Fixed issues with placeholderAPI - You no longer need placeholderapi to be installed to load the plugin (Plugin required to have placeholders in the plugin!)
Fixed some Chatcolor issues & some name change issues! (Players were sending & seeing messages as theirself)
Added: - /synccmd {server} {command} - Sync commands easily between servers! Setup servers in ./Settings.yml
- Synced Chats, World Chats & Much more new chat features - Setup Chats in ./ChatSettings.yml
- /clearchat - clear the minecraft chat, bypass: Betterchat.bypass.clearchat
- /broadcast - Setup a custom broadcast prefix in ./ChatSettings.yml
A better way of chatting! V4.0 is completely rewritten in Java 16! Sync commands & chats between multiple servers by using a Socket connection!
Reworked - All ./.yml files
- Moderation Systems, Added some bypass permissions!
Removed - player-UUID.yml files (A local database has been given back for this!) Much faster & much safer to save data in it!
BetterChat v3.4.0 & Below will no longer be given any support, Even only setup support will no longer be given!
#Custom World names! Can be used as %betterchat_worldname% Placeholder! #You can add your own worlds to it aswell! Worlds:
world: "&a&lOverworld" world_the_nether: "&c&lThe Nether" world_the_end: "&5&lThe End"
- Fixed mutliple chat exploits (Being kicked while switching between channels < PurpurMc V1.18.1 & below)
Removed - Removed Update Checker
- Removed some old code
Updated - Updated Hex color support
- Updated Default Settings.yml & Default Chatchannels.yml
Whats New? - Added Support for 1.20.4 (Finally)
- Added Algorithm
- Added more debug messages
Algorithm? Yes i added a algorithm system! Beta-v1.071!
Algorithms are completely under development but i decided to give u guys a little preview of the algorithm system!
Algorithm can be used the same way as broadcastes! But the broadcast is listening to players what they want to see as broadcast!
If they type a lot of more times about the rules instead of discord, they will see much more rule broadcastes then discord broadcastes!
Bug Fixes Fixed 1.20.4 Support
Updated to Java16
Fixed mutliple chat exploits!
Removed sounds by autobroadcastes....
Updated - Main plugin command layouts
- Added much more information to /betterchat about!
- Updated ChatChannels GUI!
ChatGames ChatGames are now a built-in feature! We have added Math, Reaction & random games! Reward players that answer the correct answer as first!
ChatChannel menu Instead of /switch staffchat, We added a menu to switch easier between chats!
Added - Support for 1.7 & 1.20.4
- ChatGames
- Gui's
- Over 30+ Debug Messages to console (Catch bugs easier!)
Updated - ChatChannels.yml
- Settings.yml
- AntiSwear & AntiSpam Systems!
- Reworked some few code! (Such as Msg, Join rewards & more!)
Removed - Old ChatChannels.yml
- old /switch commands!
Fixed - Join rewards no longer give every a join reward (Oops)
- Default msg formatting
- Default HoverMessage Click event
- {clickedname} returns now the name of the player that send the message where has been clicked on!
- Some few reported bugs (Such as permissions etc)!
I am happy to announce this version of betterchat with alot of cool new features
Added - HoverMessages & Clickeble messages (Only for Playersend Messages)
- /r, /rep & /reply command for ./msg
- Fixed First Join Rewards!
- Added option to receive always the latest .yml files!
Performance - Fixed some performance killing bugs & events
Update to .yml files! - This update requires a big change to .yml files you can add the following settings to your files! (Or just remove the .yml files & let the plugin download them again
Add these new settings to settings.yml
Code (YAML):
#Should we always send a updated .txt file in the plugin folder? Updated_File: true
#Enable/Disable the update checker! UpdateChecker: Enabled
#Config Version, DO NOT EDIT THIS! ConfigVersion: 2.1
#HoverMessages #Enabled: True/false #Layout: Use \n To create a new line!!!! When you dont use this the plugin will cause errors :D #suggested Command: Which command will be suggested when clicked on the hovermessage! HoverMessage:
Enable: true
Layout: "&cWorld: %player_world% \nMoney: %money%" Suggest_Command: -
Add these new settings to your lang.yml file!
Code (Text):
msg_target_offline: "Target is offline!"
msg_reply_null: "&cNobody Msged you!"
Update_Files: "You successfully updated all the files!"
Updates - Check all commands with /betterchat! - Added subcommands to /betterchat! - Changed Lang.yml files! - You can now create your own language files!
Code (YAML):
File: lang_en_US.yml
(You can change it to every language! We will create a file for you!) - added a about command (Check plugin information!) - Fixed Bstats Tracker!
Update V1.4.1! Fixed - Reload files command </betterchat:reload>
- Playerdata.yml will now automaticly be deleted after server crash to prevent issues!
Changed - Playerdata.yml shows now player messages (These will reset after restart or reboot)
Added - /Lang/lang_en_us.yml (
You can't add any more lang files at this point) - Chat_format.yml (
Chat_format.yml includes now Motdsettings.yml)
- You can now disable & enable motd logs
Code (YAML):
Motd_disabled_log: false
#When motd is disabled should we send a log to console on PlayerJoinEvent?
Fixed - Plugin will now automatic update .yml files after you removed something!