Custom Structures is a plugin where you can generate your own builds in the world. You can edit where it spawns and the rate in the config.
Notice: As of version 1.8.0 Java 16 or above is required to use the plugin.
The current version is for 1.13.2 - 1.21.x only.
- Create Structures to spawn in your world.
- Randomized Rotation
- Loot Tables for chests, brewing stands, and furnaces. (Custom Items Included)
- Biome Restrictions
- Spawn Block restrictions
- Customized y-axis spawning
- Restrict worlds
- Spawn Vanilla Mobs
- Spawn Mythical Mobs (Requires MythicalMobs)
- Spawn Custom NPCs (Requires Citizens)
- Support for custom biomes through addons.
- Recursive Schematic Placement
/cstructure - info about the plugin.
/cstructure reload - Reloads the plugin.
/cstructure list - List the active schematics.
/cstructure test (schematic name) - Paste the schematic.
/cstructure addItem (key) - Add an item to the custom items list.
/cstructure checkkey - Get the key of an item you are holding in your hand.
/cstructure getItem (key) - Get the item of the key specified.
/cstructure createschem (name) - Create a schematic from the current worldedit selection.
/cstructure create (name) (schematic) - Create a structure using the default settings.
Screen Shots:
(This was done for testing. Each beacon had a chest.)
(Credit to Bibouche for this image)
Required Plugins
World Edit (7.0.0+)
Structure Configuration:
View how to configure structures on the wiki.
Other Info
This plugin was made out of fun. If you have any ideas for an update please tell me. Report any bugs to github!
Please report any bugs to github or the discussion.