Custom Join and Quit messages, assigned by permission
Custom join MotD messages
Custom broadcasts on player join/quit
Custom commands on player join/quit
Sounds on player join/quit
Custom Titles/Subtitles and Action/Boss Bars on player join
Custom Toast/Achievements on player join
Sending automatic messages/broadcasts on timers, assigned by permissions
Randomize the order of messages
Play sounds
Show Titles
Show Boss Bars
Show Action Bars
Show custom Toast/Achievements
Send/broadcast Messages, Titles, Action Bars, Boss Bars, and Toasts to worlds or players using commands.
Titles, Subtitles, Boss Bars, and Action Bars from the plugin support animations. More info in the wiki.
Messages are parsed using MiniMessage, meaning there is support for all vanilla chat colors and Hex color codes, as well as gradients. Check out the AnnouncerPlus wiki for more info
PlaceholderAPI is a highly recommended, but optional dependency. You may use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders in messages. Vault is a required dependency.
Feature Summary:
Custom Join and Quit messages
Join/Quit configs are in the "plugins/AnnouncerPlus/joinquit/" folder
Optional first join config (different messages, titles, commands, etc. for a player's first join)
Create multiple Join/Quit message configs and assign them by permission
Assign groups of Join/Quit configs and randomly select one on join/quit
Also supports Join and Quit
Titles + Subtitles
Action Bars
Boss Bars
Custom broadcast messages
Broadcast configs are in the "plugins/AnnouncerPlus/messages/" folder
Create multiple broadcast configs and assign them by permission
Also supports these actions on broadcast:
Titles + Subtitles
Action Bars
Boss Bars
Supports all chat colors including Hex color codes
For example:
Code (XML):
<color:#ff00ff>Colored text!
</color:#ff00ff> <red>Red Text
<yellow>Yellow text
</yellow><bold>Red and BOLD text
</red></bold> <rainbow>|||||||||||||||||||||||||
</rainbow> <gradient:#00DCFF:#FFAC00>||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Join/quit broadcasts will not be sent for players who are vanished
Supports SuperVanish, ProtocolVanish, EssentialsX Vanish, etc.
Join/Quit message permissions
To assign join/quit messages to a player/group use the announcerplus.join.confignameand announcerplus.quit.confignamepermissions
For example to assign the default included join/quit messages to everyone, give the default group the announcerplus.join.defaultand announcerplus.quit.default permissions.
For random Join/Quit config selection, groups of join/quit configs may be created in main.conf and then assigned by the announcerplus.raindomjoin.groupname andannouncerplus.raindomquit.groupname permissions. There is more detail in main.conf
A common mistake is that players with OP will have duplicate join/quit messages. To solve this make sure to negate the permissions you don't want them to have using your permissions plugin.
Auto-announcements permissions
To set a player/group to receive broadcasts from a message config, use the announcerplus.messages.configname permission
For example to make everyone receive the demo messages, give the default group the announcerplus.messages.demo permission
To stop a player from receiving broadcasts while AFK use the announcerplus.messages.configname.afk permission
For example to make no one get the demo messages while they are AFK give the default group theannouncerplus.messages.demo.afkpermission
/announcerplus reload
Required permission: announcerplus.reload
Reloads all config files
/announcerplus broadcast
Required permission: announcerplus.broadcast
Use this command to manually broadcast a message with the same parsing (placeholders, formatting, etc.) as in the configs
There are also similar commands, /announcerplus broadcasttoast, /announcerplus broadcasttitle, and etc. Their permissions are similar, i.e. announcerplus.broadcasttoast
/announcerplus send
Required permission: announcerplus.send
Use this command to manually send a message to players.
There are also similar commands, /announcerplus sendtoast, /announcerplus sendtitle, and etc. Their permissions are similar, i.e. announcerplus.sendtoast
/announcerplus parse
Required permission: announcerplus.parse
Use this command to test parsing a message.
Running this command will send back the parsed message.
/announcerplus parseanimation
Required permission: announcerplus.parseanimation
Use this command to test parsing a text with animations.
Running this command will display the animation as a title.
/announcerplus list
Required permission: announcerplus.list
Use this command to list the messages of a message config
/announcerplus help
Use this command for help with AnnouncerPlus commands.
It will only display help for commands which the user has permission for
The Kotlin Standard Library is included inside the jar and no other plugins are required.
Support is given in my Discord as well as in the Discussions Tab. I am open to feature requests, but make no guarantees I will add anything. Please rate my plugin if you liked it or if it helped you out! (Ratings are not for support! Using ratings for support = no support )