Animated Nicknames | Now supports Folia! icon

Animated Nicknames | Now supports Folia! -----

Like animations? Like cool nicknames? Then you'll love Animated Nicknames.

Animated Nicknames 2.1.0 Changelog

Incorporating more suggestions from more great people!

+ Selecting a custom hex colour with the command now opens the menu back up
+ Not selecting a decoration for your animation now defaults to none instead of making you pick one
+ The loading animation now stays green for a little bit after your whole username turns green
+ New animations!
- Dominos (left to right and right to left) comes into play! They are the exact same animations, but the text that has been changed stays modified!
- Erasing! It's like typing but.. reversed! Yeah I know, I'm bad at explaining...
- Brought back the Bounce animation that was removed in 1.0.8! Enjoy!
+ Made it so if a player's nickname is a PAPI placeholder it actually replaces it
- Also adds the animatednicknames.nickname.placeholder permission which allows (or disallows) players to put a PAPI placeholder in their nickname
- Fixed the loading animation still overlapping with other animations even when having changed your picked animation
- Fixed the animation still enabling even with no colour selected
- Fixed clicking the preview button making the toggle button green

Enjoy the update!
----------, Aug 25, 2024

Animated Nicknames 2.0.4 Changelog

Always more Folia compatibility. Keep it going.

+ Updated FoliaLib from 0.3.1 to 0.4.3
+ Added an "Animation enabled" or "disabled" chat message when toggling your animation
+ Added a cooldown to enabling/disabling your animation in order to fix a bug where scheduled tasks would overlap if not given enough time to cancel

Enjoy this update!
----------, Aug 21, 2024

Animated Nicknames 2.0.3 Changelog

Hey, I'm back for another small update. On the house!

+ Added a message when joining the server alerting OPd players if an update is available
+ Lowered java version to Java 17 to allow servers running before 1.21 to run

- Selecting a colour, decoration or animation no longer closes the menu

Hope you enjoy!
----------, Aug 20, 2024

Animated Nicknames 2.0.2 Changelog

Hey everyone! Noticed a few bugs that came with the Folia update, so update time!

+ Using the /animatednicknames command without any arguments now opens the menu instead of prompting the usage message
+ Fixed a bug where disabling your own animation disabled everyone's
+ Made scheduler tasks cancelling more reliable and thus free some more memory and/or cpu usage

Hope you enjoy!
----------, Aug 2, 2024

Animated Nicknames 2.0.1 Changelog

Hello everyone! Just like Top Luck, AN has been broken past 1.20.5 due to ItemMeta changes. So here comes compatibility!

+ 1.20.5+ compatibility! Here is what got fixed:
- The menu buttons now work again and people can't steal items from it anymore

Also, I've ran out of ideas for animations to add to the plugin. If you've got any, don't hesitate to drop by the suggestions channel on the Discord server!
----------, May 12, 2024

Animated Nicknames 2.0.0 Changelog

Hey, it's been a fair while since I Last updated this plugin, right? Well here I am after 4 weeks of coding, with tons of new stuff!
Since Animated Nicknames didn't have a "proper" 1.0.0 version, and since I changed so much stuff, I decided that making this 2.0.0 would be appropriate enough.
Here are said changes, enjoy!

+ Full Folia compatibility! You can now have your username be even cooler... with even more CPU power at your disposal!
+ Rewrite preferences choice storage system to be in individual player files rather than using PersistentDataContainers
+ Added Hex checking so you can only put an actual hex code with /animatednicknames custom
+ Custom colors using hex codes are now fixed in Minecraft's vanilla tab (no tab plugin) because it was somehow broken since it was implemented
+ You can now change the color and decoration of your animation without having to restart it!
+ Loading animation! The loaded part of your username is green, the part that's loading is orange and the unloaded is red! (Oh and of course, just like actual loading bars, the time between letters loading will be completely random)
+ The animation/decoration you've selected will now show up as purple when going in the respective menus!
+ Fixed error that prevented the plugin from loading if PlaceholderAPI wasn't present on the server
- Removed unused command and class from the very first versions of the plugin
- Removed plugin message listener since it wasn't used (that was from the Velocity compatibility update)
----------, Apr 23, 2024

Animated Nicknames 1.1.1 Changelog

Another update! This one fixes preview and adds one useful config entry.. but that's not all as 2 new animations make their entrance!

Fixed preview not working most of the time

+ New config entry: placeholder-fallback
When your animation is off, the plugin will use the placeholder you set on this setting to display in tab
+ Introducing 2 new animations!
Go police style with a police siren animation!
Or you can also become even more rainbow by coloring your name of a random color from the rainbow every few moments!

Enjoy this one!
----------, Nov 9, 2023

Animated Nicknames 1.1.0 Changelog

Fixed a bug where previewing your animation didn't work unless you had your animation turned on
Deleted the 2 old config entries and added "using-proxy-tab", only make it true if your tab plugin is on a proxy
Known bug: Preview does not work if your server uses a proxy tab plugin, will be fixed in 1.1.1

+ Support for proxy tab plugins! Follow the installation steps in the plugin's overview to set it up!

Hope you enjoy this update, though small it is really cool!
----------, Nov 8, 2023

Animated Nicknames 1.0.9 Changelog

Hey, it's been a while since I've updated any of my plugins!
Sorry for the small hiatus, school happened. However, keep your eyes peeled as an update for Towny Spawn Menu is also on the way!
Hope you enjoy this update!

+ Added a nickname option to change the username that gets animated!
+ Added placeholders! Add PlaceholderAPI to use them with plugins who also support PAPI
> %an_nickname% - Nickname the player chose (returns their name if they don't have one)
> %an_formatted% - The player's animated nickname (This is slow due to PAPI limitations, I hope to fix this in the next update!)
> %an_animation% - The animation the player chose
> %an_colour% - The colour the player chose
> %an_decoration% - The text decoration the player chose
+ New permission:
> animatednicknames.nickname - Allows the user to set a nickname in tab (shown only when name is animated)

- Deleted the /give-item command and permission as it was useless
- Fixed the following bugs:
> Opening the menu for the first time threw an error
> Enabling your animation for the first time threw an error
> Previewing your animation without enabling or disabling it first threw an error

As always, feedback and suggestions are appreciated! Please join my Discord for those!
----------, Oct 8, 2023

Made the update a week ago, I wouldn't be able to tell what changed exactly besides the removal of an animation because it wouldn't work anymore.
It did fix some bugs and some console spam.
Next changelog will be an actual one, I promise.
----------, Jul 31, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16
First Release: Jul 31, 2023
Last Update: Aug 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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