Anti-AutoClicker [DISCONTINUED] icon

Anti-AutoClicker [DISCONTINUED] -----

Prevent auto clicking by doing nothing

Added support for 1.21.1
----------, Sep 17, 2024

- fixed a bug when a player gets sanctioned but either leaves in that exact moment or gets kicked in a weird tick timing [see here]
- fixed a bug where whyever click timings for the DoubleClickCheck could be null and therefore threw an error [see here]

Removed Logging:
since the logging wasn't the most optimal feature and more a cliffhanger, i've removed it to make space for future improved logging.

this change has the following consequences:
- there is no more logging when a player get flagged (it still gets logged to the console if enabled)
- the /antiac logs command was removed
----------, Dec 18, 2023

Supporting 1.20.4
----------, Dec 16, 2023

- Fixed counting of clicks when dropping items
- Fixed right click cap on blocks
----------, Dec 9, 2023

  • FIREWORKS now doesn't false positive anymore [#0053]
  • Rethrowed events by other plugins now doesn't confuse AntiAC anymore [#0055 & #0023]
Config option to count clicks on blocks:
  • Added a config option that enables the count of clicks if the player clicks on a block [#0023]

With this update the config.yml has changed!
----------, Nov 6, 2022

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • Fixed a bug which caused false positives on DoubleClickCheck and made clicks with an interactive material just as snowballs, exp bottles etc. count twice.
Perms on help:
  • /antiac help now also shows the needed permission to execute the command.
----------, Jul 9, 2022

Fixed an exception-spam if GeyserMC isn't installed
----------, Jun 11, 2022

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • Fixed performance-peak on join
  • Fixed restriction duration
  • Added Floodgate support to temporary exclude bedrock players from the checks due to many false positives
  • Added config option to adjust the prefix
  • Added config option for restriction duration
  • Added config option for bedrock player exclusion
  • Updated dependencies -> 1.19 Support

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Jun 10, 2022

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • added 1.18 support

  • the jar has now its own version-file
  • optimized performance

  • fixed OFF_HAND gets restricted now too
  • fixed UpdateChecker
  • fixed rod counts rightclicks doubled

  • the check-config names are now lowercase
  • every check setting got moved to its config
    • main config lost all those settings
  • removed punishment-at-clicks settings out of main config

  • the subcommand now have their parameters shown in the helplist
  • added /antiac punish <player>
    • punishes the player manually like a detection would

  • changed color of click displays to light_grey
  • optimized the code and its performance

hopefully i didn't forgot anything :)

With this update the config.yml and messages.yml changed!
----------, Dec 8, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • reworked Check API
  • each Check became his own config file in the checks folder
    • Checks are now deactivatable through that config
  • /antiac reload, version and checkupdate are now executable via the console
  • /antiac reload reloads now all Checks, Configs and Messages
  • changed the Log-Message
    • instead of what happened, the Check who punished the player will be the Log-Message
      • if the punishment was made by the violations it will be "System"
  • improved the performance by increasing the time between the deleteLogs check
    • checks now every 12 hours instead of every second
  • Refactored a bit of code and optimized
    • in some cases the performance improved
  • ShoutOutPunishment removed hardcoded empty lines
  • updated FileUtils [#2]
  • fixed an error occuring when using Citiziens [#3]
----------, Nov 7, 2021

  • FIXED InformTeam displays the receivers(teams) name
----------, Oct 16, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • added permissions for every subcommand
    • changed the config.yml
      • NeededPermission is now just the second-level permission
    • to be able to execute every (sub)command <NeededPermission>.* or OP is needed
    • the permission of each subcommand is a combination of the second-level permission and the name of the subcommand(top-level permission)
      • f.e.: /antiac check Luziferium -> <NeededPermission>.check
        • the second-level permission is by default antiac but can be changed in the config
    • this also affects auto-notification and auto-update reminder.
      • the commands of the respective subcommand is needed
        • auto-notification -> notify
        • auto-update reminder -> checkupdate
    • help overview just shows the commands the player can execute now
    • tabcompleter just shows the commands the player can execute nopw
With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Oct 16, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • fixed NoSuchMethod Exception in 1.8 and <
  • fixed players without the perms can't see the command args anymore (if it was even possible)
----------, Sep 29, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help, want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • fixed OFF_HAND bug at interactions
  • fixed NPE if someone gets kicked/banned who is permitted
  • fixed permission bug on InformTeam
  • fixed error on PingChecker due 1.17 support included
  • and every little thing i found
1.17 Support:
  • added 1.17 support
----------, Sep 11, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • fixed a NPE(error) which occurs during the ping check
  • fixed a NPE(error) which occurs when a player gets banned via the plugin
  • fixed an error which caused that banned players need to restart their game because the "Back to server list" button is missing

For your information:
This update, which contains almost only the bugfixes, was actually not planned as a single update. In the near future, a larger update will follow, which will include a recode. This should also include the bugfixes, but due to the current circumstances it may take a little longer until this planned update arrives. Hence this update so that you do not have to deal with restrictions.
----------, Apr 17, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


Hey you! That's right, I mean you!
I am happy to present you version 2.8!

This update is an addition to the last update( 2.7-FIX) and completes it.

Lets start with a new check:
  • LevelCheck
    • The LevelCheck checks the difference between the last and the latest click.
    • To do this it substracts the last click from the latest and checks if the outcome value is higher than the value set in the config.yml.

The version also contains a small bugfix:
  • Now clears the violations after being punished

Implemented a few changes:
  • changed the given violations in ClickCheck
  • UpdateChecker got updated (now using GitHub)
    • also throttled to every 15 minutes
  • Minor changes

The config.yml changed:
  • Added LevelCheck Settings
    • "LevelCheck-Level-Max"
  • Removed "AverageCheck" (the setting to enable/disable it)
  • Changed "Check-At-Clicks" to "DoubleCheck-Check-At-Clicks"

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Feb 28, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


Hey there!

Since not enough changes were implemented in this version to be a full version, this version is only available as a fix of the last version.

ArmorStand Support
  • added ArmorStand support
    • nothing much to say here - it was about time to implement it

  • fixed an error, which occured, if no logs were available and /antiac logs were executed

UpdateChecker Changes
  • removed broadcast
  • now just informs players with the permissions that an update is available
----------, Feb 15, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


Hello everybody,
I have let the plugin rest for a "long" time but now the time has come.

I am happy to present you version 2.7!

Let's start with the innovations and or changes to the API.
  • The class got a new method:
    • user#sanction(boolean b);
    • sanctions the user according to the set settings
    • involves the users clicks in the decision if b == true
    • if b == false, the plugin just pays attention to the set settings in the config.yml
  • I removed the class
    • it was just a non-useful class lying around without any useful functions, which was waiting to be deleted

Let's jump now directly to a Code-Optimization.
  • The code has received an extremely visible upgrade and thus has been optimized.
  • Unnecessary duplications and BrainFucks were removed.
  • More attention was paid to OOP
  • & for sure much more, which I forgot in the course of the processing time.

Now, the best part of the update...
I would like to present to you the brand new check, which I have not seen anywhere yet!

  • DoubleClickCheck
    • The DoubleClickCheck checks if 2 clicks were made at the same time
    • To do this, it compares the milliseconds of both clicks, checks and evaluates them, does a few things and then makes the decision whether 2 clicks were made at the same time or not.

I've also added a new function to the Violations, which just sanction the player, if X Violations were reached.

A very important fix has also been integrated, which makes the AverageCheck run again.

A few more changes has been made.
  • Minor changes at violation giving when detecting too much clicks
  • The Log-messages has been overworked a bit
  • And the config.yml got sorted and updated (my comments)

With the new features, the config.yml has also grown in adjustable settings
  • Added Just-Sanction-If-At-Violations
    • Here you can configurate, if a player should just be punished, if X Violations have been reached
  • Added Check-At-Clicks
    • Here you can configurate at how many clicks the DoubleClickCheck starts checking
    • It is NOT recommended to put this value under or at 10 (causes to 100% false positives)

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Jan 21, 2021

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


Profile Title
  • caused an error when being too long. ~ FIXED
----------, Nov 25, 2020

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • Added Logs GUI
  • Logs are now updating if a higher value than the logged one is reached
  • Command: /antiac logs
Issue Maker
  • Removed the Issue Maker: ClassLoader
  • Its now not anymore possible to create standalone Addons!
  • Checks have to be registered via CheckManager in your onEnable now!
  • Added a reload command
  • Reloading the messages.yml and config.yml
  • Command: /antiac reload
  • Fixed an Issue which caused blocking other checks

Logs GUI:
LogsGUI 1.png

LogsGUI 2.png
----------, Nov 19, 2020

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • Temporary solution regarding a ClassLoader error
  • Will be totally fixed in the upcomming updates

Profile changes

  • The display of the clicks in a DataContainer are now colored like /antiac check <PLAYER>.
    green = okay, light_red = near to exceed the limit, red = exceed the limit
  • DataContainer are now Chests instead of Signs
  • Stores now the exact amount of DataContainers
----------, Nov 17, 2020

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • An error occurred due to an allegedly unsupported Java version of the plugin. This should now be fixed.


  • User profiles have been added
  • Command: /antiac profile <PLAYER>
  • Shows the current available DataContainers of the User


  • Each DataContainer contains the X last clicks & averages of an User
  • Everything configurable in the config.yml




With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Nov 16, 2020

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


  • with version 2.6.3 came a few bugs. These should be fixed now.
  • improved performance
  • added violation settings to the config.yml (mostly fully configurable now)
  • changed api Check-Method "onEnable()" to "onEnable(Plugin plugin) so Listener can be registered now.
Hopefully i didn't forgot to mention anything.
If so, there are a few more changes (xD).

With this update the Config.yml changed!
----------, Nov 13, 2020

Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!




  • added a ClassLoader with corresponding API

  • improved the code a lot
  • improved the api

  • added violations
  • all violations will be cleared after 5 minutes, if there is no more added

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Nov 12, 2020

  • doesn't count the clicks when hitting an entity FIXED
  • ignore if the player is restricted when he hit an entity and it cause sweeping edge FIXED
----------, Sep 18, 2020

  • the class AntiACPlayer is now User
  • Code (Java):
    User playerUser = User. get (player. getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
  • with the api change i've also improved the code a lot
  • it is now possible to let execute command when a player is being banned or kicked because of autoclicker (look up the config.yml)
  • removed an unused dependency which caused 100+ KB
With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Sep 11, 2020

  • added 1.16.2 support
  • now also log the average check as a reason
  • you can now complete the arguments with tab
  • fixed some small bugs
----------, Sep 4, 2020

  • config.yml and messages.yml completely changed
  • code performance improved
  • API -> changed isFreezed() and setFreezed() to isFrozen() and setFrozen()
  • fixed a little bug at the click average
  • averagecheck is now completely updated and finished
  • restrict a player when he got detected for autoclicker

With this update the messages.yml and config.yml changed completely!
----------, Aug 6, 2020

  • Fixed the permission / op bug with the command
----------, Jul 15, 2020

  • Fixed a bug in versions 1.9 and higher, which caused wrong click numbers by Sweeping Edge
New Check
The plugin now contains an average click check in addition to the click check
  • Fires if the same average number of clicks occurs for X seconds
  • Punishments: Ban, Kick, Kill, Freeze.
  • In the next update the check will be equipped with the functions of the click check just like Logs, InformTeam etc.
With this update the config.yml changed a lot!
----------, Jul 9, 2020

  • Actionbar display is now working correctly in the versions 1.16.x
----------, Jul 2, 2020

  • Added 1.16 support
Notification Update
  • Added possibility to notify the console when a player have to much clicks
  • Added possibility to turn off auto notification on server reloads or joining the game.

With this update the config.yml has changed!
----------, Jun 25, 2020

  • Renamed class AACPlayer to AntiACPlayer
  • Removed class AAC
  • Bypass display error fixed
  • Player Pingchecker implemented into the plugin

With this update the config.yml has changed!
----------, Jun 20, 2020

  • The average clicks are now displayed correctly. Previously you only got your own displayed.
  • The built-in click indicator now shows when a player is bypassed.
----------, May 28, 2020

  • Fixed small Bugs

  • Average clicks added
  • Adjustable in the config.yml
  • Added to the logs
  • Added to the messages.yml to : "Messages.TeamNotify.Line1" as "%average%
  • Visible at TeamNotify, /antiac check <PLAYER>, Logs

  • Added bypass for players with appropriate permissions
  • Will not count the clicks of these players
  • Adjustable in the config.yml

  • Removed Log-Message from TPSChecker

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, May 26, 2020

  • Has been (temporarily) removed due to many errors.
Reload command
  • Has been removed due to better alternatives. It is better to reload the server instead of the plugin itself.
With this update the config.yml and message.yml has changed!
----------, May 20, 2020

Command change
  • I changed the main command from /aac to /antiac due to complications with the AAC plugin.

Permission change
  • The required permissions to execute the commands can now be changed in the config.yml
With this update the config.yml has changed!
----------, May 3, 2020

  • When a player who is currently being checked leaves the game, an error message appears in the console FIXED
  • Console shows at every reload/restart that the messages.yml was newly created FIXED
  • The /antiac devlog | /aac devlog command has been removed
  • The lowest allowed TPS can now be set in the config.yml
  • The command /antiac checkupdate | /aac checkupdate now has the same message as the automatic update checker when an update is available
  • The UpdateChecker now displays the current and newest version of the plugin

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, May 2, 2020

- Out of Beta
  • The TPSChecker seems to work. Is now out of BETA

- New Command
  • /aac checkupdate
  • You can now finally check manually for updates

- UpdateChecker
  • You can now disable or enable the UpdateChecker in the config.yml

With this update the config.yml has changed!
----------, Apr 11, 2020

- Added TPSChecker
  • The plugin now contains a TPSChecker, which you can enable or disable in config.yml.
  • It checks the server performance.
  • If the server performance is low, the plugin disables the click count to avoid false detections. So players will no longer be detected because of lags due to auto clicker.
With this update the config.yml changed.
----------, Apr 10, 2020

Added a new command so my plugin is no longer overwritten by the Anti Cheat Plugin AAC

The message if someone is frozen had no correct color-codes.
----------, Mar 30, 2020

- Changed UpdateChecker Timer
-> Now doesn't spam every 10 minutes, but now spams every 1 1/2 hours

- Fixed a few little bugs

- Fixed API

- Changed the log delete a little bit
-> Isn't buggy anymore. Also deletes files of older dates.

This is the last update for now, if no further bugs occur.
----------, Mar 3, 2020

- Fixed UpdateChecker
-> Added Timer
----------, Mar 1, 2020

- I made a little pause because i lost the entire source-code.
But now i has the motivation to recode the plugin and made the code even better and clearer.

- Remove Multi-Language
I remove the multi-language support so the config has changed and also the API

- Added message.yml
Now you finally can add your own messages to the plugin! :)

----------, Mar 1, 2020

Fixed a serious bug. But now really every version can use the plugin (1.8-1.15)

----------, Feb 10, 2020

- Mutli-Language support
You can now change the language of the plugin in the config.
Languages supported :
- german
- english
- spanish
- italian

- Language API
With the new languages also came a language API update

- General API Update
Lots of methods have been added to the AAC, AACPlayer and AACLanguage classes so you can let your creativity run wild!

- Adjustable ban lenght
You can now change the length of a ban from the plugin in the config. So you are no longer dependent on the default 1 hour ban

- 2 new settings (config)
Added : PlayerKillAtClicks, PlayerFreezeAtClicks

- command
Added a new command : /aac reload
So that you don't have to reload the whole server
The server must still be completely reloaded when the language is changed

- bStats
Added : bStats for statistics


With this update the Config has changed a lot, please reset!
----------, Feb 10, 2020

After checking a player, enter /aac check off.
Once you entered this, the only message that came up was "This player is not online".

----------, Feb 9, 2020

- Changed Commands
before : /clicks
now : /aac

- Changed InformTeam

- Added API
The plugin now has a developer API so you can make addons for the plugin
Code (Java):
AACPlayer aacplayer = new AACPlayer (player ) ;
aacplayer. //shows all methods for the player

AAC. //shows all methods for the plugin
More API methods will be added later

- Added config log deletion time

- Added 1.15.2 support

For the newest updates you have to delete your config.yml (!)
----------, Feb 9, 2020

- 3 Bugfixes
-> The counting of left clicks on blocks removed
-> Log files are now removed after 14 days
-> Players with command names like 'notify' also can checked with /clicks now

- Prefix Change (to see in the picture below)

- 2 new Commands
-> Added /clicks version (shows the version)
-> Added /clicks devlog (shows the devlog)
devlog.png NewCommands.png

- The plugin messages are now cleaner and easier to see among many messages by separating
----------, Feb 6, 2020

- Added Logs
-> Log the clicks of the players and their data if they come above the "allowed clicks" area
-> Log files are deleted after 14 days

- Optimized Code

- With this update the config has changed (!!)
----------, Feb 6, 2020

- The player can now be killed when Auto Clicker is detected

- I have now implemented an InventoryCheck, which, if activated, also counts the clicks in the inventory (good for inventory minigames)

- With these changes the configuration file has also changed. (!)
----------, Feb 5, 2020

The plugin is now in version 1.1

- Fixed Update-Checker
-> Now correctly displays all updates, if there are any
----------, Feb 5, 2020

- Changed Chat-Spamm in /clicks <PLAYER>
-> It's now Action-Bar(-Spamm :D)

- Changed config.yml
-> Nothing important, just my comments.

- Shows now the click number of the player behind the notification for the team
----------, Feb 5, 2020

- Optimization of the code and its machinations

- I have implemented the Update-Checker so that you get the latest updates
----------, Feb 4, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,718
First Release: Feb 4, 2020
Last Update: Sep 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings