CleverRegen [⭐Premium features, 100% FREE⭐] icon

CleverRegen [⭐Premium features, 100% FREE⭐] -----

The best, and only permanent solution to Area Regeneration

Adding a region to be regenerated

1. Add the plugin
2. Do /cr wand - You will be given a stone axe
3. Use that axe to select position 1 and 2 for a region.
--> LEFT CLICK to set Position 1
--> RIGHT CLICK to set Position 2
4. Once you've selected the region, do /cr save (name)
--> replace (name) with the name of the region - you can choose
5. Head over to the folder for this plugin, then into 'Regions'. There should be a .yml file generated, for example 'yourRegionName.yml'
6. Open the file, and configure it to your needs.
7. Click save, and head back to the game and run /cr reload (although restarting is recommended)
8. Everything should work now. To test, use /cr forceregen


/cr wand -> Gives you the selection wand
/cr save <name> -> Saves the selected region as a .yml file in the CleverRegen/Regions folder
/cr forceregen <name> -> Regenerates the region specified based on the .yml file for it.
/cr reload -> Reloads the plugin without restarting the server.
/cr list -> Lists all regions
/cr tp <name> -> tp to that region
/cr delete <name> -> delete region
/cr help -> Display all commands
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 164
First Release: Jun 27, 2024
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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