Anti-AutoClicker [DISCONTINUED] icon

Anti-AutoClicker [DISCONTINUED] -----

Prevent auto clicking by doing nothing

API, Code, Check, Violations, Fix, Changes, Config
Make sure to join my discord, if you need help,
want to suggest something, have a question or found a bug!


Hello everybody,
I have let the plugin rest for a "long" time but now the time has come.

I am happy to present you version 2.7!

Let's start with the innovations and or changes to the API.
  • The class got a new method:
    • user#sanction(boolean b);
    • sanctions the user according to the set settings
    • involves the users clicks in the decision if b == true
    • if b == false, the plugin just pays attention to the set settings in the config.yml
  • I removed the class
    • it was just a non-useful class lying around without any useful functions, which was waiting to be deleted

Let's jump now directly to a Code-Optimization.
  • The code has received an extremely visible upgrade and thus has been optimized.
  • Unnecessary duplications and BrainFucks were removed.
  • More attention was paid to OOP
  • & for sure much more, which I forgot in the course of the processing time.

Now, the best part of the update...
I would like to present to you the brand new check, which I have not seen anywhere yet!

  • DoubleClickCheck
    • The DoubleClickCheck checks if 2 clicks were made at the same time
    • To do this, it compares the milliseconds of both clicks, checks and evaluates them, does a few things and then makes the decision whether 2 clicks were made at the same time or not.

I've also added a new function to the Violations, which just sanction the player, if X Violations were reached.

A very important fix has also been integrated, which makes the AverageCheck run again.

A few more changes has been made.
  • Minor changes at violation giving when detecting too much clicks
  • The Log-messages has been overworked a bit
  • And the config.yml got sorted and updated (my comments)

With the new features, the config.yml has also grown in adjustable settings
  • Added Just-Sanction-If-At-Violations
    • Here you can configurate, if a player should just be punished, if X Violations have been reached
  • Added Check-At-Clicks
    • Here you can configurate at how many clicks the DoubleClickCheck starts checking
    • It is NOT recommended to put this value under or at 10 (causes to 100% false positives)

With this update the config.yml changed!
----------, Jan 21, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,762
First Release: Feb 4, 2020
Last Update: Sep 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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