Now you can use the "allow-pvp-on-day" flag with the value "true" to enable PvP during the day in a specific area. Remember to also set the "pvp" flag to true.
Implemented an option that alerts players when they attempt to engage in combat during the day, informing them that PvP is disabled at that time.
Added a permission to enable daytime PvP for specific groups.
The console now receives notifications when day/night transitions occur in worlds where DayNightPvP is active.
Changelog • Addition of an option to enable/disable automatic difficulty (disabled by default).
• Addition of the /dnp reload command.
• Fix for an issue where placeholders stopped working after reloading the PlaceHolderAPI (thanks Udoyy).
• Fix for an issue where players didn't lose items after deaths not caused by other players (thanks Udoyy).
• Fix for an issue where language change through the GUI wasn't applied immediately.
• Added support for Minecraft versions 1.16-1.17.
Changes: +Support for Vault. (Now you can configure whether the user will lose money upon death.) +Redesigned /dnp command, now using GUI. (It's much easier to configure the worlds now.) + Added the option to use titles when notifying players about day/night transitions. + Fixed a bug where the plugin would throw an error upon initialization if PlaceholderAPI was not installed.
To report any errors or bugs, contact me on Discord:click here
Changes: + Plugin completely rebuilt from scratch. +PlaceHolderAPI has been implemented. +More translations have been added. +Some fixes and optimizations. -/dnp lang has been removed (you can still change the language through the configuration file).
To report any errors or bugs, contact me on Discord:needkg
Changes: +Added support for multiple worlds. +Now each world is treated separately.
•If you'd like to help create translations for languages not yet supported, please contact me on Discord. •To report any errors or bugs, contact me on Discord. Discord:nKg#7854
Changes: +Added support for multi-language files. +Added command "/dnp lang". + Added an update checker. + Added automatic day/night difficulty setting.
•If you'd like to help create translations for languages not yet supported, please contact me on Discord. •To report any errors or bugs, contact me on Discord. Discord:nKg#7854