BetterConcrete [1.13.X - 1.20.X] icon

BetterConcrete [1.13.X - 1.20.X] -----

Transform powder into concrete by throwing it into a cauldron. Smelt concrete to get powder

Changelog v1.11.1:

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.11.2.

You will only need Java 17 or higher to run this version.

Best regards
----------, May 30, 2024

Changelog v3.7.0:

#Fixed: plugin was broken when using PaperMC.

Best regards,
----------, May 29, 2024

Changelog v1.10.0:

#Added: official support for MC 1.20.6.

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.11.1.

You will need to run the plugin with Java 21 or higher.

Best regards
----------, May 28, 2024

Changelog v1.9.1:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.20.2 and below.

#Changed: warning message about the lack of a valid implementation to make it more clear that the plugin is trying to use the last valid/updated implementation in this case.

I want to stress out the fact that in many cases the plugin does not need to be updated specifically in order to work properly on future versions - especially if the API did not change drastically (which is usually the case).

Best regards
----------, Sep 25, 2023

Changelog v1.9.0:

#Added: the plugin will now inform you if the latest implementation is used and if so, for what version it was last tested.

#Changed: the warning messages about the lack of a valid implementation was more or less replaced by the above info message.

The plugin already tried to use the default implementation if no valid implementation was found. Therefore I think these changes give some clarity over what is actually happening. In addition future versions will now not be "unvalid" so to speak but rather untested (hence the new info message informing you of the last tested version) because the later versions will very likely work except for new block types for example.

I hope this gives more transparency.

Best regards
----------, Jan 3, 2023

Changelog v1.8.1:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.19.3.

#Changed: warning message about the lack of a valid implementation to make it more clear that the plugin is trying to use the last valid/updated implementation in this case.´

Due to the shown interest in the discussion section the source code is now available on GitHub. Feel free to contribute.

Best regards
----------, Jan 2, 2023

Changelog v1.8.0:

#Added: update checker by mfnalex along with some config options.
#Added: permission betterconcrete.updatechecker to get notified on login of a new version if existent.

#Changed: permission betterconcrete.* now grants all permissions of the plugin (not just command permissions).

IMPORTANT: This update requires editing of the current config. Please add the following to the bottom of the file:
Code (YAML):
# Options regarding the updateChecker (by mfnalex (
: true
: true

You can always compare your config with the default one available on the plugin's main page.

Best regards
----------, Jun 25, 2022

Changelog v1.7.4:

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.10.2.

#Fixed: color purple was not considered.

Best regards
----------, Apr 13, 2022

Changelog v1.7.3:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.18.2.

Best regards
----------, Mar 12, 2022

Changelog v1.7.2:

#Fixed: MC 1.18 support was not properly implemented.

Best regards
----------, Dec 5, 2021

Changelog v1.7.1:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.18.

#Changed: updated java version to 11.
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.9.0.

IMPORTANT: The plugin requires now at least Java 11 to run!

Best regards
----------, Dec 4, 2021

Changelog v1.7.0:

#Fixed: cauldron mechanic was not working in MC 1.17.
#Fixed: plugin did not work below MC 1.17.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Best regards
----------, Jun 23, 2021

Changelog v1.6.1:

#Added: official support for MC 1.17.

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.8.2.

IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the current config. Please remove the comment regarding call_event above the cauldron_mechanic settings.

I would highly appreciate some more/new ratings. Thanks in advance!

Best regards
----------, Jun 22, 2021

Changelog v1.6.0:

#Added: option cauldron_mechanic.max_stack_size to set a limit how much powder can be transformed at once. If the limit is exceeded it will transform as much as possible with left over water.

#Changed: items thrown in a cauldron will no longer be blocked for merging but instead merged before transformation.
#Changed: reworked commands to use commands code v1.8.0 features.
#Changed: messages.wrongCmdUsage.prefix option is now located at messages.wrongCmdUsagePrefix.
#Changed: option is now located at
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.8.0. This massively improves the commands, in particular:
#Changed: the credits (aka. my name) is now clickable and will open my profile page on spigot.
#Changed: sent messages make now use of the BaseComponent API which allows click events (like above) or hover events.
#Changed: commands are now easier to maintain.
#Changed: every (sub-)command will now generate its own help command.
#Changed: every (sub-)command will now generate its own usage message.

#Removed cauldron_mechanic.call_event.
#Removed config section messages.wrongCmdUsage.
#Removed config section

IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the current config. Please compare the cauldron & messages section with the following and edit it accordingly.
Code (YAML):
# Cauldron options
## check_empty: If set to 0: players will be able to transfer items in any cauldron.
##                If set to 1: players will be able to transfer items in non empty cauldrons.
##                If set to 2: players will be able to transfer items in cauldrons with higher or equal waterlevel than needed for one transformation (change_waterlevel)
## change_waterlevel: Cauldrons will change their waterlevel by the given amount if a player transforms an item stack. Note: A full cauldron has water level 3.
## max_stack_size: maximum amount of items that can be transformed per usage.
## call_event: This is just for compatibility reasons with other plugins. If set to true other plugins will get notified (CauldronLevelChangeEvent) of water level changes with unknown reason.
: true
: 1
: 1
: 64
Code (YAML):
# Message configuration
: "Use /betterconcrete help for all available commands."
: "&4You do not have permission."
: "&CUsage:"
: "discovers all available recipes."
: "&2You discovered all available recipes."

As you can see players will not get punished anymore if they throw items in one by one quickly (i.e. by spamming Q).

I would highly appreciate some more/new ratings because it really keeps me motivated. Thanks in advance!

Best regards

PS: @TheMikol I hope the update suits your feature request.
PPS: @BecauseNyx This plugin performs commands now like all my other plugins. It should not have had an impact in regards of the wrong sent message but if anything pops up please let me know.
PPPS: @Ellendyra I hope the mechanic change will improve the situation for your players.
----------, Mar 28, 2021

Changelog v1.5.3:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.16.4.

#Fixed: compatibility issues with some of my other plugins.

Best regards
----------, Nov 4, 2020

Changelog v1.5.1:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.16.2.

#Changed: native Minecraft version to 1.16.2.

Best regards
----------, Aug 27, 2020

Changelog v1.5.2:

#Fixed: version support for MC 1.16.2 was not added correctly.

Best regards
----------, Aug 27, 2020

Changelog v1.5.0:

#Added: recipes to smelt concrete powder into the respective stained glass.

#Fixed: powder could get lost if thrown individually.

IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the current config. In particular the furnace_recipe section. Please edit the code to match the below.

Code (YAML):
: true
: true
: 0.1
: 200
: true
: 0.1
: 200

Best regards

PS: Thanks to @Ellendyra for pointing out the bug!
----------, Aug 7, 2020

Changelog v1.4.1:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.16.X.

#Changed: native Minecraft version to 1.16.X.

Please note that this update has no real effect except of removing a severe message on load.

Best regards
----------, Jul 9, 2020

Changelog v1.4.0:

#Added: permission betterconcrete.cauldron to allow cauldron mechanic. This permission is granted to everyone by default so you have to negate the permission within your permission management plugin.

#Changed: commons code updated to v1.8.0

#Fixed: API version was still 1.13 in plugin.yml.

There are around about 30 servers who use this plugin for a very long time now. A forum like Spigot is all about appreciation for other people because if no one is giving feedback or something like that plugin developers will just stop or charge something for it. So please review the plugin it is really not that much to ask for. For all of you who already rated the plugin: Thank you again it really keeps the motivation going :)

Best regards

PS: @REDstone61 there you go!
----------, May 7, 2020

Changelog v1.3.2:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.15.X.

#Changed: native Minecraft version to 1.15.
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.7.1. This slightly improves performance of console messages and might change their appearance a bit.
#Changed: package structure to fit common java conventions.

Best regards
----------, Jan 2, 2020

Changelog v1.3.1:

#Added: tap-completion support for commands.

#Changed: change_waterlevel can now be 0
#Changed: reworked command to use commons code API
#Changed: commons code updated to v1.5.0

#Fixed: typos in config.yml.

IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the current config. Please remove the messages section and replace it with the code below.

Code (YAML):
: "Use /betterconcrete help for all available commands."
: "&4You do not have permission."
: "List of all available commands:"
: "discovers all available recipes."
: "&CUsage:"
: "&CNo such (sub-)command. Use /betterconcrete help for all available commands."
: "&2You discovered all available recipes."

I would highly appreciate some more ratings.

Best regards
----------, Sep 12, 2019

Changelog v1.3.0:

#Added: error & warning console messages.
#Added: more message configurations

#Changed: restructured config
#Changed: console messages
#Changed: Native Minecraft version to 1.14.
#Changed: plugin is now using maven.
#Changed: shared code between different plugins is now imported with maven.

#Fixed: (for Developer) cancelling CauldronLevelChangeEvent had no effect

#Removed: Reload command
#Removed: Permission betterconcrete.reload

IMPORTANT: This update needs a config reset. So please delete/move the existing config.yml out of the plugin's folder and reconfigure it afterwards.

With this update I refactored the whole plugin in order to use maven. This sets the foundation for mutli-version support. It may not seem that big but I cleaned/changed up a lot of code and overall looked over every class. So please let me know if you encounter any problems.

I would highly appreciate some more ratings.

Best regards

PS: I removed the reload command because it was just a pain in the ass and after all reloading is bad practice.
----------, Jun 21, 2019

Changelog v1.2.2:

#Added: config option to add furnace recipes to a player's recipe book.
#Added: command to add furnace recipes to a player's recipe book.

IMPORTANT: This update needs an addition to the current config. So please add "add_to_recipe_book: true" below "cooking_time" and "msg_discover_recipe: You discovered all available recipes." at the end of the file OR just move the file out of the plugin's folder in order to get recreated.

I would highly appreciate some more ratings.

Best regards
----------, Apr 8, 2019

Changelog v1.2.1:

#Added: bstats

#Changed: config comments

The plugin was updated to MC version 1.13.1.

I would highly appreciate some first ratings.

Best regards
----------, Aug 28, 2018

Changelog v1.2:

#Added: Option to change cookingTime
#Added: Command /betterconcrete (alias /bc)
#Added: Option to change no permission message

#Changed: Supported Minecraft version from 1.12 to 1.13
#Changed: Color of no permission messages was changed from white to red
#Changed: /betterconcretereload is now a sub-command of /betterconcrete (/betterconcrete reload)
#Changed: Console info messages for cauldron mechanic
#Changed: Reload command now works as intended due to the Spigot API changes for Minecraft version 1.13

#Removed: Mechanic Watercell
#Removed: Command /betterconcreteitem
#Removed: Permission betterconcrete.item

IMPORTANT: This update needs a config reset. So please delete/move the existing config.yml out of the plugin's folder and reconfigure it afterwards.

As a side note: BetterConcrete v1.1 is a pretty solid version so I will not keep supporting Minecraft version 1.12 anymore. If you do not want to update your server to 1.13 for whatever reason please keep using v1.1

I hope you all enjoy the current state of the plugin. You may want to show me your satisfaction by leaving a review/rating. It would be much appreciated because it helps me improving the plugin! Also you are always welcome to leave suggestions for new features.

Best regards
----------, Jul 25, 2018


#Added: Cauldron Mechanic: transfer concrete directly by throwing powder in cauldron (default: enabled)
#Added: Option for soft and hard cauldron empty check (more information in config) (default: players will be able to transfer items in all non empty cauldrons)
#Added: Option to change water level of cauldrons after transformation of items. (default: cauldrons will empty by one water level)
#Added: Option to notify other plugins of water level changes potentially.
#Added: Commands /betterconcretereload (alias bcreload) and /betterconcreteitem (alias bcitem)
#Added: Permissions: betterconcrete.* , betterconcrete.reload, betterconcrete.item

#Changed: Recipes to craft concrete out of the watercell item is now disabled by default.

IMPORTANT: This update needs a config reset. So please delete/move the existing config.yml out of the plugin's folder and reconfigure it afterwards!

Best regards
----------, Jul 7, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,565
First Release: Jul 1, 2018
Last Update: May 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings