Animated Nicknames | Now supports Folia! icon

Animated Nicknames | Now supports Folia! -----

Like animations? Like cool nicknames? Then you'll love Animated Nicknames.

Animated Nicknames 2.0.0 is here!
Animated Nicknames 2.0.0 Changelog

Hey, it's been a fair while since I Last updated this plugin, right? Well here I am after 4 weeks of coding, with tons of new stuff!
Since Animated Nicknames didn't have a "proper" 1.0.0 version, and since I changed so much stuff, I decided that making this 2.0.0 would be appropriate enough.
Here are said changes, enjoy!

+ Full Folia compatibility! You can now have your username be even cooler... with even more CPU power at your disposal!
+ Rewrite preferences choice storage system to be in individual player files rather than using PersistentDataContainers
+ Added Hex checking so you can only put an actual hex code with /animatednicknames custom
+ Custom colors using hex codes are now fixed in Minecraft's vanilla tab (no tab plugin) because it was somehow broken since it was implemented
+ You can now change the color and decoration of your animation without having to restart it!
+ Loading animation! The loaded part of your username is green, the part that's loading is orange and the unloaded is red! (Oh and of course, just like actual loading bars, the time between letters loading will be completely random)
+ The animation/decoration you've selected will now show up as purple when going in the respective menus!
+ Fixed error that prevented the plugin from loading if PlaceholderAPI wasn't present on the server
- Removed unused command and class from the very first versions of the plugin
- Removed plugin message listener since it wasn't used (that was from the Velocity compatibility update)
----------, Apr 23, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16
First Release: Jul 31, 2023
Last Update: Aug 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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