I am happy to announce this version of betterchat with alot of cool new features
Added - HoverMessages & Clickeble messages (Only for Playersend Messages)
- /r, /rep & /reply command for ./msg
- Fixed First Join Rewards!
- Added option to receive always the latest .yml files!
Performance - Fixed some performance killing bugs & events
Update to .yml files! - This update requires a big change to .yml files you can add the following settings to your files! (Or just remove the .yml files & let the plugin download them again
Add these new settings to settings.yml
Code (YAML):
#Should we always send a updated .txt file in the plugin folder? Updated_File: true
#Enable/Disable the update checker! UpdateChecker: Enabled
#Config Version, DO NOT EDIT THIS! ConfigVersion: 2.1
#HoverMessages #Enabled: True/false #Layout: Use \n To create a new line!!!! When you dont use this the plugin will cause errors :D #suggested Command: Which command will be suggested when clicked on the hovermessage! HoverMessage:
Enable: true
Layout: "&cWorld: %player_world% \nMoney: %money%" Suggest_Command: -
Add these new settings to your lang.yml file!
Code (Text):
msg_target_offline: "Target is offline!"
msg_reply_null: "&cNobody Msged you!"
Update_Files: "You successfully updated all the files!"