Config option to allow reallocate pet's aspects by right-clicking them.
Config option to 'boost' damage from pet's ranged attacks by certain multiplier of original damage (only if ranged damage is overridden by Attack Damage attribute).
Pet Tier config option to set start amount of aspect points.
Placeholder(s): %pet_max_saturation%.
Default pet generation. Now pet default settings & attributes are close to vanilla ones.
Max. Saturation attribute now can be set to 0 or -1 to make pet immune to food and 'hunger'.
Added a few messages for mob catching.
Code optimization & improvements.
A bug, where pets stops attack enemies after very short amount of time.
A bug, where pet shop displayed all pets even if they are not applicable to selected tier.
A bug, where Warden pet become aggressive on their owner.
A bug, where pet AI, equipment and attributes can be overriden on spawn by vanilla mechanics.
A bug, where pets don't gain XP for 'HIT' type when using projectiles or ranged attacks.
A bug, where pets gain XP for mobs spawned by Eggs, Spawners and other reasons banned from gaining XP.
A bug, where pet exhaust for combat calculated incorrectly for ranged attacks.
[Goat] A possible bug, where goat pets can lost horns and attack damage attribute.
[Hoglin] A possible bug, where hoglin pets can be hunted by piglins.
[Piglin] A possible bug, where piglin pets AI was overriden by vanilla mechanics.
[Fox] Will not steal ground items anymore.
[Blaze] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
[Drowned] Now correctly swims and uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.