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ChatEmojis -----

Emojis for chat

Chat Emojis is a lightweight plugin that replaces emoticons with 'emojis'.
Chat Emojis allows you to add your own emojis in the config file and supports multiple emoticons, random emoji selection, and regular expression capturing. ChatEmojis comes with 39 default emojis, including all the emojis on Hypixel.

*Emojis can also be used on signs and in books too
For detailed screenshots, check the releases.


/emoji (or /emojis) - Displays a list of all emojis
/emoji help - Displays a list of commands
/emoji reload - Reloads all emojis
/emoji settings - Toggle plugin settings
/emoji version - Show emoji version

chatemojis.list- permission to list emojis
chatemojis.use.* - permission to use all emojis
chatemojis.reload - permission to reload emojis
chatemojis.admin - permission to change settings (and reload)
chatemojis.* - permission to use everything

Emoji Specific Permission
Ungrouped emojis permission is as easy as chatemojis.use.<name>
Grouped emojis permission needs to include the path to the group (ex. chatemojis.use.<group-path>.<name>)

(if you don't know the permission for a specific emoji, you can view the permission by hovering over the emoji (in /emoji list) if you're an operator)

Permission for default Hypixel emojis:
chatemojis.use.hypixel.basic.* - permission to use all basic emojis
chatemojis.use.hypixel.premium.* - permission to use all premium emojis
chatemojis.use.hypixel.* - permission to use all Hypixel emojis

ChatEmojis does not hard-depend on any other plugins; Meaning none of these dependencies are required for ChatEmojis to work.


If you want to create your own emoji, you can just do so by copying an existing emoji and replacing the keys and values with your desired input. But if you're interested in learning how to use regular expression, multiple emoticon inputs, emoji outputs, and other configuration options, you can check out this wiki which contains a full tutorial and explanation on how to use the configuration file to create your own emojis.

ChatEmojis is built off of the spigot 1.16 API. Though it should work for all versions ranging from 1.7 to 1.19 unless there is an API difference I might have accidentally missed. If you encounter any issues, please create a new issue on GitHub. But for 1.7 support is limited considering 1.7 is a bit buggy.​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,534
First Release: Jan 18, 2021
Last Update: Jun 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
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