- Lead item duplication when clicking entity during the capturing process.
- Lead item becomes a vanilla lead when dying during the capturing process.
- Console errors for some pets due to recent patches in 1.21.4.
- Update nightcore to v2.7.3 with 1.21.4 patch.
- Support for 1.21.4 (replaced 1.21.3).
- CombatPets now compatible with 1.21 or higher only. This is required to support new 1.21 features. Plugins compiled for 1.21 are not backward compatible with lower versions. There is nothing I can do about this.
- Update nightcore to v2.7.2
- Install EconomyBridge to use economy related features.
- Support for 1.21.3
- Pet cosmetics: 'Creeper Power State', 'Sheep Shear Style'.
- Config option to apply regen cooldown when a pet was damaged.
- A bug, where Armadillo pet can attack when rolled up.
- A bug, where Wandering Trader pet despawns after 2400 game ticks.
- A bug, where Trader Llama pet despawns after 2400 game ticks.
- A bug, where Mooshroom pet was invulnerable to lighting damage.
- A bug, where captured pets do not retain their cosmetics.
- A bug, where pet health bar title not updated correctly when damaged.
- An oversight, where Bedrock players can't hatch eggs because they can't right click.
- An oversight, where Bogged pets can potentially be sheared.
- Code clean up.
PLUGIN REQUIRES nightcore v2.7.0 OR NEWER!
Updated CoinsEngine integration.
- An oversight, where pets don't update their nametags on regeneration.
- An oversight, where pets don't update their nametags on level up/down.
- Console error(s).
- Config option to enable PlaceholderAPI for all GUI items and titles.
- Support for Axolotl pet.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders: %combatpets_level%, %combatpets_tier_name%.
- Pet names will do update now on damage received to reflect health changes (if health placeholder was used there).
- A bug, where xp reward & penalty commands throws an error.
- A bug, where Illusioner pets don't get bow when claimed.
- Mystery Eggs. Hatches into pet egg with random tier.
- Command /pets revive to revive player's pets.
- Command /pets clearinventory to clear player's pet inventory.
- Command /pets mysteryegg to give mystery eggs to players.
- A bug, where Zombified Piglin pet causing errors on 1.21.1
- An error caused by /pets aspectpoints reward command.
- A possible bug related to pets synchronization.
Updated to 1.21.1
- An error on Breeze spawn.
- LevelledMobs compatbility.
nightcore v2.6.3
- Support for Spigot 1.21.
- Multi-Currency support. Currently supported: Vault compatible economy plugins, CoinsEngine.
- Config option to disable the whole Shop feature.
- Commands to set/remove/reward/penalty pet XP & Aspect Points.
- Per tier config option to set currency for pet revive.
- Purchase confirmation for Egg Shop.
- Entity support (1.21+): Armadillo, Bogged, Breeze, Sniffer
- PlaceholderAPI Expansion.
- Aspects GUI got dynamic lore displaying aspect actions and status.
- Aspects GUI got 'reallocate_points' button.
- Capture System Rework: Move capture chance & escape chance to pet configs from tier configs; move capture item from tier config to main plugin config; added capturable option for tier configs;
- Food System Rework: Added food categories; food data stored in the main config file; pet configs accept food category names only.
- Leveling System Rework: Pet gains XP for killed mobs only; XP amount depends on damage dealt by a pet; better XP table; option to use natural dropped XP;
- Pet XP formula replaced with XP Modifier setting.
- Pet egg prices and tier price modifiers were merged and moved out to the 'shop.yml' config file. All your current prices will be auto-updated in new config.
- Split some config settings into dedicated config files: capturing.yml, accessories.yml, shop.yml, leveling.yml
- Customization items shop has been removed (probably temporary).
- Tier will not appear in Egg Shop if there is no eggs buyable for that tier.
- A bug, where Slime and Magma Cube pets can cause server crash and were unable to attack at all.
- Overall code improvements.
- Config option to allow reallocate pet's aspects by right-clicking them.
- Config option to 'boost' damage from pet's ranged attacks by certain multiplier of original damage (only if ranged damage is overridden by Attack Damage attribute).
- Pet Tier config option to set start amount of aspect points.
- Placeholder(s): %pet_max_saturation%.
- Default pet generation. Now pet default settings & attributes are close to vanilla ones.
- Max. Saturation attribute now can be set to 0 or -1 to make pet immune to food and 'hunger'.
- Added a few messages for mob catching.
- Code optimization & improvements.
- A bug, where pets stops attack enemies after very short amount of time.
- A bug, where pet shop displayed all pets even if they are not applicable to selected tier.
- A bug, where Warden pet become aggressive on their owner.
- A bug, where pet AI, equipment and attributes can be overriden on spawn by vanilla mechanics.
- A bug, where pets don't gain XP for 'HIT' type when using projectiles or ranged attacks.
- A bug, where pets gain XP for mobs spawned by Eggs, Spawners and other reasons banned from gaining XP.
- A bug, where pet exhaust for combat calculated incorrectly for ranged attacks.
- [Goat] A possible bug, where goat pets can lost horns and attack damage attribute.
- [Hoglin] A possible bug, where hoglin pets can be hunted by piglins.
- [Piglin] A possible bug, where piglin pets AI was overriden by vanilla mechanics.
- [Fox] Will not steal ground items anymore.
- [Blaze] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Drowned] Now correctly swims and uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.
- [Ghast] Slighty improved follow target/owner algorhythm. Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Husk] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Illusioner] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute for ranged attacks.
- [Pillager] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Skeleton] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.
- [Stray] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.
- [Spider] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Witch] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Wither] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Zombie] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Zombie Villager] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Zombified Piglin] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
- [Zombified Piglin] Will not alert nearby piglings in combat anymore.
- Parrot, Guardian and Giant pets were removed due to many issues and not having a real use case.
- Support for 1.20.4. This is the only 1.20 version supported now for future releases.
- Auto Food Usage feature. Now pets can auto use food from their inventories if this feature is enabled.
- Pet config options for spawn & despawn particle effects.
- Button type 'SILENT' for Pet Menu that toggles ambient pet sounds.
- Ride, Equipment and Inventory buttons will be hidden in Pet Menu if pet don't have such features.
- Pets are spawning now in a front of players instead of right in them.
- Support for 1.20.2 (replaced 1.20.1).
- A bug, where pets can inflict damage to their owner with projectiles.
- A bug, where some pets ignored Attack Speed attribute.
- A bug, where Ravager can not spawned in 1.20.2.
You must update NexEngine to install this update.
- A bug, where summoned pets not saved properly on server shutdown.
A bug, where pets loses their AI when travelled between worlds.
- An option to toggle vanilla equipment population for freshly catched pets.
- An option to set a list of worlds, where pets can not be released.
- Dedicated permissions for: 'addpoints', 'resetprogress' commands.
- Message when pet lose XP on death.
- Internal placeholders: '%pet_owner_name%' and '%pet_food%'.
- A bug, where pet can be additionally exhausted for "idling" while in combat.
- A bug, where Regeneration Speed attribute works incorrect in most cases.
- Default equipment population worked only for skeletons before.
- Improved pet leveling logic, prevented some possible glitches.
- Reset progress command does nothing.
- Pet equipment can be damaged now.
- Pet data not auto-saved when changes made by commands.
- Code clean up.
[Added] Permission to bypass 'Release.Allowed' option.
[Added] Config option to toggle entity spawn on release.
[Added] Config option to set egg cost modifier for pet tiers.
[Added] Config option to set egg cost for pet configs.
[Improved] Updated default Release & Revive GUI layouts.
[Fixed] Warden is functional now!
[Fixed] Egg Shop is fully functional now!
[Fixed] A bug, where name checks on rename were inaccurate sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where items can be duplicated using pet equipment.
[Fixed] Entity spawned on pet release will inheritance pet visuals now.
[Added] Support for Attack Speed attribute.
[Improved] Better default layout for Pet GUI.
[Changed] Pet Equipment menu have been removed and replaced with a simplier equipment system, where you can right-click your pet with item in hand to equip it.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can equip pets with random items.
[Removed] Dropped support for 1.17.1 (NexEngine does not work well on that version anyway).
[Improved] Pet Aspects Menu got better behavior & layout.
[Fixed] Added missing localization for Pet Attributes.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet can become invisible after teleport.
[Fixed] A bug, where Blaze can not follow owner.
[Fixed] A bug, where Blaze disappear when trying to attack.
[Fixed] A bug, where player data can be loaded on player quit causing console error.
[Fixed] Piglins and Zoglins sound spam.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet placeholders not being updated.
Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)
WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.
[Fixed] A bug, where Evoker can damage their owner with fangs.
[Added] Support for 1.20.1.
[Added] Config option to toggle pet's inventory drop on death.
[Added] Config option to toggle pet's equipment drop on death.
[Added] Config option to pet's tier configs for inventory/equipment drop chance on death.
[Added] Config option to toggle allow of pet release by players.
[Fixed] A bug, where non-skeleton pets with bows/crossbows don't use arrows from their inventory.
[Fixed] A bug, where mobs drop lead after being catched.
Please, update NexEngine !
If you got issues with %pet_config_saturation_max% placeholder, replace it with %pet_attribute_max_saturation%.
[Added] Pet Attributes: 'Max Saturation', 'Health Regen. Force', 'Health Regen. Speed'. They will replace some options in pet configs.
[Added] Global config option for saturation percent amount for natural pet regeneration.
[Added] Permissions for the commands specified below.
[Improved] Command 'forceadd' renamed to 'add'. Fixed & improved command logic.
[Improved] Command 'forcetake' renamed to 'remove'. Fixed & improved command logic.
[Improved] Command logic for 'food', 'catchitem' commands.
[Changed] Pet name format option moved to pet tier configs. So, pets with different tiers can have different name format.
[Changed] Natural pet regeneration no more reduces extra pet's saturation.
[Changed] Amount of per rank pets limit now checks amount of pets of the same tier rather than total pets amount.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet health got restored to the max. value after despawn.
[Added] Tier Collection Menu. A menu where you select a tier to browse your pet collection for.
[Added] Config option to allow usage of Name Tags to rename pets.
[Added] Config option to require name tag item when renaming pet from pet menu.
[Added] Config option to require player sneak to open pet menu.
[Changed] '/pet rename' is admin command now.
[Improved] Updated & Improver pet collection menu. Now more accurate description and click actions.
[Improved] Pet Renaming from Pet Menu now accept direct name input in chat without command usage.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet auto-revive time works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet auto-revive time does not work for negative values (no auto-revive).
[Added] Config option to toggle Pets Leveling System.
[Added] Config option to toggle pet level downgrade.
[Added] Config option to toggle damage replacer for pet's projectiles from Attack Damage attribute.
[Added] Config option to set how much XP will be lost on pet death.
[Added] Config option to prevent pets from gain/loss XP in certain worlds.
[Fixed] A bug, where Wither tries to kill everything even when unprovoked. Also fixed default movement and flying speed to 0.6.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can damage their pets with projectiles.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can damage other player's pets when PvP in the plugin was disabled.
[Fixed] A bug, where pets may refuse to combust from blocks or other entities.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet's health bar not updated on health regeneration.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet may disappear, but refuse to despawn properly, allowing you to see healthbar and access the pet menu.
[Fixed] A bug, where attacked pet does not got exhausted by the 'combat'.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet receives exp in 'HIT' mode for owner's attacks.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet tries to receive exp in combat even at max. exp and level values.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet exp gain chance does not work at all.
[Fixed] A bug, where pets become stuck if attack target was too far away from them.
[Fixed] A bug, where pets not teleported to their players when they're too far away from them.
This update has major changes to pet configuration and storage structure.
You will need to reset your current database and all pet configurations.
These changes are important step from Beta to Stable releases.
Update NexEngine to 2.2.9
Catch System Changes
[New] Dynamic. Now, when you start catching a mob, it will be 'freezed' and leashed. You will see title bar indicating success/failure of the catch process.
[New] Particles. While in catching, a bit of particles will be spawned to make it look more interesting.
[Added] Config option to take catch item when catching is started.
[Added] Config option to save successful catching progress to the mob, if catching failed. This stored success value will be used on next catch attempt.
Plugin Changes
[New] Attributes System. A small overhaul for pet attributes. Prevents to use attributes that should not be used for pets, and allows us to create custom ones.
[New] Pet 'Tiers' instead of 'Templates'. Some settings migrated to pet configs for a better customization. Each Tier has it's own name and color. Players can have multiple of the same pet but with different tiers.
[Improved] Pet Tier and Config files now have comments for each option.
[Improved] Added Escape Chance option. Mobs will have a chance to escaped in catching process instead of when you're about to catch them. If escaped, mob will be damaged a bit and start panic (for animals) or attacking player (for hostiles).
[Changed] Particle option for pet food items was removed. It will be the same for all items - ITEM_CRACK with item texture.
[API] Added events: 'PetCatchStartEvent', 'PetCatchSuccessEvent', 'PetCatchFailureEvent', 'PetCatchEscapeEvent'.
[Removed] Pet Catch Type is not a thing anymore. Now you have to right-click a mob in attempt to catch it with special item in your hand.
[Removed] Catch prevention if player has max. amount of pets.
[Fixed] Pet AI for 1.18.2.
[Fixed] A bug, where pets were able to use inventory and equipment event if it was disabled in the config.
[Fixed] A bug, where freshly obtained pets have incorrect exp values.
[Fixed] Frog pet is fully functional now! Uses Tongue!
[Fixed] Goat pet is fully functional now! Uses Rams! Does not drops horns anymore.
[Fixed] Improved & Optimized AI for Piglins, Hoglins, Zoglins, Allays. Frogs, Goats. Now uses proper behaviors instead of hardcoded mix of goals.
[Fixed] Replaced 'hurt' function for Piglins, Hoglins, Zoglins. They are no more trigger their default actions (alert nearby mobs, etc.) when damaged.
[Fixed] A bug, where Husk and Spider movement speed on attack was incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can hurt their own pets.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet start targetting previously attacked/defended entities when changing combat mode.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet gain exp points when player inflicts damage.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet got exhausted for a combat even if only owner was in.
[Removed] Bat pet was removed because it's ambient creature that can not have pathfinder goals.
[Removed] Dolphin pet due to problems with pathfinder goals (Possible to be returned back someday).
!!! Update NexEngine !!!
Only latest version or 1.19 is supported: 1.19.3!
[Improved] Pet's target goal. Now pets have a better AI to select their combat target.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet attempt to attack other players or entities in protected areas, even if damage was disabled there.
[Fixed] A bug, where pets can not hold/float on water.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet does not despawn properly on chunk unload, causing it became a 'normal' mob.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet config adds default food item even if there is other items.
[Fixed] An error, when summoning Phantom pets.
!!! Update NexEngine (DOWNLOAD) to v2.2.6 !!!
- Improved Database stability and performance.
- Improved User Data handling.
- Added 'Table_Prefix' option for the 'Database' section in 'config.yml'.
- Permissions are now registering internally.
[Fixed] Added missing Customizer Type for Villager Profession for Zombie Villagers.
[Fixed] Updated to the latest 1.19.2 build (fixed error on pet spawn).
[Fixed] A bug, where active pet can not be despawned using the Pet Collection GUI.
[Added] Config option 'Pet_Settings.Egg.Shop_Enabled' to enable/disable egg shop.
[Added] Missing pet customization for Foxes. Add FOX_TYPE category button in the /customizer/
[Fixed] A bug, where entities escaped from being catched were able to be catched again after the server restart.
[Fixed] A bug, where entities that should not produce exp for pets because of spawn reason, does that after the server restart.
[Fixed] A minor issue, where you have to click the pet in collection twice to spawn it instead of current spawned pet.
Fixed a bug, where players lost their items on death when the pet was summoned.
Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2.4
[Added] Warden pet support (Beta).
[Added] Frog pet support (Beta) (You must give it Movement Speed attribute for 1.0 at least in pet template).
[Added] Allay Pet support (Beta).
1.19 Support + Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2
[Fixed] A bug, where projectile damage from players was incorrect sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet equipment can be used even if it was disabled in pet config.
[Fixed] A bug, where aspect points can be spent when aspect is already at max. value.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet not being teleported to the owner when far away.
[Fixed] A bug, where items can be lost sometimes when equipping a pet.
[Fixed] Pet spawning compatibility issues.
[Fixed] Possible console errors.
[Added] Command to give/obtain pet food items: '/pet food'.
[Improved] Added a pet goal to look at the owner sometimes and when holding pet food item.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet data not updated on player data load.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet can be released while spawned.
[Fixed] Wrong/Invalid error messages.
[Fixed] Code improvements.
Fixed a bug, where bow/projectile damage was incorrect for non-pet entities.
[Added] New pet template options for Exhaust modifiers.
[Added] New pet template options for Health regeneration.
[Added] 'Sound' and 'Particle' options for pet food items.
[Changed] Pet food item settings moved from 'templates' to 'configs' pet config files. So you can setup different food items per each pet.
[Improved] Now pet saturation reduces by a raw value instead of percent one, depends on pet actions (Idle, Walk, Combat).
[Improved] Now pet health regenerates by a raw value instead of percent one, depends on pet saturation level.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet menu opens when trying to feed a pet.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet pathfinders to the owner works incorrect for some pets makes them struggle.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet damage caused by projectiles/bow/fangs was too high due to wrong calculation.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet health bar persists on pet death sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet instantly regain their health when inflicts damage.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet health bar not updated when pet receives damage.
[Added] Portuguese language.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet became dead on despawn.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet did not get revived when revive time is exceed.
[Fixed] Console errors & Server crash.
[Added] Support for 1.17.1
[Fixed] A bug, where pet revive cooldown was reset when players left the server.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Added] Pet Revive function & menu. Use 'F' key on pet icon in collection to force revive pet.
[Added] Internal Placeholders: '%pet_data_status%', '%pet_data_health%'.
[Changed] Shift-Click to Q key in Pet Collection menu to release a pet.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] A few console errors.
Updated to the latest Engine + 1.18.2 support.