CleverRegen [⭐Premium features, 100% FREE⭐] icon

CleverRegen [⭐Premium features, 100% FREE⭐] -----

The best, and only permanent solution to Area Regeneration



- Scheduled regeneration; Regenerate regions in a timed fashion, with different delays for every region!

- Region organisation; Every region is organized and stored as its own .yml file in a separate directory in the plugin folder, for efficient editing!

- Safe regeneration; The plugin automatically pushes players upwards if they ever get stuck in a block - with minimal lag!

- Instant regeneration; Regeneration is instantaneous, so updating blocks one at a time won't cause any server or player lag!

Force Regeneration; Regenerate regions ahead of their schedule with a simple "/cr forceregen" command!

Full message customizability; All messages of the plugin can be edited to however you like!

Effortless region creation and deletion; Create, list and delete regions in game with simple commands, without having to hassle with files!

Region teleportation methods; Keep track of your regions! You can teleport to every region with "/cr tp"

Lightweight & Performance friendly; With a file size of only 13kb, the plugin is designed specifically for performance, with little to no effect on TPS!

Easy region selection; Create regions for regeneration quickly and easily with an easy to use selection wand! "/cr wand", "/cr save"

Hassle-free; With no dependencies, using this plugin is as simple as just drag-and-dropping it

- Simple reloading; Reload and sync configuration files with the plugin without having to restart the server!

- FREE!; Unlike some other regeneration plugins (e.g. UltimateBlockRegen) this plugin offers the same, if not more, high quality features, for a grand total of $0!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 156
First Release: Jun 27, 2024
Last Update: Jul 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings