With bloodmoon advanced you are adding a bloodmoon event to your server with tons and tons and tonssss of features! Add custom mobs to your server, with certain life cycles and events. Spawn any mob you want on a natural way in the regular world.
The bloodmoon will add that extra piece of challenge you need for your server. You control everything, the amount of mobs, speed, items, custom actions and the life cycle of the mob.
Take a close look at the documentation to fully understand how everything works, or
reach out to us via our support discord. We will be very happy to assist you!
English Showcase
Brazilian/Portuguese showcase
Below you can find just a small summary of the options in this plugin. All the options are completely configurable and optional to your needs!
new Integrate your OWN plugins with our Bloodmoon Advanced API!
Integrated with Mythic mobs, Placeholder API and Force resource pack
new spawn bosses that can be tracked with a trail
Custom mobs (name, health, speed, much more ...)
Custom items (display names, drop chances, ...)
Configure percentages for bloodmoon to occur
Multiple worlds are possible!
Add custom time based life cycles to custom mobs
Custom actions with choosen commands or pre-configured world events (teleports, dashes, etc)
Mob in blocks, when mining a certain block during bloodmoon, custom mobs might spawn
During bloodmoon, harvesting might fail
Traveling through portals is not possible during bloodmoon
Sleeping is not possible during bloodmoon
Thanks to the smart auto complete, creating new mobs, items , ... was never that easy!
Bell warning: When a bloodmoon is scheduled, you can hear the clocks far far away ... the next night, will be a bloodmoon ...
Custom resource pack with red moon!
All messages are configurable!
Run custom commands upon start and end!
Configurable difficulty during bloodmoon
Configurable sounds and effects for despawning mobs
Configurable lightning strikes on or near the player during a thunderstorm
Increase or decrease the spawn limit per chunk during the bloodmoon
Play scary sounds during a bloodmoon
Play sounds on start and stop of bloodmoon
Show a bossbar during the bloodmoon
Configurable start and stop titles
Auto update checker
World becomes darker during a bloodmoon with fog hanging around the world
Integrated with these successful plugins
Bloodmoon started
Respawn event
Shield event
Dash & Teleport event
Vanish event
Configurable crop harvesting failure
Lightning Event
Reinforcement Event
Bloodmoon Stopped
Download the jar file
Stop your server (if already running)
Put the jar file in your plugins folder
Start your server
Optional: Edit the config file 5a: type /bloodmoon reload to reload the config file
Code (YAML):
# This is the bloodmoon config file. Make sure you use the correct format for the correct properties # If at any moment, you believe you broke the config, remove it and reconfigure it. # Authors: MrGeneralQ, PandaCrafter1 # For a detailed config version please check our wiki: https://bloodmoon.mrgeneralq.net/
# DO NOT REMOVE version: "1.0"
# set to false if you want to disable the update checker #IMPORTANT we only provide support for the latest version update-checker-enabled: true
# A list of all worlds that are enabled for the bloodmoon. enabled-worlds: - world
# if set to true, players will not be able to use portals during the bloodmoon block-portal: true
# if set to true, players cannot go to sleep during blood moon events block-sleeping: true
# if change-difficulty is set to true, the difficulty will change when the bloodmoon runs # possible values easy|normal|hard|peaceful change-difficulty: true
difficulty: 'hard'
# amount of percentage a bloodmoon might occur | if set to -1, bloodmoon will not occur randomly but can still be # started using the bloodmoon start and schedule command bloodmoon-chance: 20.0
# percentage when harvesting crops will result in a failure harvest-failure-chance: 50.0
# whenever there is a thunderstorm, the percentage specified will redirect the lightning to any player in the world lightning-strike-player-chance: 20.0
# if the player does not get striked by a lightning, what is the chance that it strikes near the player lightning-near-hit-percentage: 50.0
# amount of mobs that can spawn in one chunk (Bukkit default is 70) monster-spawn-limit: 160
# Run a series of actions when the bloodmoon is started or begins start-actions:
enabled: true
title: "&4Bloodmoon started" subtitle: "Be aware!" commands:
enabled: true
commands: - bloodmoon say The bloodmoon is rising!
enabled: true
# Run a series of actions when the bloodmoon is stopped or ends stop-actions:
enabled: true
title: "&aBloodmoon stopped" subtitle: "No more crazy stuff" commands:
enabled: true
commands: - bloodmoon say The sun is rising, the spirit of the moon is fading away
... sound:
enabled: true
# choose to play a sound when the mobs are getting removed after the bloodmoon # make sure to use correct sound names and effects # spigot particles: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html # spigot sounds: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# show a bossbar during the bloodmooon bossbar:
enabled: true
title: "Bloodmoon" fog: true
dark: true
enabled: true
sound: "ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH" play-particle:
enabled: true
particle: "SPELL_MOB"
#during the bloodmoon, play a series of scary sounds to make it even more scary scary-sounds:
enabled: true
sounds: - AMBIENT_CAVE
# when a bloodmoon is scheduled either by command or automatically, if bell warning is enabled, you can make a bell # ring far away from the players, as if a churge is alerting the players for the upcoming bloodmoon # the count is representing how many times the bell should ring # NOTE: a headset might be required in order to experience the full effect bell-warning:
enabled: true
count: 6
# if you want you can apply a custom resource pack when the bloodmoon is rising # for the url-enabled, put the official bloodmoon zip file # for the url-disabled: put any empty zip file as this would force back to the old resource pack resource-pack:
enabled: false
url-enabled: "http://dl.dvrm.it/Uploads/Bloodmoon.zip" url-disabled: "http://dl.dvrm.it/Uploads/normal.zip"
# specifiy for each block which mob will spawn and the percentage mob-in-block:
enabled: true
percentage: 10.0
percentage: 100.0
# specify a list of all mobs that will not be replaced upon spawn by a random bloodmoon mob. This are typically mobs # used for farming # non hostile mobs are excluded by default excluded-mobs: - GUARDIAN
prefix: "&f[&cBloodmoon&f]" no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to that command!" unexisting-command: "&cThis command does not exist! Type /bloodmoon to see all commands" only-players: "&cThis command can only be executed from ingame!" already-running: "&cThe bloodmoon is already running for that world" not-running: "&cThe bloodmoon is not running for that world" config-reload: "&cBloodmoon config reloaded!" specify-type: "&cPlease specify the %type%!" type-exists: "&c%type% already exists" type-not-exists: "&cThe %type% does not exist!" type-not-valid: "&cThe %type% is not valid!" invalid-args: "&cInvalid arguments for the %type%!" args-format: "&aArguments format: &c %args%" type-added: "&aA new %type% has been added for &f%name%" type-created: "&a%type% has been created" type-updated: "&a%type% has been updated!" type-removed: "&a%type% has been removed" type-spawned: "&a%type% has been spawned" type-list: "&aThe list for %type%:" empty-type-list: "&aThis %type% has no %subtype% yet!" list-item: "&a[%position%] &7%arg%" type-not-found: "&c%type% not found" item-received: "&7%player% received %amount% %type%" hold-item: "&cPlease hold the item you want to use" use-data: "&aYou may use the following data in the items.yml:" not-scheduled: "&cThe bloodmoon is not scheduled!" cancel-night: "&cYou cannot cancel a bloodmoon schedule during nighttime. Wait until the night is over" canceled: "&4Scheduled bloodmoon is canceled for world: &7%world%" already-scheduled: "&cThe bloodmoon is already scheduled!" schedule-night: "&cYou cannot schedule a bloodmoon during nighttime. Wait until the night is over" scheduled: "&4Bloodmoon scheduled for world: &7%world%" start-day: "&4You cannot start the bloodmoon during the day!" started: "&4Bloodmoon started for world &7%world%" stop-day: "&4You cannot stop the bloodmoon during the day!" stopped: "&4Bloodmoon stopped for world &7%world%" sleep: "&cYou cannot sleep during the bloodmoon event!" portal: "&4The portal is blocked by a magical force ..." world-not-enabled: "&4This world is not enabled"