AutoJumpAndRun icon

AutoJumpAndRun -----

An automated Jump and Run for your lobby.

This release now finally supports the new Minecraft-Versions since 1.13!

Because of the big changes regarding to the Materials in the Bukkit-API between Minecraft-Version 1.12 and 1.13, this release only supports the Minecraft-Versions since 1.13. If you still use the Minecraft-Versions 1.7 - 1.12 stay to the old Plugin-Version 1.9 you can download HERE.

This update only comes with some internal improvements and config changes. No new features where added. If you whish so please feel free to contact me!

Because of the Bukkit-Material changes, you now have more abilities inside the config to customize the Materials.

Important: If you upgrade from the old Plugin-Version, you can't use your old 'config.yml'!
----------, Dec 15, 2024

This update fixes a bug when the colormenu is disabled.
----------, Dec 14, 2017

This update adds several new features.

+ /ajar start/join (You start a AutoJumpAndRun from your current position)
+ Permissions This permissions are added:
  • 'autojumpandrun.*' allows you to perform all commands
  • 'autojumpandrun.setspawn' allows you to perform '/ajar setspawn'
  • 'autojumpandrun.reload' allows you to perform '/ajar reload'
  • 'autojumpandrun.start' allows you to perform '/ajar join/start'
+ Prefix (Allows you to change the prefix in the config)
+ No permission (Allows you to change the message that will be send if a player hasn't the needed permission)
* Improved performance

Important: You have to delete your old 'config.yml'!
----------, Dec 4, 2017

- Fixed an InventoryClick bug.
+ Added '/ajar reload'. With this command you can reload the config.
----------, Jul 14, 2017

This update fixes some interaction bugs.

Also a new option was added to the config to define the world in which the AutoJumpAndRun should be activated.

Important: In order to change the world in which the AutoJumpAndRun should be activated (default is 'world'), you have to delete your old 'config.yml'!
----------, Jul 11, 2017

The plugin now fully supports 1.12 servers.

With this version also some new features get added:

+ Maxheight (Allows you to limit the Jump and Run's height)
+ Spawnpoint (Allows you to set a spawn where the player gets teleported to when failing)
+ XP-Bar count (Shows you the amount of jumps you have done in the xp-bar)
+ Colormenu (Allows you to pick a color when being in a Jump and Run)

Thanks to Brini for this ideas.

I also wanna thank you for hitting 100 downloads.

Important: You have to delete your old 'config.yml'!
----------, Jul 10, 2017

This update adds a configurable countdown. If the player doesn't jump to the next block in the configured time, he falls. The countdown can also be disabled.

Currently the plugin works for 1.12 but the countdown won't be shown over the hotbar. This will be added later.

Important: In order to configure the countdown you have to delete your 'config.yml'!
----------, Jul 9, 2017

This update fixes a bug that the Jump and Run blocks spawn under other blocks so the players weren't able to jump on them.
----------, Apr 18, 2017

Now it is possible to change the sounds in the 'config.yml'.

Important: You have to delete your old 'config.yml'!
----------, Apr 7, 2017

The plugin now supports 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11.

I couldn't test 1.7 but it should work.
The plugin may also support other versions but I only focused on 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11.

I also fixed a bug which freezes the server.
----------, Mar 29, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 785
First Release: Mar 28, 2017
Last Update: Dec 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings