BetterGraves icon

BetterGraves -----

A casual graves plugin which uses the player's head as grave.

Recover Command and Bug fixes
- Added a recover command for admins to recover lost, unreachable or bugged graves
-> Also works when the receiving player is offline, the player will then receive the items upon joining.
-> Command Syntax:
- /recovergrave <x> <y> <z> [Receiver] [-override]
- /recovergrave <grave id> [Receiver] [-override]
- Receiver: The player who receives the items. If none is specified, the items go to the grave's owner.
- -override flag: Items are usually only given to players who are online. If the target player is offline, you can use the -override flag to give the player the items anyways. The player will then receive the items when joining the next time.

- [ IMPORTANT] Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from loading items from a grave after a restart.
- Added a minimum height so graves don't spawn too far underground as was the case sometimes. This effect is only active in close proximity to the location of death and should not be noticeable.

As always, let me know immediately if you are experiencing any issues or have further questions, complaints, or an idea for a new feature.


- JustOneDeveloper
----------, Feb 3, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,514
First Release: Aug 8, 2023
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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