that teleport me from one server to another, and vice versa with velocity. I also want to say that the author of this plugin is a very nice person who will always help you if you ask for help. Thank him very much for this. I recommend this plugin to everyone. With love from Russia.

Version: 2.3.4
Finally a Portal Plugin which only OGs will remember why i love it.
Everybody who knows Aether and the Glowstone Portal will love this Plugin.
Because it gives this option for your server without Mods.
That's freaking awesome.
And it has very much other great options too.
A totally must have plugin for everyone who offers different Universes than the Nether and The End.

Version: 3.1.1
love the plugin, but in the new update. the zip file is not working. hope it will get fix soon :-)
Author's response
I am sorry about that, I will re-upload the zip soon. Until then you can heas to version history and download the previous version. The only difference with the current version is the updated VelocityPlugin

Version: 3.1.0
Лучший плагин на порталы. С любовью из России!
Author's response
Спасибо за ваш отзыв, я рад, что вам нравится это использовать.

переведено с гугла

Version: 3.0.3
This set of addons is helpful for getting even more out of an already great plugin. These add-ons have helped my themed server provide a unique experience for the player base. The dev is easy to work with, easy to contact, fixes bugs quickly, and is a very nice person. I highly recommend purchasing these addons to invest in your server.
Author's response
Thank your for your review and for recommending DimensionsAddons. I am happy knowing that it satisfies your needs and the players in your server!!

Version: 2.0.1
These addons are absolutely amazing, and so is the base plugin, the author is great, and fixes bugs quickly, also, the customlighter addon will work with oraxen as well as itemsadder, with no problems. Once again, I highly recommend these addons.
Author's response
Thank you for your review. I am glad everything is working great for you!!

Version: 1.0.9
Exceptional addon to an exceptional base plugin. Having great features like hub world setups and random teleporting is a lot of fun for players! Developer is responsive and helpful!
Author's response
Thank you for buying and reviewing DimensionsAddons. If you have any suggestions or any questions, you can join the Dimensions discord server (link at the bottom of the description of the plugin).

Version: 1.0.5
This Addons plugin has helped me with my custom-themed server a lot. It gets upated quite often and the developer is active in his discord server helping everyone. I DMed him with a problem about DimensionsAddons and had it solved within minutes. Thank you astaspasta and please keep adding new stuff to this resource.
Author's response
Thank you alexgiannMC for your review. I am glad you and other server owners enjoy using it. I will try and keep the plugin fresh as long as people need it.

Version: 1.0.0
This is a fantastic resource that allows server owners to create cool and very customizable portals. The plugin itself is already very feature packed, and this addon adds even more features to the base Dimensions plugin. The author is very kind and helpful to assist when there is an bug or configuration issue with the plugin, and I would recommend this plugin to every server owner that is trying to create custom portals without a hazzle.
Author's response
Thank you Pydrox for your review and your support. I will try and assist anyone whenever they have a problem with any of my resources.

Version: 1.0.0
A really great resource that I use. Has many features you can customize, allowing for infinite possibilities! Personally, I'm linking it with quests and various other player-driven storylines I'm making and it works great.
Author's response
Thank you for you review InfestorHD

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 192
First Release: Sep 25, 2020
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings