Added sound will play if the user is in a configured region when joining the server, being teleported, or respawning.
Added sound will switch correctly if the user teleports between configured regions.
Added sound is stopped when the user is teleported outside of a configured region.
Added a new parameter (
default-delay-play-sound) to adjust a delay when the music should be played when joining the server, being teleported and respawning. This parameter ensure that sound actions are executed correctly and at the right time, so I recommend using it with caution.
Allowed server versions 1.21, 1.21.1 and 1.21.3.
Revised server version management.
I did tests with the version 1.21, 1.21.1 and 1.21.3 of paperMC. Feel free to give me some feedback about your executions in other kind of servers as spigot/bukkit, mohist or Arclight.
Added play and stop commands.
Significant code performance and optimization.
play command enables you to test region sounds with a full setup while creating or modifying a region. This means you can create or modify your region's sound settings and then test them anywhere using the play command.
/areasoundevents play<region-name>
stop command halts all currently playing sounds.
/areasoundevents stop
Fixed display suggestion tab for loop properties on create/modify commands
Sorry about this fixed version,
it is not mandatory. Only applies the display suggestion/autocomplete tab for loop and loopTime when creating or modifying a region in the chat.
If you set loop=true, the sound will be reproduced again once the loop-time is finished. The loop-time in SECONDS is the time until sound plays again.
IMPORTANT: You are free to add as few seconds as you want, but it could have an unwanted server cost. My recommendation of using this loop feature is to allow the loop for songs with more than 50 or 60 seconds. And finally, know the duration of your sound in seconds to correctly add it to the region's loop-time property, then you will have your sound playing again at the end of the current play.
Added interactable content in chat from list command.
Added Language support.
Added functional
config.yml file.
Added player is detected when entering the server to play associate regions's sound/music.
Improvement commands performance.
Improvement data management of the regions.
Improvement code performance.
- Other minor fixes...
You can click on Remove button to delete automatically that associated region