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CustomFishingZ -----

Transform Your Fishing Experience with Exciting Minigames and Custom Rewards


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CustomFishingZ is an immersive and feature-rich Minecraft plugin for Spigot servers that revolutionizes the fishing experience. Players can participate in thrilling fishing minigames across multiple custom pools, each with its own set of unique rewards. From common catches to legendary treasures, the possibilities are endless. With an intuitive wand system for easy pool creation, comprehensive statistics tracking, and flexible display options, CustomFishingZ offers unparalleled customization to fit any server's needs.

Key Features

  • Multiple Fishing Pools: Create and manage numerous fishing zones, each with its own rewards and settings.
  • Interactive Fishing Minigame: Engage players with a skill-based minigame when they catch a fish in a custom pool.
  • Wand-based Pool Creation: Easily define fishing areas using an in-game wand tool.
  • Comprehensive Reward System: Set up diverse rewards with customizable messages, commands, and probabilities.
  • Flexible Display Options: Choose between Boss Bar, Action Bar, or Subtitle for the fishing minigame interface.
  • Statistics Tracking: Monitor server-wide and per-player fishing statistics.
  • PlaceholderAPI Support: Integrate fishing statistics into other plugins or displays.
  • Configurable Settings: Tailor every aspect of the plugin to your server's unique style and needs.


  • /customfishingz wand: Obtain the Fishing Pool Wand for easy pool creation. (Permission: customfishingz.wand)
  • /customfishingz setpool <name>: Create a new fishing pool using the wand-selected area. (Permission: customfishingz.setpool)
  • /customfishingz reward <pool_name> create <reward_name>: Create a new reward for a specific pool. (Permission: customfishingz.reward)
  • /customfishingz reward <pool_name> set <reward_name> <chance|message> <value>: Modify a reward's chance or message. (Permission: customfishingz.reward)
  • /customfishingz reward <pool_name> add <reward_name> <command>: Add a command to a reward. (Permission: customfishingz.reward)
  • /customfishingz reward <pool_name> remove <reward_name> <command>: Remove a command from a reward. (Permission: customfishingz.reward)
  • /customfishingz reward <pool_name> delete <reward_name>: Delete a reward from a pool. (Permission: customfishingz.reward)
  • /customfishingz reload: Reload the plugin configuration. (Permission: customfishingz.reload)


The configuration file allows for detailed customization of multiple fishing pools, rewards, and plugin settings. Here's a sample configuration:

Code (Text):

# Whether to store fishing statistics
store_statistics: true

    # The first corner of the pool (format: "x,y,z,world")
    pos1: "100,64,100,world"
    # The second corner of the pool (format: "x,y,z,world")
    pos2: "150,74,150,world"
    # Rewards that can be obtained from this pool
      # Each reward has a unique name (e.g., "small_fish")
        # Message sent to the player when they win this reward
        message: "&aYou caught a small fish!"
        # Commands to execute when this reward is won (%player% is replaced with the player's name)
          - "give %player% cod 1"
        # Chance of winning this reward (must be between 0 and 1)
        chance: 0.4
        message: "&bYou caught a big fish!"
          - "give %player% salmon 2"
        chance: 0.3
        message: "&6You found a treasure chest!"
          - "give %player% iron_ingot 5"
          - "give %player% gold_ingot 3"
        chance: 0.15
        message: "&7You fished out an old boot..."
          - "give %player% leather_boots 1"
        chance: 0.1
        message: "&5You made a legendary catch!"
          - "give %player% diamond 1"
          - "give %player% emerald 2"
        chance: 0.05

  # Whether the game speed should be random
  random_speed: false
  # Fixed game speed if random_speed is false (in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second)
  speed: 1
  # Minimum game speed if random_speed is true
  min_speed: 1
  # Maximum game speed if random_speed is true
  max_speed: 4
  # Character used to display the fishing bar
  bar_texture: "█"

 # How to display the fishing game ('bossbar', 'actionbar', or 'subtitle')
 type: 'subtitle'

  # Message sent when the fish escapes
  fish_escape: "&cOh no! The fish got away!"
  # Message sent when a fish is caught (before the reward message)
  fish_caught: "&aYou've got a bite!"



  1. Download: Place the CustomFishingZ plugin jar file into your server's `plugins` directory.
  2. Configure: Start the server once to generate the default configuration, then modify it to suit your needs.
  3. Restart: Restart the server to apply the configurations.
  4. Create Pools: Use the Fishing Pool Wand and commands to set up your custom fishing areas.
  5. Add Rewards: Utilize the reward commands to create and customize rewards for each pool.

Why Choose CustomFishingZ?

  • Unparalleled Customization: Create unique fishing experiences tailored to your server's theme and community.
  • Engaging Gameplay: Keep plaeyers entertained with interactive minigames and the thrill of varied rewards.
  • Comprehensive Statistics: Track and display fishing activities for enhanced player engagement.
  • Flexible Display Options: Choose the perfect visual feedback method for your server's style.
  • Easy Management: Intuitive commands and wand system make setup and maintenance a breeze.
  • Constant Updates: I'm committed to improving CustomFishingZ based on community feedback and suggestions.

Transform your server's fishing experience today with CustomFishingZ!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 676
First Release: Aug 1, 2024
Last Update: Sep 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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