// ChatBubbles | [1.21] | [Factions/Citizens Compatible] | [PlaceholderAPI] \\ icon

// ChatBubbles | [1.21] | [Factions/Citizens Compatible] | [PlaceholderAPI] \\ -----

Allow players to create chat bubbles above their head! [ Factions | PlaceholderAPI | No lagg ]

- Added a feature such that when a message is hidden in game chat and shown only as a chatbubble, it is still logged to console for moderation purposes. Requested by @ Sieg on discord.
----------, Oct 31, 2024

- Updated to 1.21
----------, Sep 21, 2024

- @ Mason updated the code to allow for Citizens NPCs to have special characters in their name
- @nroj coincidentally requested this same feature in the live release on Spigot, so here we are!
- I'm noticing a bug with DecentHolograms as of Aug 24, 2023 where all the current versions of Spigot (1.20.1) and the plugin (2.8.3) come together and don't work. Nothing has changed on ChatBubbles end, but it seems if you use DecentHolograms right now that a armor stand is shown briefly on vanilla MC clients before "turning into" a hologram. Not sure what that's about.
----------, Aug 24, 2023

- Added a configurable messages.yml requested by @ J7 on discord
----------, Jul 5, 2023

- Somehow the live file was the last version and not the most up to date. Not sure how that happened. Probably an issue on my end somehow. Should be fixed now
----------, Jun 29, 2023

IMPORTANT: Somehow the file uploaded for this upload was the old version. I honestly don't know how that happened because I'm not sure where/why I'd have a download of the old version even on my computer. Use the reupload in the version posted to spigot after this one.
- Fixed visibility bug that has been plaguing the plugin since like Minecraft version 1.17. Both HolographicDisplays and DecentHolograms used deprecated code which broke visibility for all those versions, but have finally been updated. Now all functionality regarding hiding the chatbubbles for certain people (permissions related, factions related, distance related, etc) should work properly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use HolographicDisplays, you MUST use release #257 (CLICK HERE). The most recent "stable" build #258 did not function for me. Also, if you use HolographicDisplays players will need to rejoin after a /reload or else holograms won't function properly for them. This is an issue on HolographicDisplays end.
----------, Jun 27, 2023

- Fixes bug with config mode 6 functionality.
- Credit to @ masonhorne4
----------, Apr 7, 2023

Note: Configs will automatically be backed up and updated to the newest version. Carry over necessary values.
- @ masonhorne4 integrated the functionality to have all messages become chatbubbles unless a specified prefix is found. All credit goes to him.
- Fixed a bug with the blacklisting of words
----------, Apr 5, 2023

NOTE: config.yml will automatically be backed up and updated. Carry over necessary values.
- Added chatbubble total length cap. Suggested by @ Joshie
- Added warning to those typing '/cb reload' in an attempt to reload. The proper command is '/cbreload' and '/cb reload' behaves in accordance to the '/cb <msg>' format
- Allowed reloading from console (again, not sure how this got lost in updates)
- Added console feedback to player reloads (as opposed to only showing "success" feedback only to player who typed)
- Made messages fully blanked via blacklist removal no longer send as a chatbubble (for ex. a replaced "[item]" to display an item in chat no longer displays as a blank chatbubble). Suggested by @ supermamoru
----------, Dec 4, 2022

- Manually added compatibility for a couple important special characters in the blacklist.
- Updated config.yml comments to reflect this information more clearly. config.yml will NOT be reset for those with the most recent version prior. Only new users with twice outdated configs will be reset/updated.
- Suggested by @ supermamoru
----------, Dec 2, 2022

- Fixed a bug making plugin not function properly in 1.18. Reported by @ Six.
----------, Nov 29, 2022

Note: config.yml will automatically update, reset, and backup the old version. Carry over values where necessary.
- Added a blacklist feature requested by supermamoru
----------, Nov 29, 2022

- Enabled reloading to be performed by console rather than players in game.
----------, Aug 7, 2022

Note: config.yml will automatically be backed up and updated. Carry your old values over if you need.
- Fixed a critical bug. Accidentally left a line uncommented in the config.yml which invalidated it and corrupted the config update in the last version. Fixed now.
----------, Jul 29, 2022

Note: config.yml will automatically be backed up and reset enabling new features. Carry over all necessary values.
- Added custom per-NPC sounds. Custom resource pack sounds work. This only will function on DecentHolograms as HolographicDisplays support is phasing out from me.
- Fixed a DecentHolograms bug occurring on populated servers
----------, Jul 28, 2022

- Fixed a bug where colors would be stripped from ALL formatting lines of holograms. The intended functionality if "ChatBubble_Strip_Formatting" was set to true was to strip color from specifically lines containing the user's message so they didn't inject non-permitted colors. It accidentally stripped ALL colors from all the lines, however. Hex and vanilla formatting now function as intended in chatbubble lines not containing a user's message if "ChatBubble_Strip_Formatting" is set to true.
----------, Jul 8, 2022

Note: config.yml will automatically be backup and reset to the new version. Carry over the values you need.
- @SperoVida pointed out that foreign languages, many of asian descent for example, don't use "-" to indicate wordwraps like how English and Spanish do. Added "ChatBubble_WordWrap_Use_Hyphen" to config.yml. Set it to false if you wish to remove hyphens from your wordwraps.
----------, Apr 14, 2022

NOTE: I forgot it in the header but config.yml automatic backup/reset. Carry over values where applicable.
- Made the prefixes in the config into a list. I suppose multinational servers have some users which prefer "." while other non-English users prefer "。" (weirdos). So you can't JUST have one or the other because both types of users are on the same server. So it's a list now.
- Fixed a bug where if "ChatBubble_Send_Original_Message" was set to false in config.yml, the message which was shown as a hologram did not filter out the prefix from the message which showed. It filters it as intended now.
----------, Apr 9, 2022

Note: config.yml will be backed up and reset after first launch with this update. Carry over your settings where applicable.

- Added custom "prefix" characters instead of preset "." for chatbubble mode 5. Requested by @ SperoVida
----------, Apr 8, 2022

- Don't have time to test but should fix a bug reported by @lesxmore where players with chatbubbles toggled off wouldn't have their messages sent normally if "Send Original Messages" was set to false in config.yml.
- If doesn't function, this update will be recalled. Just too busy to test. Use at your own risk.
----------, Apr 5, 2022

- @ DrkMatr1984 contributed the addition of Citizens support.
- Performed some backend cleanup since other people are actually looking at code now. Only improved DecentHolograms implementations because I only felt like devoting that much time. HolographicDisplays is no bueno and doesn't deserve my time.
----------, Apr 4, 2022

Headnote: config.yml will be automatically backed up and updated. Feel free to carry over what values you want from the backup to the new live version after a server restart.

- Added a new fifth chat mode suggested by @SperoVida where messages prefixed with ".<message>" will be sent as chatbubbles and not sent in chat. This is a faster in-game experience for having a custom prefix for chatbubbles. Very nice suggestion.
- Fixed a bug for mode 2 groups being nonfunctional from a typo.
----------, Mar 28, 2022

- In transferring into a DecentHolograms implementation, I accidentally broke some of the outdated HolographicDisplays code. That should now be fixed. Reported by @ XeonZ
----------, Mar 12, 2022

Headnote: config.yml will be auto-backed up and reset to the new version with the new options. Carry over old values if you must.
- Added config option to configure the event priority to allow for better compatibility with some other plugins such as custom unicode inserters etc.
- Swapped some backend methods to new 1.18 versions. Dropping support for older versions because of it.
----------, Mar 11, 2022

- Fixed bugs for just about every configuration mode except for 0 and 1 lol why did nobody report this so long ago? The other modes blatantly didn't work because of a bug. Should be fixed now.
- Added support for DecentHolograms in place of HolographicDisplays by request and because HolographicDisplays support immediately following newer Spigot versions pisses me off.
- General code cleanup. This was quite spaghetti and stills is, but now less blatantly spaghetti :)
----------, Mar 11, 2022

- Added hex color support. Use the format "&#FF33FF" for example to implement custom hex colors.
----------, Aug 3, 2021

- Added new chatbubble mode by request where no hologram is made but a sound still plays. Plugin will continue to require HolographicDisplays regardless of whether or not you use holograms because it's so fundamental to the core of the plugin, I'm not going out of my way to have more advanced implementation. Sorry not sorry.
----------, Jul 10, 2021

Added ability for players to toggle their ChatBubbles on or off.
----------, May 10, 2020

- Added 1.15.x support. If you are using on a 1.15.x server, you MUST refer to the "Requirements" section of the plugin page to see how to download the required beta build of HolographicDisplays.
----------, Dec 19, 2019

- Updated to 1.14
----------, Jun 10, 2019

- Added a feature recommended by @ SpringBonnie. ChatBubbles can now make a sound. The sound can be vanilla or from a custom resource pack. It can also be disabled in the config.
----------, Dec 18, 2018

- Fixed a bug reported by @ LadyRuskio regarding lingering code from old versions and ChatBubble mode 1. Aside from the config permissions required, I also required "chatbubbles.use" behind the scenes and didn't say it anywhere. It should be fixed now
----------, Dec 17, 2018

- Fixed a bug reported by @ StereoN where long messages would spam the chat with a debug message that should have been removed before release.
----------, Dec 17, 2018

Accidentally uploaded old version last time.
----------, Dec 15, 2018

- @ IT_CHI requested a reload command. It will be "/cbreload" with the permission being "cashcow.reload"
----------, Dec 15, 2018

The plugin has been updated to support 1.13. With that, however, support for everything below 1.13 has been dropped and users should download old, unsupported versions.
----------, Dec 15, 2018

- Added a new feature allowing the stripping of formatting to prevent multiline formatting issues. Suggested by @Dard .
----------, Jul 7, 2018

Fixed a bug on the off chance you're running this on an offline computer just for use on LAN.
----------, Nov 24, 2017

Improved the overlapping system from preventing a new bubble being sent to the new message actually replacing the old message's bubble. Suggestion by Broken_War.
----------, Nov 12, 2017

Improved wordwrap as suggested by Bogdan2402.
----------, Nov 12, 2017

----------, Nov 12, 2017

Attempted a fix for overlapping bubbles. I can't test on heavily populated servers but I see potential for it to possibly bug individual players but on the off chance that that does happen, I added a backup and them rejoining will fix everything.
----------, Nov 12, 2017

Added wordwrap as suggested by Dard. Only wordwraps the typed message and formatting can be as long as the server configures it to be
----------, Nov 12, 2017

Added a chat height option to take into account custom nametag plugins. Suggested by Bogdan2402.
----------, Nov 12, 2017

Just some code optimization
----------, Nov 12, 2017

As a suggestion by Fargus, now invisible players won't make a chatbubble if they turned invisible through spigot api and not by packet control.
----------, Nov 11, 2017

PlaceholderAPI : Now you can utilize PlaceholderAPI in your chatbubble format

Custom ChatBubble Format : Now you can format the way the chatbubble comes out with farrr more control

Thanks for the suggestions from Outlaw
----------, Nov 11, 2017

Pretend this update didn't happen it just fixes something really small. Don't worry shhhh
----------, Nov 11, 2017

If you received the new config.yml update in which "VERSION: 2" can be seen at the bottom, you will most likely have a bunch of random "testing shit" values as well. These were entirely debug dependent and not meant to continue on to final release. Feel free to remove them. Sorry for the mixup.
----------, Nov 11, 2017

- Plugin version update notifier : If the plugin ever updates, the log will tell you. It won't spam you when you join in though because I personally think that's annoying as f*ck.

-Config version auto-update : If I ever change the layout of the config, this will automatically backup and update your config files for you. To take advantage of this feature you have to do a manual reset one time first. This currently doesn't carry over your changes but I intend to improve on that in the future.
----------, Nov 10, 2017

BBoyJD10 pointed out to me that the plugin was throwing an error which basically was saying you can't measure the distance of players in different worlds. I fixed it. Thanks BBoyJD10.
----------, Nov 10, 2017

I had previously done testing from third person on myself but that doesn't take into consideration name tags so I shifted the chat bubbles up. You can see them properly now. I also changed the wording of the config.yml for prefix and suffix to more accurately portray what they do. To update your config change your current config's name to something along the lines of "config_backup.yml"
----------, Nov 10, 2017

Configuration Mode 3 has been created allowing per-Faction Chat Bubbles.
----------, Nov 10, 2017

Accidentally left some code commented out. Fixed now.
----------, Nov 10, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,862
First Release: Nov 9, 2017
Last Update: Oct 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
31 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings