- Make the Particle/Coupon Command accessible from the console
- Particles can now be added to offline Players
- Some cleanup
- Command to send coupons to another players (f.e. from console)
/tf coupon %timeAmount% %timeUnit% %stackSize% %target%
- Placeholder: %tempfly_seconds_if_active% shows the seconds only, if fly is active
- Combat Bypass Permission
- HuskClaim Bypass Permission
- Rework API Integration Check
- Not setting a max value in the config for bonus resulted in failure
- Combat Bypass Permission not working for commands
- Max Limit for Rewards
- Don't add Playtime Bonus back on Config Update
- Error while changing the particle
- Placeholder and add/remove/set time issue
- Flytime Reset on Gamemode Change Issue
- Folia Async Scheduler Issue
- Add Validation for firstJoin Bonus Config Entry
Bank Flytime Feature
Playtime rewards
Coupon Item /tf coupon %time% %timeunit%
TempAfk Support
Bypass Permission for Afk
Config Option: Change-Flymode-Ground-Only
Config Option: Options.Reactivate-After-Disabling
Config Backups before Updating
Reactivate flight after world teleport
Don't stop loading User, if player is using the infinite fly permission
Bug where disabling fly resulted in unlimited fly time
WorldGuard not checking the correct location for teleports
TimeUnit and remove Milliseconds as a possibility
Don't enable fly, if it wasn't enabled in the first place
Prevent NPE Error
GUI PlayerHead error
- Towny Plugin Support
- Placeholder for the PlaceholderAPI
- GriefPrevention disable fly on claim deletion
- blacklisted worlds weren't correctly working
- improve area blocking code
- fully disable Fly for external APIs
- re-enable Fly after Player died
- User License to the plugin
- Remove Paper explicit Support to support older MC Versions
- Conflict with Skyblock and Protection Plugins
- Teleport and Flymode deactivate Bug
- Loading issues with PlayerPoints, ItemsAdder and Worldguard
- Worldguard NPE error message
- Adding the User License to the plugin.
New Placeholder:
To get a specific time unit from the flytime.
- Add Minecraft 1.21 Support
- Add Oraxen & Itemsadder GUI Items support
- Fix Plugin loading Issue, if Oraxen + Papermc server are used.
Add missing language entries
- Fallback Method if Start Flytime couldn't be found. Prevents fully time resets.
- Support for DeluxeCombat
- PvP only Combat Option
- Command to change the particle without the GUI:
/tf particle %particle%
- Admin Command:
/tf particle <give/remove/toggle> %target% %particle%
- OnlineMode Option to Support Offline Servers (needs to be set in the config)
- Fully implement Paper Support. (/pl shows the plugin as paper Plugin)
- Prevent SQL Injection
- Changed Default GUI.yml Particle to the new 1.20.5+ Format
- Fix Fly Speed Bug while being in Combat
- GuiBuilder ignored some Placeholders
- Optimization and Clean Up
- Folia Support
- Flyspeed Command / Permission for different Flyspeed Level / Default Config Value
- Changing Flytime for flying Players results in an incorrect set value.
Fixed important Flytime reset Bug! (since version 1.2.0)
- HuskClaim support
- Particle Permission (tempfly.particle.%particle%) to give player particle trail, without the need of buying it.
- /tf particle to instantly go into the particle menu
- [Combat] the possibility to deny commands, while being in combat
- Flytime Limiter to shorten the fly time format.
- TempFly Debug Logger (needs to be manually activated)
- \n or %n% in the message for next line
- Actionbar IgnoreInfinite, makes the Actionbar invisible, if player have infinite fly
- Fly time won't be reseted anymore, if player leave the server while being in the air.
- Fixed issue, where bigger fly time values couldn't be added or removed from player
- Give Player an error message, if the player couldn't be found
- Fixed the "status" placeholder for de-/activating particles
- Empty Message won't be sent anymore
- blacklisted WorldGuard Regions wouldn't get read correctly from the config
- removed wrong particle type from the default config
- Changed the location of the FlyManager API. Please update your plugins, that are depending on TempFly.
- Add: FactionsUUID Support
- Add: SuperiorSkyblock2 Support
- Changed Update Checker from 12h to 24h interval
- Updated dependencies
Add: GriefPrevention Member Flying
Fix: BossBar showed wrong Animation for infinite permission
/tf gave time placeholder, if player has infinite permission
Fix: Players with the Infinite Permission won't get the Bonus on Join.
Fix: Different Method to prevent Players to fly in blacklisted areas.
Fix: Send message only once in blacklisted areas.
Fix: Changed some internal API usage.
Fixed: GriefPrevention and Residence Hook weren't correctly working
Added: New Placeholder %tempfly_timestamp% and %tempfly_time_with_zeros%
Added: Infinite Permission (
Default: tempfly.infinite) - Allows Players to Fly with no time limit
A small change/fix to disable the fly mode, after the time runs out. This prevents the fly jump, if no time is left.
- Grief Prevention Support
- Lands Support
- Config Option to count the time, as long the Fly mode is active. Ignores if player is in the Air or Not.
- Gui Action to close the Inventory directly
- SQL Log Message was incorrect
- New Database Reconnect/Test Method to prevent timeouts
- Prevent an error, if the Countdown timer gets completely removed from the config.
- Fly time gets correctly saved after Server Shutdown
Once again, thanks to
@shardanacraft for reporting the bug!
- Fixed bug, which gives the time back after changing the flymode, while being in the air.
- Fixed NPE Error after Gamemode Change
- Added 5m Flytime format (/tempfly <give/add/set/remove> <Target> <time or f.e. 5m>)
- Added -1 for AFK Timer to disable it.
- Added Config Setting to disable the Join Reward
- Added Log enable/disable Log Message for Bungeecord/Velocity
- Fixed MariaDB timeout problem
- Fixed Changing from Creative to survival won't bug the Flymode anymore
- Fixed teleports now also disable the Flymode, if in a blacklisted area.
- Fixed disabling Combatsystem was not working
- Fixed some methods being called async, which won't work
- Updated and removed unneeded Dependencies
- Adding Worldguard Flag "tempfly" to deny/allow flying easier
- Adding Always On for the Actionbar
- Adding Worldguard bypass permission
- Fixing Worldguard not hooking into the plugin correctly
Fix: BossBar Console Error, if player have more time then the bossbar max configured Value.
Fix: Error Message being not correct
Make sure to set the new database type in the config, after starting the server with this version once! Otherwise, SQLite is default used and might result in no loading data.
- Support for the new MariaDB Version
- Folia Support
- Residence Support
- Adding the Bossbar in the config to show the Flytime
- Possibility to disable the Actionbar Flytime
- Changing the Admin help permission to: tempfly.admin.help
- Fix Reload Command now works.
- Fix Combat System won't trigger while hitting not living entities
- Fix default GUI config, item was not centered correctly
- Fix Soft dependencies weren't set up correctly
- Small fixes/improvements
- Fixed Typo in the default Config
- Fixed NPE if PlotSquared is installed
Fixed flying getting disabled after changing the world.
Fix: Soft Dependencies not needed anymore.
TempFly was tested on Minecraft 1.20.1.