AntiEnd | Prevent players from going into the end icon

AntiEnd | Prevent players from going into the end -----

100% configurable | made with ❤

The Plugin prevent players from adding ender eyes to a end portal frame.

With this Plugin you can prevent players from entering the end

● bypass permission
●100% configurable
● ingame commands
● lightweight
● no ingame or console ads
● discord support
● updates
● made with ❤

language: en
# The language setting for the plugin. Make sure the language file exists in the messages folder, if not create one.

disableEnd: true
# Determines if the End should be disabled. If true, players are prevented from entering the End dimension.

permission: antiend.bypass # antiend.*
# The permission node required to bypass the End prevention. Use 'antiend.*' to grant all related permissions.

allowBypass: false
# Allows players with the specified permission or operator status to bypass the End prevention if set to true.

sendPreventMessage: true
# If true, the plugin sends a message to players when they are prevented from entering the End.

slientStart: false
# If true, the plugin starts silently without sending startup messages to the console.

sendMessagesAsActionbar: false
# If true, messages from the plugin are sent as action bar messages instead of chat messages.

- world
- world_nether
# A list of worlds where entry into the End is disabled. Players will be prevented from entering the End in these specified worlds.

prefix: "&3AntiEnd &8⚫&7"
noPerms: "%p% You don't have the permission for doing that."
reload: "%p% Plugin reloaded."
preventMessage: "%p% The end is disabled on this server."
help: "%p% Use /antiend help for help."
- "%p% &8&m============&f Version: %v% &8&m============"
- "%p% &8- &7/antiend help &8| &fShow this text"
- "%p% &8- &7/antiend reload &8| &freload the plugin"
- "%p% &8&m==================================="

antiend.use | use AntiEnd Plugin
antiend.bypass | bypass end prevention
antiend.* | all plugin permissions in one:

You need support?

Coming features:
● tell me

● Drag and drop the plugin in you plugins folder
● restart the server
● enjoy
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,009
First Release: Sep 25, 2021
Last Update: Jul 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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