AttributeHider icon

AttributeHider -----

Simple plugin to hide item attributes and other item info! (1.8-1.21.3)

The updater wasn't really broken, but the Spigot cache for version takes a while to update so the plugin would show theres a new update even when you have the latest version for a little while because I was just comparing the versions outright and ignoring being a higher version.
TL;DR the version checker will always be accurate now

someone reported a bug with HMCCosmetics, and after looking into it it turns out Paper doesn't support hiding item attributes with item flags when the item only has the default item attributes. i don't really feel like applying a bandaid fix just to solve this (giving each item its default modifiers if it doesn't have any modifiers already just to hide them..), so Paper is not supported. however, i did come across an issue i could fix with hmccosmetics (and any other plugin who does something similar to them) and added the fix. let me know if anything breaks as a result of this change (it would involve equipment if so).
----------, Oct 24, 2024

I've updated the plugin to be more future-proof. It was reported the plugin didn't work for 1.21 but I could never confirm. I changed how the config.yml works to where any future additions to Spigot regarding the ItemFlag and Material enums will be handled without issue. With that being said:

I heavily modified the config.yml. You should take your current one (assuming you have any changes) and move it somewhere else and let the plugin generate the new one, then follow the instructions in the header of the new config.yml file to add your previous configurations. I shouldn't ever need to change the config.yml again in the future, even to support new features pertaining to the scope of this plugin.

I did very basic testing (put an item into my inventory and checked a Blacksmith Villager inventory) and the plugin worked on every version. If a bug is found, please post in it in the Discussion tab and I will fix it. Additionally, it should be noted that with the first experimental 1.21.2 release (which came out literally as I was updating the plugin for 1.21.1 lol), something changed with the Creative inventory and the plugin no longer automatically modifies items placed into your own inventory from the Creative menu. However, when you open up any other menu in the game or swap out of Creative mode or do literally anything else with the item, the item will be modified as intended. I do not intend to fix this as chances are it's probably not fixable and I doubt anyone cares that this problem exists as it shouldn't negatively impact anything feature-wise.

Requires at least Java 8. This will be the last functional version to require Java 8 (unless there is a bug with the current version). After this version, I will be doing what ProtocolLib is doing and moving up to 11 or 17 or whatever it was. However, this plugin works with all Java versions (up to 23 which is the latest at the time of writing). As such, Minecraft 1.8.0 will be dropped in the next version as well (1.8.8 will remain).

Requires ProtocolLib of at least version 4.6.0, but preferably the highest version your server can use. However, ProtocolLib dropped support for Minecraft 1.8.0 sometime after 4.6.0, so if you're on a 1.8.0 server, just use 4.6.0 (or go higher and see which ones still support 1.8.0). Version 1.8.8 and later can use the latest ProtocolLib version (5.3.0 at the time of writing) without issue. I did not test 1.8.3 or whatever the middle version is, so I don't know if it's the same as 1.8.0 or 1.8.8.
----------, Oct 22, 2024

sorry for the back to back update.
realized i could make things much more efficient
and forgot to update legacy villager trading to the new cloning thing (just had half a pizza, am sleepy).
fixed both things, should be good now
----------, Mar 8, 2022

fixed shopkeepers at the suggestion of @blablubbabc by ensuring only the client sees the nbt change, where the server will not see any change, by cloning all items before modification on outgoing packets. previously, on some occasions the item would still be modified serverside. this would create different nbt data on items in some cases but not others, creating inconsistencies and making items not actually equal, such as the case for advanced villagers (shopkeeprs plugin) buying weapons (the items are identical but one has hideflags tag and the other doesnt because of my plugin, preventing the trade). my plugin design already had cloning support, just wasn't using it until now. should fix the shopkeepers bug, but i didnt test it myself. if a shopkeepers user runs into more issues, just post in the discussions or on the github
----------, Mar 8, 2022

fixed the bug where exceptions spammed console when interacting with villager, only happened in 1.17+.
this version requires protocollib 4.6.0. youll probably get an exception if you use 4.5.0
----------, Feb 25, 2022

In the previous update, I implemented a "workaround" fix for not being able to trade items that this plugin modified with villagers because the plugin was designed half packet-based, half actually-modifying-the-item-based, leaving inconsistencies. The workaround was to just blindly actually modify items only before I knew they would be traded with a villager. Overall it did not feel very clean.

As a result, I refactored the plugin extremely to be packet-based entirely. This means that I do not directly modify any item, I just make the item appear to be modified to the client.

This plugin supports every version from 1.8 to 1.16. I tested every final major version and saw features worked just fine. This plugin should also ideally work perfectly fine for future updates (although items of those versions may not have their attributes automatically removed).

I overhauled the config.yml as well, so you should delete it and generate a new one. The header of the config.yml has an indepth explanation of the values you can associate with various settings.

The plugin is also significantly smaller in size (25kb instead of 250kbish). I am only using ProtocolLib functions now, so as long as you have ProtocolLib you will be fine. The plugin is significantly easier to contribute to now as a result, as ProtocolLib is the only dependency besides the Spigot-API.

I think as long as your ProtocolLib is reasonably up to date for 1.15 or 1.16, it should work fine. I recommend a ProtocolLib version of at least 4.5.0, but you may be able to get away with less. Obviously, you should use 4.6.0 dev build if you are running 1.16.

It is still possible for some bugs to exist. Post in the Discussion thread here or on the Github issues of anything I may have overlooked. I am pretty confident with all I tested though.
----------, Jul 4, 2020

it was brought to my attention that sometimes you couldnt trade with villagers. i didnt confirm this bug but i implemented a likely fix anyway. also removed shopkeeper interaction since im pretty sure this plugin modifiers shopkeeper items already anyway. to clarify, this plugin still works with shopkeepers.
----------, Apr 30, 2020

hi, nothing new. did basic testing. did not test villagers. everything should work fine as normal tho
----------, Dec 15, 2019

can now hide the unbreakable tag
also added a global option for enchants. set enchants to true will hide all of them no matter what.

i didnt test anything cuz im lazy so hopefully i didnt make a typo, but small change so there shouldnt be any issues
----------, Oct 5, 2019

tested most things, seems to work correctly. didnt full test villagers cuz theyre new and idk how they work xd (i got as far as giving them professions but guess theyre out of stock?, whatever everything else works)
----------, Jul 24, 2019

Added the ability to hide all potion effects. This includes drinkable, throwable, and lingering potions (including mundane potions ect "No Effect")

Fixed a minor bug regarding adding new values to an older config.yml that nobody seems to have had until now besides me :shrug:
----------, Apr 23, 2019

so in the most recent minor change i forgot to change the plugin version to match the one here on the site so the updater will always show a new update. this corrects that. this can be remediated manually by opening the plugin jar with an archiver or something and fixing the version in the plugin.yml. this didnt change anything but that, so not necessary in updating unless the constant "new update" annoys u
----------, Mar 5, 2019

all i did was add Material.TRIDENT to the hardcoded list of items to remove attributes from (maybe it was fine as is, if so then download 5.2.0). if the plugin works fine for u now, literally no point to update.
----------, Feb 25, 2019

Added support for 1.13.2. No support for the earliest (1.13.0?) 1.13 versions. Also updated to latest Shopkeepers API, requires Shopkeepers 2.2.2 if you're <= 1.12.2, 2.4.1 if 1.13.2 IF you use Shopkeepers. Shopkeepers is not required. Tested on 1.8.8 and 1.13.2 out of box with no bugs.
----------, Dec 25, 2018

A slight typo in my Version API caused 1.12 servers to try to load 1.10 versioned classes. Creds to @madtomic
----------, Nov 29, 2017

While hooking into Shopkeepers wasn't necessary (based on how it works, a simple null check would have fixed any problems between my plugin and Shopkeepers plugin), I hooked into Shopkeepers to apply any modifications to any items this plugin modifies normally (Shopkeepers that were created before this plugin was added to the server). I did some testing and everything went nicely, but please post in the Discussion if something is not working ideally or as intended. I hooked into the latest version of Shopkeepers (v1.83). Using any version lower than this might cause problems.

Removed the download update option from the updater (checking for update still exists).

Removed the option to disable villager interaction as it was provided to help with the Shopkeepers bug which is now fixed.
----------, Nov 10, 2017

- Configuration transformer (no longer copies a backup of the configuration)
- Optional hide enchantments
- 1.8 support
- Implemented NMS wrapper system, doesn't mean much for the plugin but helps me out
- Probably some performance enhancements
- Probably some other stuff I forgot about

Whoever asked for the ability to remove the written book information, I tried to figure out how to remove it to no avail. It's not lore and it's not a standard attribute. If anyone knows how, let me know.
----------, Oct 9, 2017

Added a configuration update system. If the configuration changes between released versions, a backup of the old configuration with your values is made and the new configuration is copied.

Plugin now checks if ProtocolLib is installed before attempting to start.

Plugin now has an (auto) updater courtesy of the amazing @inventivetalent . Auto downloads are disabled by default.

Fixed a bug where using the 'Pick Block' control in Creative would create a new Block in your inventory every time, instead of selecting the one that was already there. Thanks to @Asgard .

Changed a few other things, minor performance changes, removed useless code, ect. I did a good amount of testing on the latest version, but if there are any bugs, let me know.
----------, Aug 14, 2017

Updated to include the newest versions. Now supports:
If I missed a version, please let me know. Not supporting anything below 1.8.3.

Fixed the bug where item attributes would show the first time a Village inventory was opened.

Attempted to fix the Shopkeepers bug (rather, took the suggestion of someone in Discussion and added the ability to disable this plugin from interfering with Villagers, may prevent the Shopkeepers bug).

Thoroughly tested on all the above versions, let me know if there are any bugs.
----------, Jul 1, 2017

----------, May 12, 2016

At the request of @Mrpannkaka, a whitelist and blacklist have been added. There is also now a command to reload the configuration while the server is running. The permission to use the command is configurable, along with the messages associated with the command. The list for the ids isn't strict. They can be lower case and without the undercores (_) but they should try to remain as close to the ids listed in the url provided with the configuration at all costs.
----------, Apr 16, 2016

Fixed a bug where the plugin would try to run like normal on an unsupported server version.
----------, Mar 24, 2016

Code used a lot of reflection to handle version changes. Reflection is known to be heavy. Resulted to a different system of version management which is much faster. Although this was never a performance heavy plugin to begin with, it is now much faster.
----------, Mar 22, 2016

Forgot to remove some 1.7 compatibility, hardly any changes between this and previous version.
----------, Jan 11, 2016

I rewrote the plugin to be version-independent. This build is now compatible with all 1.8 versions.

There is no 1.7 compatibility, as the plugin did not work in 1.7 environments anyway.

Known bug:
Attributes still appear on items in Villager trading only on the first time you open the Villager's inventory.
----------, Jan 11, 2016

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,420
First Release: Aug 7, 2015
Last Update: Oct 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
24 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings