BetterStructures icon

BetterStructures -----

Minecraft structures for any world generation!

BetterStructures 1.7.8
- [New] Improved commands
- [New] Added /logify command to allow admins to easily upload their latest log to
- [New] Getting close to the public release of the new modular builds system
- [New] Improved installation process to future-proof installation of elitemobs, fixing a problem with admins installing content out of order
- [Fix] Fix for some Minecraft versions experiencing errors with biomes
----------, Feb 7, 2025

BetterStructures 1.7.7:
- Fixed problem with the /bs initialize command
----------, Dec 27, 2024

BetterStructures 1.7.6:
- [Critical fix] Added JOML which seemed to be missing from some servers
----------, Dec 21, 2024

BetterStructures 1.7.5:
- [Fix] Fixed problems in MagmaCore related to custom biomes not spawning builds correctly
----------, Dec 11, 2024

- Fixed loot error
- Fixed problem where biomes were not working correctly
- Previously uploaded the wrong version of the plugin, this one should be properly updated to Minecraft 1.21.3
----------, Dec 4, 2024

BetterStructures 1.7.3:
- [New] Added compatibility for Minecraft 1.21.3
- [New] Starting with Minecraft 1.21.3, started providing native support for Terra, Terralith, Iris and TerraformGenerator specific biomes for builds!

Note: this update technically has some already working features for the upcoming modular builds, but they are not documented, not supported and not officially released yet, so don't try to use it or ask about it in general please.
----------, Dec 3, 2024

Based on popular request, there's 2 new build packs!
- Caves and Lost Civilizations Free

- Caves and Lost Civilizations Premium

BetterStructures 1.7.2:

- [New] Completely remade the pedestal system, greatly improving how well builds merge into terrain
- [New] Added /betterstructures setup command
- [New] Added /betterstructures initialize command
- [New] Added a content management system
- [Fix] Fixed the silent command not working correctly
- [Fix] Fixed MagmaCore versioning for all people wishing to use the API

This update allows users to easily check what content is installed and toggle it, as well as improving the first time installation process! We'll be refining this over time based on your feedback. Additionally, we will very soon be adding a way to check for content updates, as we are working on a mass update of all packages based on all of your feedback!

Finally, just a heads up - I am just warming up! You can expect some incredibly powerful and complex features coming to BetterStructures really soon, a feature people have been asking since the very start - stay tuned for the big update!
----------, Sep 24, 2024

BetterStructures 1.7.1:
- [Fix] Critical fix for treasure chests and lootify command
----------, Aug 4, 2024

Notice: All of the available in and has been updated to use a new and improved installation format! This new format makes it really hard to mess up installing content.

BetterStructures 1.7.0:
- [New] Now using MagmaCore
- Redid all commands
- Redid add configuration file systems
- Redid the import system
- [New] Moved maven repository to be self-hosted at
- [Fix] Fixed issue where events wouldn't get unregistered correctly
----------, Aug 2, 2024

[BetterStructures 1.6.11 changelog:
- [New] Now compatible with Minecraft 1.21
- [New] Upon user request, no longer using base64 for the lootify command, meaning that lootified entries can now easily be read by admins. Note: this breaks all previously added loot via the lootify command, which Minecraft 1.21 also partially broke regardless. The new method should be easier to maintain in the long run.
----------, Jun 25, 2024

BetterStructures 1.6.10 changelog:
- [Fix] Fixed signs made in 1.20.4+ not working for EliteMobs and MythicMobs
- [Fix] Removed debug messages
----------, Mar 19, 2024

BetterStructures 1.6.9 changelog:
- [New] Properly updated to use the new WorldEdit 1.20.4+ schematic format
----------, Mar 17, 2024

BetterStructures 1.6.8 changelog:
- [Fix] Changed the way signs get interpreted by BetterStructures, should fix all signs regardless of WorldEdit version, FastAsyncWorldEdit version and Minecraft version.
----------, Jan 29, 2024

Note: I apologize for the repeated fixes, schematic formats have changed and the pull request from the community that aimed to implement that was deeply flawed in a way that was not immediately obvious to me when I was originally testing it

BetterStructures 1.6.7 changelog:
- [Fix] Fixed issue specific to running worldedit pre-beta in 1.20.4+ servers
----------, Jan 21, 2024

BetterStructures 1.6.6 changelog:
- [Fix] Fixed spawn signs not working for FAWE
- [Fix] Fixed spawn signs not working for the WorldEdit beta when using legacy formats (I think)
- [Tweak] Attempted to improve FAWE overall spawn reliability
----------, Jan 19, 2024

BetterStructures 1.6.5 changelog:
- Updated to work with schematics generated in 1.20.4 (thanks to contribution)
- Exposing more API endpoints for developers (schematicClipboard and schematicOffset)
- Added generateProtectedRegion(FitAnything fitAnything, String regionName) for easy API use by other developers
----------, Jan 18, 2024

BetterStructures 1.6.4 changelog:
- [New] Added a way to turn protecting EliteMobs-related structures off
- [Fix] Fixed issue with the lootify command breaking loot tables
- [Tweak] Lowered the spam of warning messages related to seen invalid enchantments
----------, Nov 28, 2023

Reminder: There is currently a 25% off sale on my itch page! Individual stuff is 25% off, or 38% off if you get everything I've released!

Version 1.6.3
- [New] Contents in chests are now placed randomly in chests
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the valid worlds setting for the generators was not working
- [Fix] Fixed issue where spawn signs weren't working
- [Fix] Fixed issue where lootify was removing loot table weights
----------, Sep 21, 2023

Version 1.6.2
- [Fix] Fixed loot table for versions older than 1.19
----------, Aug 20, 2023

Note: Apologies, earlier I uploaded 1.6.0 again by mistake instead of 1.6.1

Version 1.6.1
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the plugin would generate materials not compatible with older MC versions, now only generates adequate content for each version
----------, Aug 19, 2023

Version 1.6.1
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the plugin would generate materials not compatible with older MC versions, now only generates adequate content for each version
----------, Aug 18, 2023

Notice: BS+EM 101 premium shrines has updated! Update on itch or patreon!
Version 1.6.0

- [New] Official 1.20+ compatibility
- [New] 101 premium shrines package has been updated to fix a number of issues reported by people
- [New] Complete loot system remake based on feedback!
- Now using gaussian distribution to guarantee a consistent amount of items in chests (usually around 5)
- Now using rarity tables to categorize how rare items should be and weights to pick how rare items are within those tables
- Added a customizable system which randomized enchantments for items that appear in the chests
- Completely remade loot tables themselves, cut content that people found boring or uninteresting and generally increased the quality and quantity of items players can find
- Added items from 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20 to the loot tables
- Improved theming of loot based on environment (overground, underground, nether, end)
- [New] Made it so by default custom biomes get populated by all relevant generators, skipping the need for admins running custom world generators to do this in their servers
- [New] Metrics are now actually working
- [Tweak] Modified the lootify command, now requires the loot table the item will belong to
- [Fix] Fixed info messages
----------, Aug 15, 2023

Version 1.5.1
- [New] Added adequate warnings and safeguards when trying to use elitemobs or mythicmobs builds without having those plugins installed.
- [Fix] Fixed forgotten debug message that was causing errors for people trying to run elitemobs builds without having elitemobs installed!
----------, May 15, 2023

After saying multiple times I wouldn't add it, MythicMobs integration has been added to BetterStructures - alongside MMOItems integration - but not by me!

You can thank CarmJos on GitHub for contributing to the open source project with these two bangers.

Here are the instructions according to CarmJos:

  • MMOItems for ChestContents to generate MMO Items using the format mmoitems=<TYPE>@<ITEM-ID>.
  • MythicMobs for "Mob Generates" with the sign using [mythicmobs] for the first line and Mob Identifier for the second line. And you can write a number in the third line to specific the mobs's level.

Also! Our biggest build pack ever is out!
NEW! 101 premium Shrines!
----------, May 9, 2023

Version 1.4.2
- [New] BetterStructures will only remove a protected region when a boss that is set to be removed after death is killed
- [Fix] Fixed edge case where in some operating systems the path for the imports would not work as expected
- [Fix] Fixed warning that would incorrectly show up when elitemobs wasn't installed
- [Tweak] Tweaked treasure_special.yml to work with the lootify command
----------, Feb 7, 2023

Version 1.4.1
- [Hotfix] Fixed issue where brand new installs would not generate default files correctly

New video!

New free structure pack! Download link here!

Version 1.4.0
- [New] Added the imports folder and reconverted all existing build packs to use the import system, same as for EliteMobs just put a zipped folder in there and /bs reload!
- [New] Import system for BetterStructures can import into EliteMobs
- [New] Improved error logging
- [New] Updated documentation
- [New] Schematics can now adequately be turned off
- [New] Added EliteMobs integration! [elitemobs] on the first line of a sign, all other lines can be used to write the filename as one continuous entry
- [New] Added WorldGuard compatibility! Zones with elites will automatically be protected until the bosses are killed. These protections do not persist after uninstalling BetterStructures.
- [New] Added configuration setting to disable new building warnings
- [New] Added the /bettestructures silent command to disable build wanrings from in-game without permissions
- [New] Added configuration setting in ValidWorlds.yml to disable structure spawning in new worlds
- [Optimization] Lowered the amount of checks for terrain adequacy
- [Tweak] Fixed issue that was causing entities to not spawn in the center of blocks, sometimes leading to suffocation
- [Fix] Changed generator_underground_shallow.yml to only be used in normal type worlds
- [Fix] Fixed issue where underground dripstone generators would not actually spawn builds in underground dripstone biomes
----------, Jan 29, 2023

New video!

New free structure pack! Download link here!

Version 1.4.0
- [New] Added the imports folder and reconverted all existing build packs to use the import system, same as for EliteMobs just put a zipped folder in there and /bs reload!
- [New] Import system for BetterStructures can import into EliteMobs
- [New] Improved error logging
- [New] Updated documentation
- [New] Schematics can now adequately be turned off
- [New] Added EliteMobs integration! [elitemobs] on the first line of a sign, all other lines can be used to write the filename as one continuous entry
- [New] Added WorldGuard compatibility! Zones with elites will automatically be protected until the bosses are killed. These protections do not persist after uninstalling BetterStructures.
- [New] Added configuration setting to disable new building warnings
- [New] Added the /bettestructures silent command to disable build wanrings from in-game without permissions
- [New] Added configuration setting in ValidWorlds.yml to disable structure spawning in new worlds
- [Optimization] Lowered the amount of checks for terrain adequacy
- [Tweak] Fixed issue that was causing entities to not spawn in the center of blocks, sometimes leading to suffocation
- [Fix] Changed generator_underground_shallow.yml to only be used in normal type worlds
- [Fix] Fixed issue where underground dripstone generators would not actually spawn builds in underground dripstone biomes
----------, Jan 29, 2023

Version 1.3.5
- [New] Added maven repository for BetterStructures
- [Fix] Fixed issue that seems to happen for some versions of FAWE and potentially WorldEdit
----------, Sep 8, 2022

Version 1.3.3
- [Fix] Fixed API events, allowing other plugins to correctly modify place / chest fill behavior as needed
- [Removal] Removed at best ineffective async implementation, will be replaced with a better pasting solution
----------, Aug 30, 2022

Version 1.3.3
- [New] Added the /betterstructures version command with the permission betterstructures.version
- [Fix] Fixed issue where by default the surface end generator was using the nether loot table
----------, Aug 20, 2022

Version 1.3.2
- [New] Added the following API events:
- BuildPlaceEvent : called once the location of a build has been decided, but before it gets pasted. Cancellable.
- ChestFillEvent : called once the loot of a chest has been decided, but before it gets placed. Cancellable.
- [New] Added the treasure_special treasure file for high value dungeons, currently empty
- [New] Schematic configs can now correctly hold their own configurations for treasure
- [Refactor] Converted system internals to work better with the new treasure file-based loot system

Version 1.3.1
- [Fix] Hotfix for errors in 1.3.1 related to some config changes, apologies for the inconvenience

Version 1.3.0
- [New] New build pack: the Adventure pack!
- [New] Treasure in chests was remade!
- Added the "chests" config folder
- Added default treasure configs in the chests folder
- Generators now refer to specific treasure files in the config folder instead of containing their own individual lists of treasure
- The lootify command now also adds an "info" section with a human-readable value to help understand what item the entry is for
- Configurations for schematics can override their generator's treasure config by setting the treasure file in the schematic's configuration
- Lootify command now writes to the treasure configs
- Lootify command should now fully work
- [New] Ender crystals no longer show the bottom pedestal

Note: It is recommended but not mandatory to delete the generators config
----------, Aug 16, 2022

Version 1.3.1
- [Fix] Hotfix for errors in 1.3.1 related to some config changes, apologies for the inconvenience

Version 1.3.0
- [New] New build pack: the Adventure pack!
- [New] Treasure in chests was remade!
- Added the "chests" config folder
- Added default treasure configs in the chests folder
- Generators now refer to specific treasure files in the config folder instead of containing their own individual lists of treasure
- The lootify command now also adds an "info" section with a human-readable value to help understand what item the entry is for
- Configurations for schematics can override their generator's treasure config by setting the treasure file in the schematic's configuration
- Lootify command now writes to the treasure configs
- Lootify command should now fully work
- [New] Ender crystals no longer show the bottom pedestal

Note: It is recommended but not mandatory to delete the generators config
----------, Aug 15, 2022

Version 1.3.0
- [New] New build pack: the Adventure pack!
- [New] Treasure in chests was remade!
- Added the "chests" config folder
- Added default treasure configs in the chests folder
- Generators now refer to specific treasure files in the config folder instead of containing their own individual lists of treasure
- The lootify command now also adds an "info" section with a human-readable value to help understand what item the entry is for
- Configurations for schematics can override their generator's treasure config by setting the treasure file in the schematic's configuration
- Lootify command now writes to the treasure configs
- Lootify command should now fully work
- [New] Ender crystals no longer show the bottom pedestal

Note: It is recommended but not mandatory to delete the generators config
----------, Aug 15, 2022

Version 1.2.0
- [New] Added more default underground generators for the exploration pack

Sorry, seems like I uploaded the wrong version earlier!
----------, Aug 7, 2022

Version 1.2.0
- [New] Added more default underground generators for the exploration pack
----------, Aug 7, 2022

Version 1.1.0
- [New] Changed the randomization system to allow admins to customize build frequency per scanner, that option is now available in the config.yml configuration file
- [New] Changed the debug teleport message to run a built-in command for teleportation, avoiding conflicts with other plugins
- [New] Added a warning message informing admins when their betterstructures version is outdated
----------, Jul 21, 2022

Version 1.1.0
- [New] Changed the randomization system to allow admins to customize build frequency per scanner, that option is now available in the config.yml configuration file
- [New] Changed the debug teleport message to run a built-in command for teleportation, avoiding conflicts with other plugins
- [New] Added a warning message informing admins when their betterstructures version is outdated
----------, Jul 21, 2022

Version 1.1.0
- [Fix] Fixed spelling of reload permission
- [Fix] Fixed warning regarding tasks not ending on a reload or restart
- [Fix] BetterStructures now correctly spawns structures on worlds created during runtime

Note: The default pack has been updated! I recommend redownloading it and replacing it in your server, it fixes one of the builds which were not spawning.
----------, Jul 16, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 105,753
First Release: Jul 10, 2022
Last Update: Feb 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
52 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings