BountySeekers is a plugin that allows players to place/raise bounties on other players in a more vanilla fashion. Instead of using economy systems, the bounties' rewards are items offered by other players. This way, servers without an economy plugin can still have bounties on players! If you have any questions or concerns, please join our Discord Server!
Key Features
Custom NBT Support > Allows modded/custom items to be added as rewards.
Bounty Permissions > Allows the server owner to define who can raise, claim, and view bounties.
GUI-Based > Allows players to intuitively look through and raise bounties using easy to understand GUIs.
Above all, it supports every version! *Older versions might not have every feature present in the newer ones.
bounty.* > Allows access to every feature of the plugin
bounty.raise > Allows a player/group to raise a bounty.
bounty.raise.silent > Allows a player/group to anonymously raise a bounty.
bounty.check > Allows a player/group to directly view a player's bounty.
bounty.claim > Allows a player/group to claim bounties.
bounty.list > Allows a player/group to view the list of player bounties.
bounty.reset > Allows a player/group to reset a player's bounty.
bounty.admin.setrewardlimit > Allows a player/group to set the limit of item stacks that can exist in the bounties.
bounty.admin.setrewardfilters > Allows a player/group to edit the reward filters for the plugin. > Allows a player/group to see the help menu
/bounty help Displays the help menu. Permission:
/bounty list Displays the list of active bounties. Permission: bounty.list
/bounty check <player> Directly displays the bounty on a player. Permission: bounty.check
/bounty raise <player> Raises the bounty for a player by contributing to the player's bounty reward. Permission: bounty.raise
/bounty silentraise <player> Raises the bounty for a player, hiding the identity of the benefactor. Permission: bounty.silent.raise
/bounty reset <player> Resets the bounty for a player. Permission: bounty.reset
/bounty setrewardlimit <amount> Sets the maximum amount of rewards a player can receive for their bounty. Setting this value to -1 will remove the reward limit. Permission: bounty.admin.setrewardlimit
/bounty setrewardfilters Sets the filters for the rewards a player can receive for their bounty through a GUI. Permission: bounty.admin.setrewardfilters
%bounty_rewardcount% Shows the amount of rewards in a bounty for a player.