#Added: Cauldron Mechanic: transfer concrete directly by throwing powder in cauldron (default: enabled)
#Added: Option for soft and hard cauldron empty check (more information in config) (default: players will be able to transfer items in all non empty cauldrons)
#Added: Option to change water level of cauldrons after transformation of items. (default: cauldrons will empty by one water level)
#Added: Option to notify other plugins of water level changes potentially.
#Added: Commands /betterconcretereload (alias bcreload) and /betterconcreteitem (alias bcitem)
#Added: Permissions: betterconcrete.* , betterconcrete.reload, betterconcrete.item
#Changed: Recipes to craft concrete out of the watercell item is now disabled by default.
IMPORTANT: This update needs a config reset. So please delete/move the existing config.yml out of the plugin's folder and reconfigure it afterwards!