Challenge Plugin icon

Challenge Plugin -----

Play Minecraft with a lot of different Challenges and Modifications (like BastiGHG)

Update 2.2.0 - Timer update
It is recommendet to delete the old config.yml for this update


- Timer: GUI (/timer setup)
- Timer: Smart Timer: Timer now stops if no one is on the server. The Timer starts again and loads the last time when a player joins the Server again.
- Challenges: Restore Challenges: After a server reload or restart, every challenge is activated and loaded again.
- Challenge: Item Break
- GUI: Updated Colors and Descriptions
- Backpack: Reworked and implemented a config

Bug fixes:
- Timer: Fixed a bug where the timer started to run twice as fast
- Rare Things: Fixed a bug where players could put items into the inventory
- Max Items and Max Blocks: Fixeda bug where the challenges
were not turned off
- Force: Now every force challenge sends the first instruction after 5-10 minutes and not as soon as the challenge starts

- Random Inv: Smoother and only ~1/10 of the Items are dropped and randomized
----------, Sep 11, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 22,690
First Release: Jul 28, 2020
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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