- Fixed a bug that would allow players to use certain commands without the required permission
- Fixed a bug that would prevent permissions from working as expected when using certain settings or plugin interacting and managing permissions
- Improved interaction with other plugins
- Fixed a bug where the plugin would spam the console
- Fixed a bug where language and mod settings would not safe correctly
- Chunk Arena
- Fixed a bug where mobs were not teleported back into the arena when using paper spigot
- Added Support for 1.21.3 and 1.21.4
- Please report any issues!
It is recommended to regenerate your language files as some placeholders and descriptions have changed.
- Added better visibility for what mods are active (config/status-below-mod)
- Added Option to add certain Mods to Favourites
- Added No Hunger Setting (Page 2)
- Added Death Message Setting (Page 1)
- Joker
- Is now a Setting (Page 1)
- added option to use joker as items
- Timer
- Added single options to block certain actions when the timer is paused
- Force Battle
- Added option to use the same order of instructions for each team
- Added option to hide scores of teams until the end and show them one by one (/results)
- Added Force Advancement Battle (Premium)
- Added Extreme Force Battle TeamVS (Premium)
- Added Force Item Race TeamVS (Premium)
- Added Difficulty Setting (Page 1)
- Force Item Battle
- moved to Free Tier
- Added Setting to disable Crating Tables
- TeamVS
- Added Setting for Elytras
- Force Battles
- Added Setting for display of current Instruction above player's heads
- NoPvP
- Fixed a bug where some mods would prevent this mod from working as intended
- Randomizer
- Fixed a bug where this mod would spam the console with error messages on Paper Spigot
- Added StackLimit Modifier (Page 10)
- Fixed a Bug where no sound would play for Force Modifiers
- Fixed a Bug where it was possible for players to be in multiple teams at the same time
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the bossbar from updating
- Added Support for Skulls on newer builds of 1.21.1 (internal Skull changes)
- Fixed a bug that would show a killing message for the AllMobs Goal even when the mob was not required.
- TeamVS Mods
- Added display of current Team in Tablist (config/ranks.
- Reworked Scoreboards (each TeamVS Mod now has it's own scoreboard layout -> language.yml file)
- Added Setting for disabling the scoreboard
- Fixed a bug that would prevent players from seeing the scoreboard
- Force Item Battle
- Using a joker now counts as collecting the current item
- Added Setting for adding the item to the player's inventory when using a joker
- Added Setting for selecting possible items
- Force Block
- Added Setting for selecting possible blocks
- Force Biome
- Added Setting for selecting possible biomes
- Force Item
- Added Setting for selecting possible items
- Force Entity
- Added Setting for selecting possible entities
- Chunk Arena
- Added Setting for selecting possible mobs
- Added Setting for selecting possible mobs
- Timer
- Added Format Setting
- Added option to turn off automatic layout change
- Added FlagQuiz Modifier (Page 9, Premium)
- Performance Improvements
This Update contains some changes to how challenges are started. The former way of challenges being active all the time when not using the timer wasn't ideal, so this Update implements a new System:
Challenges will now always need to be started. Either via
/challenge start OR
/timer resume (Challenges will automatically start and stop, depending on the timer status).
Other Changes:
- Added option to disable all permissions (config/enable-permissions)
- Added Periodic info message when the challenge is stopped (config/challenge-info)
- Added Difficulty for Mods
- Added MobCrafting Modifier (Page 5)
- Added MobRandomizer Modifier (Premium, Page 5)
- Added ChunkSync Modifier (Premium, Page 6)
- Added ChunkDecay Modifier (Premium, Page 6)
- Added Vampire Modifier (Premium, Page 8)
- Added VeinMiner Setting (Premium, Page 3)
- Increased display time for actionbar messages to 2 seconds
- Fixed a Bug where no Sound would play on Force Modifiers
- Fixed compatibility bugs with 1.20.1
- Added Support for 1.21.1
- ItemRemember
- Fixed a bug where some choices were not displayed
- Durability of tool choices will now be random
- Added Sound on Activation
- Fixed a bug where entities would not be marked as killed when using a bow
- Fixed display for certain messages
- Added Hotbar Randomizer Modifier (Page 5, Premium)
- Added XP Border Modifier (Page 6)
- Added Chunk Arena Modifier (Page 6, Premium)
- Fixed a Bug where the Force Entity Modifier could show incorrect entities.
- Plugin will now default to non-ordered GUI.
- Added Modifier Prediction (Premium, Page 7)
- Added Modifier Synchronized Inventories (Premium, Page 7)
- Improved Loading for Modifier Chunk Randomizer
- Fixed a bug where the /locate command would show placeholders.
- Fixed a bug where the Timer would not be shown.
- Fixed a Bug where Mods would try to load when on the wrong version.
- Fixed a Bug where the Timer Layout would not restore correctly.
- Fixed a Bug where the start lava height (Water Rise Mod) Property could not be changed.
- Added Gradient Support
- Gradients can now be using in language files
- Added Gradient Layout to timer
- Added new Goal All Items
- Added new Goal All Mobs (Premium)
- Added new Config: mob-heads.yml
- can be used to change the display heads for All Mobs
- New Mods will now be marked as NEW (disable in config.yml)
- Added Option to show the version in which Mods were added (config.yml)
Usage for Gradients:
Example: &#ff2200-ff8000#
- Added Support for 1.21.
- Reworked Settings gui for easier access
- Changed display of Mods.
- Modifications will now be orderer per page. This can be disabled in the config.yml at 'ordered-gui'.
- Added New Modifications.
- Added certain options to all challenges for more individual setting.
- Added custom Tablist and Ranks (can be disabled in the config).
- Added 'world' command to tp to a different world
- Improved stability and performance.
- Isolated Load of challenges so the plugin will continue to work even when single challenges fail to load.
This version drops support for 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16.1 as they have a low usage rate and add unwanted complexity to the plugin.
- Bug fixes
- improved performance
Mob Block Challenge
Quiz Challenge (more Questions comming in the next updates)
Damage Player
Permanent HP Loss Punishment (for all Players) (max HP)
Xp-Border: More Settings
- Fixed compatibility issues
- New Language:
German (Thanks to FRedstone_FL & Kasai)
Bug fixes:
- Language file bug fix
Bug fixes:
Xp-Border: Fixed border and mob-spawning issues (now 1.18 only)
Walk-Up: Fixed Jumping Bug
- some small message and gameplay bugs
Xp-Border Challenge: The Border rises with the level of the player
Team-vs-mods: Play challenges as team vs team
- small bug fixes
- small language fixes
Whole plugin reworked:
- IMPORTANT: now runs with java 11, not java 7 anymore
- added language file support (read language section on page)
- added more challenges
- fixed bugs
- improved performance
If you find any bugs, please let me know on discord, not on spigotmc!
Also: currently only a english language file is included. More to come!
Bug fixes:
CarefulItems: Fixed Item issues
Floor Is Lava: Fixed a bug with slabs
Force Coords: Fixed a bug with Coordinates
Bug Fixes:
KillAllMobs: Fixed a bug where the mobOverview couldn't be opened
- Challenge:
Bug fixes:
Bingo: Gui was empty when executing /items
- Challenge:
Collect Items
- Challenge:
Careful Items
- AllItems:
Save for current Item (on server stop)
- Challenge:
Max Hearts
- Challenge:
Equal HP
- Timer-Settings (Gui):
Set Time
- Challenge:
All Items
/skipitem Command: If you cant get an item in the all items challenge
Bug fixes:
Fixed a 1.13 and 1.14 Bug, where the plugin didnt start
Timer-NoMove (Timer-Settings): You cant move while the timer is paused
Bug fixes:
Force-Height: Fixed a bug where the height could be 0.
Challenges: Fixed a bug where some challenges couldn't be activated
Timer-effects: Moved settings to Timer-Settings
Bug fixes:
MaxEntityKills: The current kills were displayed wrong in the bossbar
Teleport-Command: You can now tp players using the coords
DeathMessage: You can now choose between the custom message, the default message and no message
Challenge: MaxEntityKills
Bug fixes:
DeathMessage: Fixed a message bug
Scoreboard: You can now also see you needed Items in the scoreboard
Bingo Actionbar: Now shows more Infos
Bingo GUI: Now replaces Items you found with green glass
Bug fixes:
Speed: Fixed a bug where players could remove their speed effect with milk
Setting: You can now turn on or off the Timer-Effects
Editable Prefix: You can now edit the prefix of the plugin in the config.yml
Bug fixes:
Bingo: Fixed Bingo Challenge
Bug fixes:
Timer: Fixed a bug where the Timer stopped working when it was reversed.
Timer: Added Messages for the Reversed function
Big Changes:
Cleaned up Code
Challenge: Jump And Run
Challenges: Challenges can now be player without the Timer
Delete the config.yml for this update. Otherwise there will be errors.
You can now edit most of the Challenges (for example the time of the Force-Challenges). To do this press rightclick on the Challenge and another Gui will open.
Bug fixes:
Timer: Fixed a Bug that prevented the timer from starting when a player joins.
Timer: Fixed a bug where the Timer-Stopped-Message was sent multiple times.
Force: A messages-bug was fixed
- Challenge:
Damage On Sneak
- Challenge:
No Water
Bug fixes:
Reset: Fixed Kick Message
It is recommendet to delete the old config.yml for this update
- Timer:
GUI (/timer setup)
- Timer:
Smart Timer: Timer now stops if no one is on the server. The Timer starts again and loads the last time when a player joins the Server again.
- Challenges:
Restore Challenges: After a server reload or restart, every challenge is activated and loaded again.
- Challenge:
Item Break
- GUI:
Updated Colors and Descriptions
- Backpack: Reworked and implemented a config
Bug fixes:
Timer: Fixed a bug where the timer started to run twice as fast
Rare Things: Fixed a bug where players could put items into the inventory
Max Items and
Max Blocks: Fixeda bug where the challenges
were not turned off
Force: Now every force challenge sends the first instruction after 5-10 minutes and not as soon as the challenge starts
Random Inv: Smoother and only ~1/10 of the Items are dropped and randomized
Fixed a Bug that prevent the plugin from starting.
- Challenge:
Force Entity
- Challenge:
Corona Challenge
- Challenge:
Inventory Drop
- Challenge:
Inventory Shuffle
- Challenge:
Random Inventory
- Challenge:
Red light (ger. Ampel)
GUI: theme changed
GUI: Added back button for every page
- Challenge:
Force Biome
- Join:
Timer start button
- Force-Challenges:
Bossbar color changes over time
Bug fixes:
- Some Challenge fixes
lava To Block: Is now a setting of Floor is lava
- more items for "
searching for rare things"
Bug fixes:
No PVP: Translation Bug
Snake: Walking-Bug
Toidi-Challenge: Damage-Bug
Max items: Translation-Bug
Fixed translation and Gui bugs
From now on the plugin language is german and english! So the update-messages will also be in english.
For this update delete the old plugin config!
Multilanguage: (/language)
New Gui and Messages layout
- Einstellung:
- Timer:
/timer load Command
- Herausforderung:
- Herausforderung
: Kein Linksklick
- Herausforderung
: Kein Rechtsklick
- Drop-Randomizer:
Random Amount
Bug fixes:
WaterMLG: funktioniert nun wieder
Das Plugin ist nun für die Versionen 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 und 1.16 kompatibel.
Noch ein schnelles Update hinterher!
- Herausforderung:
Damage On Walk
Gescheitert und
Geschafft-Nachricht mit Platzhaltern angepasst
- Herausforderung:
- Herausforderung:
Force-Challenges: Der Name eines Spielers der Versagt hat, wird nun angezeigt
Reset: überarbeitet
- Herausforderung: Wolfi-Challenge
- die meisten Challenges überarbeitet, damit sie besser funktionieren
- Einstellung:
- Reset:
AutoRestart (kann in der Config auf true gesetzt werden)
- Herausforderung:
- Wenn eine Challenge fehlschlägt/geschafft wird, wird nun am Ende die verschwendete/benötigte Zeit angezeigt
- Performance verbesserungen
- Geschafft:
Craft Items
- Herausforderung:
Bug fixes:
- Bei allen Challenges, welche eine
Bossbar benutzen, wird nun angezeigt, wenn der Timer pausiert oder gestoppt ist
Performance verbessert
- Herausforderung:
Keine gleichen Blöcke
- Herausforderung:
Bug fixes:
NoPvP: Ein Bug wurde behoben, bei dem man keinen Schaden durch Enderperlen bekommen hat, wenn NoPvP aktiviert war
Allgemein: kleinere Bugs
Nachrichten allgemein angepasst
- Herausforderung:
Keine gleichen Items
Bug fixes:
Force Block: Spielern, die den Server neu betreten, wird nun auch die BossBar angezeigt
Water MLG: funktioniert nun, wie es soll
Config: Bug bei Updates behoben
Force Block: Nachrichten angepasst
Force High: Nachrichten angepasst
Geteilte Herzen: Regeneration wird nun auch übertragen
- Herausforderung:
Gleiche Höhe
- Herausforderung:
Jedes Essen nur 1 mal
Bug fixes:
Force Block: kann nun mehrere male erneut aktivert werden, ohne den Server neu zu starten oder zu reloaden
Force High: kann nun mehrere male erneut aktivert werden, ohne den Server neu zu starten oder zu reloaden
AnvilRain: kann nun mehrere male erneut aktivert werden, ohne den Server neu zu starten oder zu reloaden
ChunkDestruction: funktioniert nun, wie es soll
Allgemein: kleinere Bugfixes und Performanceverbesserung
- Herausforderung:
- Herausforderung:
- Herausforderung:
- Einstellung:
- Sound: bei
InventuryClearOnDamage wird nun ein Sound abegespielt
Bug fixes:
ForceBlock: Du Challenge kann nun weiter verwendet werden, wenn sie fehlschlägt und der Timer pausiert wird, indem man den Timer weiter laufen lässt.
ForceBlock: Es wird nun eine Nachricht ausgegeben, wenn alle Spieler auf dem richtigen Block standen.
ForceHigh: Du Challenge kann nun weiter verwendet werden, wenn sie fehlschlägt und der Timer pausiert wird, indem man den Timer weiter laufen lässt.
ForceHigh: Es wird nun eine Nachricht ausgegeben, wenn alle Spieler auf der richtigen Höhe standen.
- Herausforderung:
- Einstellung:
Bug fixes:
AnvilRain: Wenn der Timer pausiert wird, werden Ambosse nicht mehr auf den Boden fallen
Snake: Wenn man springt, wird der "Kopf" nicht durch den "Körper" ersetzt
Snake: Schlangenfarbe wurde zu Rot geändert, um besser sichtbar zu sein
FloorIsLava: Lava entsteht nun nur bei den Blöcken, auf denen man steht (springen)
ForceBlock: Es wurde ein Bug behoben, durch den beim verlieren der Challenge nur der Timer pausiert wurde
Bug fixes:
Snake Herausforderung funktioniert nun
Reverse Damage Herausforderung funktioniert nun wieder
Damage-Message wurde auf verschiedene Herausforderungen angepasst
Damage-Message wird bei 0 Schaden (z.B. bei Schild) nicht mehr angezeigt
- Beschreibung von Manchen
Settings wurde angepasst
Es wird nun eine Info in der Kosole ausgegeben, wenn ein neues Update auf SpigotMc erscheint!