Sorry it took me a while, during the week I'm at Uni all day so I don't have that much time. I addressed the explosion bug and took the opportunity to add the desired list command.
Although I did test it, please reply here, message me, or open a ticket on the plugin's GitHub page if you find a bug.
Here are the main changes:
- Fixed the bed explosion bug
- Previously, the plugin only covered entity explosions, but beds do not count as entities, so they were not covered by the protection.
- Added a list command:
- /gravelist - Lists your current graves
- /gravelist <Player> - Shows you all graves of the given player.
- Only works when the player is online.
- Requires permission 'graves.listother'
- /gravelist uuid:<uuid> - Shows all graves of the player associated with that uuid.
- Also works when the player is offline
- Requires permission 'graves.listother'
- All command messages and permissions can be changed in the config
- Messages should be appended to the config automatically if they're missing