[Bungeecord/Velocity/Bukkit/Folia] TempFly - Give players fly time! icon

[Bungeecord/Velocity/Bukkit/Folia] TempFly - Give players fly time! -----

Players can fly temporally - Proxy Support - Shop for Flytime/Particle

Info: Minecraft Version 1.9-1.18 can be downloaded on my Discord after verifying the purchase. It is not maintained for this versions and only on TempFly Version 1.1.9
This plugin gives your players the opportunity to fly temporally through given or bought fly time.
The Shop contains fly time or Particle Effects for an own custom fly trail to buy.
Server Administrator can also create rewards for players, after they join the server. It will be automatically claimed.

Bungeecord/Velocity is supported for the best synchronization between the servers. It's possible to share your fly time to players on other servers as well. They don't need to be on the same server.

As always everything is customizable in the Configs! (More at Configuration)

Wiki for all information: https://wiki.uc-gg.de/en/TempFly

The player only got few commands to work with. /temp fly is the most important. It sets the player fly mode to de-/active. Only, if the player got fly time left. After that he can start flying after pressing the space bar twice. Like in creative mode.
While the player is flying, the time is shown above the hotbar or as a Bossbar. Depending on what you set up in the config. The fly time won't be removed, if the player is standing on the ground.
After the fly time runs out, the player fly mode will be deactivated. The player will fall to the ground, but will not receive any damage from this fall.
Command Info.png

Command TF.png

Current Time.png

Particle Trail Edited.jpg

Players can share their fly time with other players on the server. They only need to run /Temp Fly give %Player% %Amount% %TimeUnit%.

Command Give.png

But it is also possible, to buy fly time through the integrated Shop System. ( /Temp Fly shop) The Administrator of the server can define the fly time which will be received and how much it should cost. As well for the particle effects for the fly trails. They show up, if a player is flying above the ground.

The fly time Shop:
Main Menu Flytime.png
Shop Flytime.png

The Particle Shop:
Main Menu Particle.png
Particle Not Bought.png
Particle Bought.png

Administrator can easily create messages, for the fly time / AFK time.

Code (Text):

#Countdown Message; The until option doesnt work for different timeunits 5m-3s; only 5m-3m/10s-1s
     Message: '&6The Fly-Mode is running out in &f&l3 Minutes&6.'
     MessageType: 'CHAT'
     Message: '&6The Fly-Mode is running out in &f&l%time% Seconds&6.'
     MessageType: 'CHAT'
     Message: '&6The Fly-Mode was disabled.'
     MessageType: 'TITLE'
     Message: '&7[&c&lAFK&7] &6The Fly-Mode will be disabled &f&l%time% Minutes&6.'
     MessageType: 'CHAT'
     Message: '&7[&c&lAFK&7] &6The Fly-Mode will be disabled &f&l%time% Seconds&6.'
     MessageType: 'CHAT'
     Message: '&7[&c&lAFK&7] &6The Fly-Mode was disabled.'
     MessageType: 'TITLE'

AFK Detection

It is possible to define in the config an AFK value. After this value, the fly mode will be automatically disabled. This prevents players from flying AFK in the air, while their fly time is being removed.

Combat System
There is currently an own Combat System integrated. After the players gets damage or deals damage, the flying will be disabled for the cooldown phase. The Plugin also supports DeluxeCombat. You can tell me your preferred Combat System on my Discord Server and I will take a look at it.

Bungeecord/Velocity Support
The plugin was mainly built for a Bungeecord server. It also supports Velocity. You only need to add the same TempFly.jar to the proxy plugin directory.
This is needed for the synchronization between the Servers. No Config is generated/needed to be edited. TempFly does everything else through the Subservers.

Worldguard + PlotSquared + Lands + GriefPrevention + Residence
In the config are settings to define blacklisted regions or to enable the external plugin integration Support. After players fly through a not allowed area, their flying will be automatically be disabled. After they leave the region, they only need to press double space bar and they start flying. Depending on the Plugin, there will be also a flag added.

The plugin also offers for Developers an own API.
You can find a general documentation here: https://wiki.uc-gg.de/en/TempFly/API
For any farther questions try contacting the discord!

  1. Download the newest Version from Spigot.
  2. Stop your Minecraft Server.
  3. Go into your Minecraft Server folder and search for a directory with the name plugins.
  4. Move the downloaded .jar File into the plugins directory.
  5. Start your Minecraft Server. TempFly will then create a new Directory.
  6. (Only Bungeecord/Velocity) Install the .jar also on the proxy. No Config needed.
MySQL Setup
  1. Open your /plugins/TempFly/Config.yml in a file editor.
  2. The first lines should look like the following:
Code (Text):
#Your MySQL Connection Settings; SQLLite only needs the type. The other settings are ignored.
#Type can be MARIADB, MYSQL and SQLITE
  Type: 'SQLITE'
  Host: 'ipaddress'
  Port: 3306
  UseSSL: true
  User: 'admin'
  Password: 'S€CR3T'
  Database: 'Database'
  1. Configure your database credentials there. (The Port is in the most cases correct)
  2. Restart your Minecraft Server. If everything is correct, then there should be a "{SQL} successfully connected to Database." message in the log.
More information about the Configs can be found here.

/tf - De-/Activates the Fly Mode. After Enabling the player could start flying
/tf shop - Opens the Shop Menu. In there you can select Flytime or Particle Menu
/tf give %player% %amount% [TimeUnit] - Give the target player some of your own fly time. If no time unit is used, then it will use seconds.
/tf add%player% %amount% [TimeUnit] - Same like the give command, but for admins. This command won't remove fly time of your own Account.
/tf remove %player% %amount% [TimeUnit] - Removes the fly time of the target player.
/tf set %player% %amount% [TimeUnit] - Sets the fly time of the target player.

tempfly.command.<command> - Permission to use the /tf user commands.
tempfly.admin.<command> - Permission to use the /tf admin commands. (add, remove, set, …)
tempfly.bonus.<group> - Access for the reward group defined in the config.
tempfly.bypass.bworld - Bypass blacklisted worlds.
tempfly.bypass.plot - Bypass the PlotSquared region limitations.
tempfly.bypass.combat - Bypass if you are in combat.


Ideas are always welcome and can be added. I want to keep improving the plugin with Bug Fixes and new features as long my time allows it.
If you need help with the installation. Just contact the Support and the issue will be resolved as fast as possible!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 132
First Release: Jun 16, 2023
Last Update: Dec 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Find more info at wiki.uc-gg.de...
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