Set broadcast and join/quit permissions to false by default
This prevents players with op from receiving all broadcasts and having duplicate join/quit messages, as they now need to have the permission set explicitly
If you were taking advantage of the fact that players with op got all announcements, you may need to correct your permissions setup after this update
Reorganized command permissions to all be under 'announcerplus.command.*'
Allows for easily giving permission to all AnnouncerPlus commands without giving 'announcerplus.*' which would give permission for all announcements and join/quit messages
Added fade in/out time arguments to title commands
Shorten message configs by automatically removing duplicate comments
This enabled many improvements to the command system, including but not limited to brigadier support, which can look like this:
Updated multiple dependencies including adventure and MiniMessage. In particular, the MinMessage update should bring more informative error messages when invalid gradients are attempted to be parsed.