BetterGraves icon

BetterGraves -----

A casual graves plugin which uses the player's head as grave.

Fixed a bug that lies within the Spigot API where setting an item in an inventory where the item is a Firework Rocket with power but no effect results in a NullPointer exception because the effects list is null.
This would typically occur when loading graves from the files when the server is starting.

This is solved by adding and subsequently removing a regular effect to initialize the effects list when the firework has no effects.

Should you encounter a message at the server start along the lines of
" Could not load item [Number] for grave [UUID]: ... ItemStack was: ...", there will be an item missing in the grave. In that case, please report that to me so I can manually implement a fix. This issue is not caused by the plugin.
----------, Jun 28, 2024

The grave generation previously had some issues actually confirming a grave's selected spawn location was empty. For some reason, in very niche cases the generation algorithm did not catch that the given position was already occupied.

This lead to several issues, like the grave not actually spawning. This is also believed to be the cause of the "unclaimable" graves, where when a graves spawns where another grave already resides, the contents of the former grave are replaced, effectively erasing the grave.

Although I haven't entirely confirmed this, the instance where I tested the occurrence could not be replicated with the new version.
----------, Jun 28, 2024

Hey there! You might run into some issues with permissions with the new recover command. Should be fixed now.
----------, Feb 4, 2024

- Added a recover command for admins to recover lost, unreachable or bugged graves
-> Also works when the receiving player is offline, the player will then receive the items upon joining.
-> Command Syntax:
- /recovergrave <x> <y> <z> [Receiver] [-override]
- /recovergrave <grave id> [Receiver] [-override]
- Receiver: The player who receives the items. If none is specified, the items go to the grave's owner.
- -override flag: Items are usually only given to players who are online. If the target player is offline, you can use the -override flag to give the player the items anyways. The player will then receive the items when joining the next time.

- [ IMPORTANT] Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from loading items from a grave after a restart.
- Added a minimum height so graves don't spawn too far underground as was the case sometimes. This effect is only active in close proximity to the location of death and should not be noticeable.

As always, let me know immediately if you are experiencing any issues or have further questions, complaints, or an idea for a new feature.


- JustOneDeveloper
----------, Feb 3, 2024

I found some minor issues with config default values.
The default values contain 'ยง' instead of '&' for coloring. The affected message is Purge: Wiped graves.

Also, the custom time value for old purges was previously not used. I fixed it, though I renamed it by 1 character.

Old line:
'Purge Command wipes graves older than x hours:': 31
New line:
Purge Command wipes graves older than x hours: 31

To use it you'll need to change the line, otherwise it won't recognize it. The value loaded will then be the default value of 31 hours.
----------, Nov 22, 2023


So, I figured I'd rather fix this issue ASAP. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Turns out maxWorldHeight is a funny thing...

Here are the changes:

- Fixed a bug regarding maximum world height that messed up the grave generation when there was a block at height 319 (Overworld).
- Slightly improved search algorithm
- Now starts at the player's height and searches upwards only for the player's exact location.
- Old search for everything else.
----------, Nov 19, 2023

Sorry it took me a while, during the week I'm at Uni all day so I don't have that much time. I addressed the explosion bug and took the opportunity to add the desired list command.
Although I did test it, please reply here, message me, or open a ticket on the plugin's GitHub page if you find a bug.

Here are the main changes:

- Fixed the bed explosion bug
- Previously, the plugin only covered entity explosions, but beds do not count as entities, so they were not covered by the protection.
- Added a list command:
- /gravelist - Lists your current graves
- /gravelist <Player> - Shows you all graves of the given player.
- Only works when the player is online.
- Requires permission 'graves.listother'
- /gravelist uuid:<uuid> - Shows all graves of the player associated with that uuid.
- Also works when the player is offline
- Requires permission 'graves.listother'
- All command messages and permissions can be changed in the config
- Messages should be appended to the config automatically if they're missing
----------, Nov 4, 2023

Yup I blundered the grave explosion protection, but it's fixed now. To recover graves, you should be able to place a block where the grave once was.

I'm sorry I didn't catch this bug sooner.

If the plugin does not recognize the items and doesn't return them, you're going to have to check and give the items back manually as there is nothing I can do. However, check your configuration and that your inventory has enough space, as there is an option to keep the items that didn't fit inside the grave.
----------, Aug 24, 2023

Originally, grave protection was going to work a bit different in code. An old remnant of that approach was still in the isExpired() method causing graves to essentially never lose their protection status in code.
----------, Aug 10, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,514
First Release: Aug 8, 2023
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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