Fixed teleporting not properly checking for nearby safe locations and instead teleporting the player to the chest location
[+] Added two undocumented settings to config (tp-distance, tp-no-safe-space-y-offset)
[+] Added
{world} placeholder to death-map-lore
[!] Fixed graveyard potion effects not being removed when plugin disables before players are kicked
[+] fixed-chest-offset now has a "relative mode" (see config.yml)
Oraxen furniture yaw and face can now be set in config.yml (see "oraxen-furniture-yaw" and "oraxen-furniture-face" in config.yml)
[!] Fixed "message-confirm" always using default currency format
[!] Fixed "message-paid-open" not using currency format at all
[+] Added command /acopen to open a nearby AngelChest
- Requires permission "angelchest.open" which is given by default
- The player must stand within a certain radius around the chest, see "max-open-radius" (default: 5 blocks)
- The radius can be overridden using permissions, e.g. for 10 blocks: "angelchest.open.10"
Added option "move-chest-when-block-gets-changed" (see config.yml for more information)
[+] Added support for 1.21.1
[+] Added config option "always-reset-block-to-original"
- When true, AngelChest always resets the block to its state before the chest was spawned when the chest despawns
- When false, AngelChest resets the block to the original blockstate, or to whatever blockstate another plugin or /setblock has set it to
- Default behaviour is "false", while older versions of AngelChest always behaved as if this setting would have been set to "true"
- [!] Fixed player name not being replaced correctly in GUI titles
- [!] Fixed wrong message being used for the Chest Contents GUI
- [!] Fixed death maps disappearing when someone opens the chest but doesn't empty it
- [+] Added config option "random-item-loss-split-stacks"
- When true, random item loss randomly remove items one by one instead of stack-wise
- Default option is false = previous behaviour
- [+] Added permission "angelchest.preventvictimchest"
- Players killed by players with this permission won't get a chest spawned
- [+] Added config option "fixed-chest-offset" (see config.yml for more info)
- [+] Added new API methods for developers (see Javadocs)
- [!] Fixed exception on 1.21 when using death maps
- [!] Several minor fixes and improvements
- [!] Fixed ItemsAdder block not disappearing after opening the chest (if you're using an ItemsAdder block as chest material)
- [!] Fixed Oraxen block not disappearing after the chest gets unlocked
- [+] Added "cant-build" message when players don't get a chest because of WorldGuard flags, or WorldGuard blacklisted regions
- [!] Fixed possible duplication bug that I won't explain in case people are too lazy to update
- [+] Added config option "only-spawn-chests-if-player-may-build-check-blockplaceevent"
- If you previously had "only-spawn-chests-if-player-may-build" set to true, you may want to set this to true too, otherwise the current behaviour may change
- [+] Added "Charges" system
- When enabled, players require a "Charge" to get an AngelChest spawned
- Charges are like a virtual currency. They can be obtained only through /acadmin charges, so you can sell them to players or give them out as rewards
- Additional settings still apply, so if you set a price to get a chest spawned, players will require both, a charge, and the amount of money/item you set
- See config.yml (line 850ff. in default config) for more information
GitHub Commit:
See Here
- [+] Improved Percentage Prices, including min and max price (Explanation in config.yml)
- Percentage prices now use % instead of p, example: 50% instead of 0.5p
- You can set a min/max value, examples:
- 50%,min=1000 (50% of balance, but at least 1000)
- 50%,max=1000 (50% of balance, but at most 1000)
- 50%,min=100,max=500 (50% of balance, but at least 100 and at most 500)
- If you're still using the old notation (0.5p), they continue to work. To set min/max prices though, you have to switch to the new % notation
- [+] Full support for Oraxen Blocks and Oraxen Furniture!
- [+] Full support for ItemsAdder Blocks
- Support for ItemsAdder furniture is still experimental
- [!] Fixed ItemsAdder blocks not being removed properly after fetching a chest, reloading the plugin or restarting the server
Example Screenshot of using Oraxen furniture:
- [+] Added config options:
- "prevent-building-in-radius": Prevents placing blocks in a certain radius around other player's chests
- "prevent-breaking-in-radius": Prevents breaking blocks in a certain radius around other player's chests
- "only-prevent-building-in-radius-for-protected-chests": Whether "prevent-building-in-radius" and "prevent-breaking-in-radius" only applies to protected chests
- [!] Fixed targetPlayers requiring angelchest.others permission instead of the command sender (for /actp <chestOwner> <chestId> <targetPlayer> and similar commands affecting other players)
- [+] Added admin commands to list, unlock, fetch and teleport players to someone else's chests
- /acfetch <chestOwner> <chestId> [targetPlayer]
- /actp <chestOwner> <chestId> [targetPlayer]
- /acunlock <chestOwner> <chestId>
- /aclist <chestOwner>
- If [targetPlayer] is not specified, the command sender will be the target player. If ran from console, and [targetPlayer] is not specified, the chestOwner will be the target player.
- Fore more information, see "Admin Commands" section in config.yml
- [+] Added two new config options: force-close-open-inventory-on-angelchest-spawn and call-inventory-close-event-manually-if-needed
- Both default to true and shouldn't be changed unless you have a specific reason to
- The default settings fix the below mentioned issue
- [!] Fixed possible item duplication for plugins altering the player's inventory during InventoryCloseEvent in a certain way
- [+] Added support for custom model data in blacklist.yml
- You can match items by custom model data using a range (min and max).
- Use "min: -1" and "max: -1" to match items with no custom model data.
- Use "min: 0" to match all items with any custom model data.
- Use for example "min: 69" and "max: 69" to match all items that have exactly 69 as custom model data
- [+] Also added some convenience commands for custom model data
- /acadmin custommodeldataget: Shows the custom model data of your current item
- /acadmin custommodeldataset <number>: Sets the custom model data of your current item
- /acadmin custommodeldataremove: Removes the custom model data of your current item
- [+] Added option "random-item-loss-ignores-shulkerboxes"
- [+] Added PAPI placeholders:
- %angelchest_allowed% - Checks if the player currently has permission (angelchest.use)
- %angelchest_enabled_and_allowed% - Checks if the player has angelchest.use permission, and whether they have NOT disabled AngelChest using /actoggle
- [+] Added toStringRegex in blacklist.yml
- This options allows to fully detect every possible item whatsoever, for example books containing a certain word (or even books with a specific word on the second line of the third page, ...), items created by custom plugins, etc
- Added config option "dont-clear-inventory" for use with plugins that log inventory contents on death
- [+] Added "pdcKeys" option to blacklist items with specific PDC (NBT) keys
- [!] Fixed waterlogged chests leaving behind water when despawning after having been fetched into non-water blocks, and players being able to break water by spawning chests in specific locations
- [!] Fixed exception when using plugins that break PlayerDeathEvent's getDrops() method on Paper and its forks
- [+] Added 1.20.2 support
- Please note that ACF might print a warning on first user join. This won't cause problems. You'll have to wait until ACF gets updated.
- [!] Hopefully fixed bug regarding EcoEnchant's soulbound items
- [+] Added config option "suspend-countdowns-when-player-is-offline"
- When set to false (default), AngelChest will continue counting down the time until a chest expires even when the player is offline
- When set to true, AngelChest will suspend the countdown when the player is offline and resume it when the player logs in again
- This can of course also be configured per group in groups.yml
- [+] Added config option "angelchest-duration-in-pvp" to change the duration of AngelChests spawned during PvP
- Default is -1, which means that the duration is the same as for non-PvP deaths
- Set to 0 for infinite duration
- Set to any positive number to set the duration in seconds
- Can also be changed per group in groups.yml
- [+] Added command "/acadmin open" that opens the GUI of a player's AngelChest
- Syntax: /acadmin open <nameOfPlayerToOpenGUITo> <nameOfPlayerWhoOwnsTheChest> <chestId> <isPreviewOnly>
- Example to open mfnalex' first chest to some_admin in preview-mode: /acadmin open some_admin mfnalex 1 true
- Example to open mfnalex' first chest to some_admin in edit-mode: /acadmin open some_admin mfnalex 1 false
- [!] Money dropped by "Moneyhunters" on death will no longer be included in the AngelChest
- [!] Fixed placeholder "%angelchest_price_open%" not working
- [!] Fixed hex colors not working in "angelchest-list"
- [+] Added 1.19.4 support
- [+] Added permissions "angelchest.list" and "angelchest.gui" to allow players to see the list of chests and open the GUI (both permissions are given to everyone by default)
- [!] Fixed possible duplication bug
- Added "slot" option for blacklist.yml
- Changed weight of "force-delete" option in blacklist.yml.
- Before this version, the first matching blacklist entry would decide whether an item gets force-deleted or dropped
- From now on, when more than one blacklist entry matches, and any of those has force-delete set to true, the item will be deleted
- Adjusted obfuscation settings again to comply with the rules
- Fixed default config.yml generating with broken UTF-8 symbols for some people
- Adjusted obfuscation settings to not use class names anymore that Windows is too stupid to use
- Fixed "Postmortal" advancement not being given when using "totems-of-undying-works-everywhere" when dying with a totem that's not in the main or offhand
- Fixed a player's oldest AngelChest's block not properly disappearing and the newest chest generating only a hologram when a player dies while generating their newest chest inside a graveyard while also exceeding their "max-angelchest-amount"
- Fixed items from CommandPanels being included in the chest when a player died while having a CommandPanel GUI open that altered their actual inventory instead of just the "upper panel"
This update fundamentally changes how AngelChests are stored in memory. I have thoroughly tested it, but if any bugs occur, please let me know on Discord:
- Added config option "dispose-death-maps" (false by default)
- When enabled, death Maps created by AngelChest will never be put into any AngelChests anymore. This avoids filling up inventories when dying several times in a row.
- Added new config option "cooldown"
- Works like "pvp-cooldown" but for non-pvp deaths
- Premium version only
- Fixed exception when shutting down the server while AngelChest still asynchronously scans a Graveyard for possible grave locations
- Updated some translations
- AngelChest now removes the death map once a player opens the AngelChest, or when it expires
- Added config option "pvp-cooldown". If set, players who died in PvP get a cooldown for the defined time before their next AngelChest can be spawned (Plus version only)
- Fixed "message-teleporting" always using the default message
- Fixed automatic config updater replacing "\n" with an actual new line in "angechest-list"
- Fixed AngelChestOpenEvent$Reason accidentally being renamed
- Added new cancellable API event "AngelChestOpenEvent", that's called when a player opens an AngelChest's GUI, fastloots it or breaks an AngelChest.
- Fixed AngelChest not enabling when using illegal command aliases. It will instead print a warning.
- Removed {protected} from the default hologram since it's only available in the Plus version
- Added option "random-item-loss-drop" to drop randomly lost items (see config option "random-item-loss") instead of removing them
- The UpdateChecker won't show the "you're up to date messages" anymore and defaults to one update check every 24 hours now
- Fixed tools keeping the high efficiency level when people die while having a "super-boosted" tool from McMMO in their inventory
- When "use-graveyard-only-as-respawn-point" is enabled, players will now respawn at the garveyard no matter whether an AngelChest was spawned or not
Fixed exception on server startup
Added config option "use-graveyard-only-as-respawn-point" (Plus version only)
Code (YAML):
# When enabled, players death chest will NOT be spawned in the graveyards, but
# at their death location. The graveyards will then only be used to respawn players
# after they died. All defined "grave locations" will then be used as possible
# respawn points, unless a global spawn has been set for that graveyard.
: false
- Fixed exception on death when not having CombatLogX installed (sorry for the trouble!)
- Added config option "combatlogx-prevent-fastlooting"
- Fixed AngelChest not being able to hook into ExecutableItems' new API (released on May 4th)
- Please also update ExecutableItems to the latest version, if you have it installed.
- Improved overall performance
- Fixed issue regarding items that have AE's "White Scroll" enchantment without having AE's "Holy White Scroll" enchantment
- Please also update AdvancedEnchantments if you have it installed.
- Made "tp-wait-time" configurable per group (Plus version only)
- Added configurable per-world height limits. You can use this is the actual height of your world differs from the values reported by Spigot itself
- See "world-build-heights.yml" for more information
- Fixed exception caused by CMI
- Updated Portuguese translation
- Added support for WorldBorderAPI (this makes AngelChets always spawn within the worldborder limit)
- Fixed exception in enabling the plugin when using a certain version of Purpur
items.yml now allows to use ANY custom item from any other plugin.
- Simply hold the item you want to use in your main hand, then enter "/acadmin saveitem <customName>".
- You can now set "price", "price-teleport" or whatever to "<customName>"
- items.yml now allow you to use vanilla items to spawn, teleport to, fetch, ... AngelChests.
- To use vanilla items, simply define a new item with only "material" set. Then set "price", "price-teleport" or whatever to the name you assigned to this item.
- Fixed /acdadmin giveitem showing "null x" instead of "1x" when getting only one item
Fixed deserialization of "CustomBlock" in graveyards
- This should fix problems with AngelChests in Graveyards either not generating, or not properly getting removed after the plugin was reloaded or the server restarted. Sorry for the trouble!
- If you still use the same graveyards.yml config as you did before updating to 7.0.0 or later, please be sure that the "material" options in your graveyards.yml are valid according to the explanation about the "material" option in config.yml
- Please join my Discord if you have any problems / questions: https://discord.jeff-media.com
Added "force-delete" to blacklist.yml
- Normally, blacklisted items are simply ignored by AngelChest, meaning they drop normally on death and other plugins can still handle what happens to them.
- When you set "force-delete" to true, AngelChest will force-delete that item, meaning it will definitely not drop but vanish for good.
- Added compatibility with AdvancedEnchantments "Holy White Scroll" thing
- Improved performance by skipping chunk generation check
- Improved serialization of custom block data
- Fixed exception when players are teleporting from one world to another when both worlds have the same UID
- Fixed warning when trying to load AngelChests in meanwhile deleted worlds
- Changed default aliases for /acgui, /aclist and /acreload to avoid people confusing the GUI with the reload command
- This only applies to freshly generated configs. If you are updating, your command aliases will stay the same as before this update
- Fixed "death-map-marker" config option not being read properly
- Fixed exception when Sentinel NPCs die (somehow the Sentinel dev thought it was a good idea to make NON-PLAYER characters implement the PLAYER interface rather than the EntityHuman interface which was specifically designed for NPCs)
- Fixed exception when disabling AngelChest if no AngelChest had been spawned yet
- General performance improvements
- Improved serialization and deserialization of AngelChest files
- Added option to let players respawn with a map showing the location of their last AngelChest (disabled by default) (Premium version only)
- All players now have "angelchest.use" permission by default.
- I was tired of people not being able to read and claim that requiring permissions was a bug and not a feature.
- If you want certain people not to get an AngelChest, use your permissions plugin to remove the permission (e.g. /lp user mfnalex permission set angelchest.use false)
- Fixed default config examples for custom ItemsAdder and Oraxen blocks and player heads. The "material" and "material-unlocked" values HAVE to be put into "double quotes".
- Fixed errors in version 7.0.4. I accidentally shaded some dependencies, sorry!
Fixed chests not being removed when they were looted or expired if the server restarted inbetween
Fixed WorldGuard support not working
Fixed possible duplication bug - update as soon as possible!
Fixed support for old versions
Important - please read this before updating!!
Another new
major update of AngelChest is here! This update however does not add all the features I promised for 7.0.0. The reason for this is that I finally wanted to release this update for full 1.18.2 compatibility without people having to wait until I added the other promised features. They will instead be added in 7.1.0, etc.
- Full 1.18.2 support
- Totally new way to use custom blocks, player heads and blocks from ItemsAdder and Oraxen (experimental, see below!).
- You can use ANY vanilla blockdata (e.g. red candles with 3 candles), or player heads, or custom textured heads (with base64), or Oraxen/ItemsAdder blocks.
- You can define different values for locked chests, unlocked chests, and for every graveyard!
- For example, you can have your graveyards use custom ItemsAdder blocks, use the player's head for protected chests, and use a custom base64 head for unlocked chests!
- See config.yml (the material option) for more information.
- Important: ItemsAdder and Oraxen support is currently experimental. It should work fine for all blocks, but furniture isn't guaranteed to work and might bug out! Please test this on a test server before using it on your live server!!!)
- Important: If you already have used custom or player heads before updating to this version, you will have to update that line in your configuration, otherwise you will only get the default head. You can simply use
instead of where you used PLAYER_HEAD before.
- New placeholder to check whether a player disabled AngelChests for themselves: %angelchest_enabled%
- Fixed players being able to break item frames and similar entities by dying exactly at their location.
- Improved Discord Verification
- Added option to prevent placing custom AngelChest items (default: enabled)
- Fixed AngelChests spawning below Y=0-radius always using the exact death location instead of looking for a safe spot
- Added option to disable the chest contents GUI by setting "allow-fastlooting" to "force"
- Added option to disable AngelChests spawning for players in creative mode
- Fixed AngelChests spawning at about Y=1 when dying below Y=0 in certain situations
- Added option "disable-interacting-with-holograms"
- Added some funny example items in items.yml file
- Crafting is disabled for the default items. To enable it, just change "crafting-enabled" to true for all items you want to be craftabe, then do /acreload
- When you already had version 5.0.0 installed, simply remove your items.yml to let AngelChest generate the new file on next /acreload
- You can now specify an amount in /acadmin giveitem [player] [amount]
- Reloading AngelChest will now let players automatically discover all recipes for which you enabled "auto-discover".
- Added items.yml to /acd dump
Huge Update!
- Use custom items instead of money (if you like) (Plus version only)
- You can create custom items in the items.yml file. They can be used for having a chest spawned, to open them, teleport to them or fetch them
- The items can be given to players using /acadmin giveitem, or by crafting them
- You can use all available crafting types: shaped, shapeless, furnace, blast furnace, campfire, stonecutter, smithing, ...
- You can also disallow crafting all or only certain items
- AngelChest items can be set to be kept on death on death. For example, if you use an item to allow players to teleport to their chest, you probably want the players to keep that item when they die
- Recipes for the custom items can be auto-discovered for players
- Improved performance by getting rid of the InventoryMoveItemEvent (this will improve performance by a good amount for servers with many, many hoppers)
- Updated translations & added Swedish translation
- /actoggle can now be run by console or admins for other players. Requires permission angelchest.others
- Removed /acon and /acoff commands. Might be added back at a later time. For now, players can simple use /actoggle as a replacement for both commands.
Readded option "ignore-telekinesis" for servers that have enchantment plugins offering a telekinesis enchantment
- Important: ONLY enable "ignore-telekinesis" when you set your enchantment plugin to NOT work on player deaths! Otherwise you MIGHT be getting duplicated items! More information in config.yml
- IMPORTANT: FIXED POSSIBLE DUPLICATION BUG (again - sorry for the trouble. I will not explain how the duplication worked to avoid players being able to abuse it before every admin could update. If you're an admin and have verified your purchase of AngelChestPlus, I will explain it to you in a DM if you wish: mfnalex#0001)
- Made bossbar teleportation message configurable and added translations for Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Spanish and another language which I already forgot
- Fixed a visual bug where the last item you took from the death chest is shown twice in your inventory when it was taken using shift-click (This was NOT a duplication bug, just a VISUAL bug)
- Fixed auto-respawn respawning players too fast when they died while another respawn task was already scheduled (because the player manually clicked the "Respawn" button)
Added option to ignore EcoEnchant's Telekinesis enchantment
- When enabled, an AngelChest will spawn like normal even when you get killed by a player with telekinesis
- Fixed rare exception on Airplane when attempting to fastloot a chest with an already full inventory
- Fixed death chests not saving experience on shutdown / reload
- Fixed logs being generated even when "log-angelchests" is set to false
Fixed error related to WorldGuard
Players are no longer able to fetch chests into areas where they aren't allowed to place blocks when "only-spawn-chests-if-player-may-build" is set to true
Added option to prevent auto-equipping of armor when fast-looting the chest (paid version only)
- Can be useful for PvP servers or when you want your players to meet certain requirements to be able to equip some armor pieces
- Fixed disabled messages still sending the message prefix
- Added {player} placeholder to the main GUI title
- Added config option "avoid-lava-oceans"
- Added lores for GUI teleport and fetch buttons
- The "gui-info-lore", "gui-teleport", "gui-teleport-lore", "gui-fetch" and "gui-fetch-lore" settings now support the following placeholders:
- {price}
- {currency}
- {balance}
- Added separate permission for /acunlock command: angelchest.unlock
- Given to all players by default
- Added proper HexColor support
- Hex colors will work in all messages now using the following codes:
- You can also use gradients, for example:
- <#ff0000>red to green gradient<#/00ff00>
- <#ff0000>red to <#/00ff00>green to <#/0000ff>blue gradient
- Emojis from ItemsAdder and PlaceholderAPI placeholders should work in EVERY message and hologram now
- Added option to disable showing the list of AngelChests on death (This was a thing for years already, my bad)
View attachment 646559
- Fixed console error in versions 1.16.2 and 1.16.1
- Updated Hungarian translation
- Added support for ItemsAdder's emojis to holograms
Added hardcoded limit to "max-radius". It cannot be set higher to 10 anymore, which is also the default value.
- (one person blamed AngelChest to lag their server after they set this value soooo ridiculous high that it resulted in AngelChest having to check more than 8 million blocks on each death)
- Added support for Lands' "Wars" feature (BETA)
Reduced .jar size by 1.1 MB
FIXED DUPLICATION BUG that existed since 4.4.0
- Fixed "cost-teleport" not working when using "tp-wait-time"
- Fixed "keep-inventory" not working in disabled worlds
- Added option to prevent dropping chest contents when the chest expires
Fixed UpdateChecker showing incorrect version
- Fixed helmets and leggings not being movable in the GUI
- Removed the "Black Stained Glass Pane" name from the GUI placeholders
- Removed unused config option
Fixed items being detected as having soulbound when they have "Not Soulbound" in their lore
- Seriously, EliteMobs, why don't you just remove the lore line instead lol
- Added option to ignore enchanted items for the "random-item-loss" option
- Added support for ItemsAdder emojis
- Fixed Piglin brutes being able to break AngelChests
- Fixed "IllegalGroupReference" exception
- Fixed exception thrown on /actp and /acfetch in certain cases
- Updated Turkish translation
Added "tp-wait-time" option
- You can enter an amount in seconds. Players using /actp will have to stand still for this mount of seconds or they will not be teleported
Fixed Russian translation - thanks to @Alskar
- Fixed debug message being shown on every BlockBreakEvent - I'm veeeery sorry

- Fixed in free version: Removed message "You are using the config option [...]. This is only available in AngelChestPlus"
- Added another Spanish translation
- Added support for EcoEnchants' Telekinesis enchantment
- Removed console message "Could not find a matching grave for player XY, ..."
- Added Graveyards! (Plus version only)
- You can define any amount of Graveyards per world and one global "fallback" graveyard.
- When a player dies in a world with a graveyard, their chest will be put into the nearest graveyard
- If that graveyard is full, you have the option to send the player to another graveyard in the same world
- If those are full too, you can define a global graveyard where the chest will spawn
- If that one is full too, or if you disallowed spawning at other graveyards, you can decide whether the player will drop their inventory or get a chest spawned at their death location like usually
- You can define certain ground materials for the chests to spawn on
- Option to define custom totem animations (using the regular totem of undying animation, or custom model data) to play upon respawns per graveyard
- Graveyards can be defined in a YAML file or using the /acgraveyards command (Permission: angelchest.admin)
- A tutorial will follow that explains how to create graveyards
- Ability to use custom block data for all chests.
- For example if you use CANDLE as chest material, you can set the amount of candles and whether they're lit
- To use this, look at a block with the desired blockdata and enter "/acadmin saveblockdata"
- Fixed exception when player died do to Player#setHealth(0) without having taken damage before
- Improved chest spawn location when player died in lava.
- Fixed shading issue preventing the plugin from enabling.
Free version users shouldn't be affected, but you get the update too, just in case
- I will explain how the duplication worked after a few days, to give server admins time to update without players abusing it
- Tip: Dupe bug involves hacked clients
- Made damage causes shown in the hologram customizable
Fixed custom base64 heads not working in 1.17+
Fixed AngelChest not enabling when you removed the playerdata of a player that still had an AngelChest.
- Once the player has joined again, the chest will be restored on the next server startup / on the next /acreload
Added option to use CustomModelData for the Totem of Undying animation. See this video for example:
- Fixed Totem animation not working in 1.17
- Added config option "allow-fastlooting". When disabled, fast-looting is disabled and players can only open the GUI.
- Made chest item name and lore in GUI configurable
- Fixed "price" / "price-spawn" not working in groups.yml file
- Added Pirate Speak translation
- Updated Spanish translation
- Added two new hologram placeholders:
- {items} shows the number of items inside the chest
- {xp} shows the amount of XP the chest stores
- Players killed by an End crystal that was shot by another player will be treated as if the other player killed them
- Added "protected.yml" file to control who should be able to open protected chests (owner-outside-pvp, owner-in-pvp, killer, others, or certain groups)
NOTE: This update changes the default translations for opening and breaking "other people's" AngelChests to "this" AngelChest because the message now appears too e.g. when a player dies in PvP and "owner-in-pvp" is set to false. You might want to change that in your translations, too.
(It's a premium feature only - the free version only receives this update for compatibility with the AngelChest API)
- Added "gui-requires-shift". Set to false to open the GUI when rightclicking a chest without using shift.
- Fixed AngelChest owners being able to equip armor held in their hand to the hologram when right-clicking on the hologram
- Fixed players being able to break the chest if they don't have enough money to open it
- Added "play-totem-animation" option that will show the Totem of Undying animation when a users dies and gets an AngelChest spawned (disabled by default) (Premium version only)
- Added support for enchanted books containing EcoEnchants' Soulbound enchantment. Actually enchanted books only store enchantments, but EcoEnchants treats them as being enchanted itself.
- Added option to blacklist items by enchantment (see blacklist.yml)
- Added config option "minimum-air-above-chest" (default 0)
- Fixed compatibility with EcoEnchants (idk why but they changed the internal name from "soulbound" to "Soulbound")
- Improved chest placement when dying in lava (config option "lava-detection")
- Updated translations
- Added option to play custom sound effects when fetching or teleporting to an AngelChest
- Added "min-distance" for fetch and teleporting to avoid fetching or teleporting to chests that are already nearby
- Added messages when teleporting to or fetching a chest (can be disabled, see below)
- You can disable all messages sent by AngelChest by setting it to an empty string ("")
- Updated Chinese and Chinese (Traditional) translation
- Added description and usage for the /actoggle command
- Improved Debug messages to be better readable
- Improved UpdateChecker
- Added command /actoggle so players can disable/enable AngelChest spawning for themselves (Plus version only)
- Toggling requires permission "angelchest.toggle"
- They still need the angelchest.use permission to get AngelChests
- You can decide whether disabling AngelChest for a player also breaks their already existing AngelChests
- You can set aliases to directly enable or disable it. Just see the config.yml
- Added Bulgarian translation
- Updated Dutch translation
- Added config option to decide whether EliteMobs soulbound should behave like Soulbound items from other plugins (keep on death) or like EliteMobs would handle them (they are dropped on death)
- Fixed Discord verification code not generating properly
- Updated to my new UpdateChecker API
- Added debug command to disable/enable AngelChest handling deaths: /acd disableac|enableac
- Fixed WorldGuard integration not working when there are unresolved circular dependencies between AngelChest, WorldGuard and another plugin
- Added new messages from 3.12.0 to the default translations (they are still untranslated though)
- Fixed AngelChests automatically unlocking after 1 second when using "unlock-duration: 0" in groups.yml
- Fixed "angelchest-duration: 0" in groups.yml not overriding higher values for infinite chests
- Fixed typo in groups.yml (it's called "random-item-loss", not "item-loss")
- Improved Holograms and fixed "Your AngelChest has been unlocked automatically" message being one second off from the hologram
- Added "allow-tp-across-world" and "allow-fetch-across-worlds" option
- Can also be changed per group
- Added "max-tp-distance" and "max-fetch-distance" (Plus version only)
- Can also be changed per group
- Added Indonesian translation
- Updated Spanish translation
- Fixed exception when player fetches their chest into the void or above the max build height
- If one of those chests persisted through server restart, it prevented AngelChest from enabling.
- This is now fixed, you don't have to worry about users abusing fetching.
- Added support for ExecutableItems' "Keep on Death" enchantment
- When using invulnerability, the player will no longer be protected from /kill or void damage
- Added option to give players invulnerability for X seconds when teleporting to their chests (Plus version only)
- Can be adjusted per group or globally
- Shows a small action bar message to indicate how long the invulnerability still lasts
- Fixed rare exception in onEnable when using PLAYER_HEAD as material
- Added custom WorldGuard flag "allow-angelchest" (default: allow) (Plus version only)
- Improved WorldGuard integration
- Dropped support for WorldGuard older than WorldGuard 7.0.0 (since you are on 1.13+ anyway, you don't care about that)
Added option to display list of AngelChests on Join (default true): "show-location-on-join"
- Added option to drop player's head on death
- Head can always drop or only on PvP deaths
- Head can be put into the chest, or drop next to it
- Added "angelchest.preview" permission to preview your AngelChests' contents in the GUI
- You can now run /aclist, /acunlock, /actp and /acfetch for other players (requires "angelchest.others" permission)
- Also works for offline players!

- The AngelChests in /aclist will now always be sorted by their creation time. Using /acfetch will no longer change the order of chests
- Added TabCompletion for /aclist, /acunlock, /actp and /acfetch
- Removed "This feature is only available in AngelChestPlus" from config.yml in the Plus version
- Improved API
- Added API option to check when a chest has been created
- Getting AngelChests (either all or by player) will now return a collection sorted by chest creation date/time
- Fixed typos in some messages
- Fixed broken chests being spawned when player has an empty inventory and 0 XP
- Fixed "show-links-on-separate-line" not working when player doesn't have angelchest.tp or angelchest.fetch permission
- Fixed watchdog file not being removed on graceful shutdown
- Improved overall performance by refactoring EVERY single class file
- Improved API, many new features for third party plugins!
- Added Hungarian translation (thanks to
- Improved automatic config updater
Fixed plugin not enabling when not having Gson library installed
- Fixed exception when using "/acd dump"
- Fixed "class loading" exception
I really don't know why SpigotMC allows to upload a new .jar file with the same version String without linking to the new version - this should fix the "Plugin could not be enabled" problem once and for all - sorry for the trouble!
Fixed problem enabling the plugin
- Fixed plugin not enabling AGAIN because of changed package name (sorry I was testing on Windows which doesn't differentiate between UPPER and lower case directory names)
- Fixed plugin not enabling because of changed package name (I was too stupid to update the plugin.yml file)
- Added API so other plugins can cancel the AngelChest creation
- Added "random-item-loss" option (Plus version only)
- You can define an amount of item stacks that will randomly be lost on each death.
- You can either use a fixed value (e.g. 2 item stacks) or a percentage (e.g. 10% of all item stacks)
- Added "/acd blacklist add" command to add the current item to the blacklist
- Fixed GUI showing regular heads instead of custom heads when using PLAYER_HEAD as chest item
- Made all GUI buttons configurable. You can either use normal material names (DIAMOND, CHEST, ...) or a base64 String for custom heads.
- /acversion will now check for updates and includes a link to my discord for support
- Made /acversion and /acdebug command aliases configurable
- Improved overall performance
- Fixed website link in plugin.yml
- Changed obfuscation to comply with Spigot guidelines
- Improved dead hologram detection by using NBT Tags
- Added new command: /acd fixholograms (you will never need this command though)
- Added "ignore-keep-inventory" option. You can set this to true if you have other plugins that make you keep your inventory on death but would rather get an AngelChest instead.
- Fixed exception when using other plugins that set certain drops to AIR instead of properly removing them
- Fixed "use-different-material-when-unlocked" not working properly sometimes
- Fixed UpdateChecker showing wrong version
- Fixed premium version not being detected when Vault isn't installed
- Added dump command to /acdebug
- If you have any problems using AngelChest, just run "/acdebug dump".
- It creates a .zip file containing your config files, latest.log and other useful information
- You can send this file to me so I can instantly check where the problem is
- It does NOT automatically upload anything, so don't worry about your privacy

- DO NOT share that zip file to people you don't trust as it contains your latest.log!!!!!!!!!
- Fixed chests not being spawned when player dies at Y coordinates below 1
- Fixed watchdog not removing armor stands in void correctly
- Fixed exception regarding UpdateChecker
- Using /acreload while having a broken config file will now show a warning to all online OPs
- Updated bStats
- Fixed NullPointerException when using some plugin's /kill or /slay commands
- Added "discord-verification.html" file for super easy discord verification
- Fixed old chests from the Plus version not being compatible with 3.0.0+
- Improved config file
Note when upgrading: This version does NO LONGER support Minecraft 1.12!
- AngelChestPlus and AngelChest (free version) now share the same source code. This means:
- All the premium features are still only available in AngelChestPlus. It will not change anything for your players.
- The version has been bumped from 2.X (free version) and 1.X (plus version) to 3.0.0 so they will always share the same version number.
- The free version will show links to both the free and plus version when a new update is available, the plus version will only show a link to the plus version
- Fixed chest spawning above world's height limit
- Fixed chest spawning at random locations in caves (when dying inside CAVE_AIR)
- Added config validator that will show a warning in console and to server operators when your config file is broken
- Fixed players being able to duplicate player heads (if you set this as your chest material) by putting water "inside" the head block
- Updated Russian translation
- Improved debug/verbose mode
- Added soulbound detection for EcoEnchants
- When players die in the void, AngelChest tries to spawn the chest at the last position a player was standing
Important - please read this when updating!
- Added config option to change the listener priority for spawning of AngelChests. This allows you to better control what other plugins can manipulate the player drops and whether AngelChest will be able to put custom items into the chest.
- Default EventPriority is now NORMAL instead of HIGHEST. If you want the old default behaviour, set "event-priority" to "HIGHEST"
- Removed "ignore-keep-inventory" option. This can now be controlled with the above mentioned event priority setting (if you had "ignore-keep-inventory" set to true, you can achieve the same behaviour by setting "event-priority" to "LOWEST". However, the automatic config updater will do this automatically for you.)
- fixed rare exception on death
- Added option to refund players when they don't open their AngelChest before it expires (default: false)
Fixed exception (again, sorry)
- Added Soulbound detection for basically every plugin offering soulbound items
- Added option to log player accesses to AngelChests to console
- Added PlacerholderAPI support for the hologram text
- Added support for Vanilla Tweaks Player Head Drops datapack
- Fixed duplication bug when breaking an AngelChest with a piston while attempting to remove stuff from the chest
- Improved error message when using outdated WorldGuard versions
Out of confusion between 2.17.1-SNAPSHOT and 2.17.2, I uploaded the newest version as 2.17.3 again. Sorry for that.
Please update to this version to avoid wrong update checker messages.
- Added support for SSSPigot (some weird Paper fork or sth, idk^^)
- Updated Turkish translation (thanks to
- Added option to show remaining in AngelChest hologram (will be updated every second).
- IMPORTANT: Please note that you have to replace the old "%s" for the player's name with the new placeholder "{player}". The new default value now is this:
Code (YAML):
##### Hologram text and name of the AngelChest.
# {player} is the player's name.
# {time} is the amount of time left.
# \n is a new line.
##### Use an empty string to disable the hologram.
"&a[AngelChest] &b{player}&r"

Warning: last update broke the auto config updater. Please read the following:
Either delete your config.yml before installing this update, or
open your config.yml before updating and add quotes to the line "
angelchest-list" (should be line 248) so that it looks like this:
Code (YAML):
instead of this:
Code (YAML):
After that install this update. Sorry for the trouble! Auto config updates should fine again now.
- Fixed essentials.keepinv not working anymore
- Made /aclist text translatable
- Added confirmation message for actions that cost money (default: enabled)
- Prevents player from spawning above lava when teleporting to the chest
- Made message after fetching the AngelChest configurable
- Fixed "no-angelchest-in-pvp" message not being configurable
- Updated Polish translation
- Fixed AngelChest cancelling PlayerInteractEvents for armor stands that are not AngelChest holograms
- Readded Minepacks support. Will instantly work with Spigot and Paper. Tuinity users have to wait for Minepacks update 2.3.14 (EDIT: Minepacks 2.3.14 is released)
- Fixed plugin not enabling when InventoryPages is not installed
- Fixed chunk problems
- Temporarily disabled Minepacks hook
- Added InventoryPages support (will be further improved in next releases)
- Fixed generated config is broken on 1.12.2
- Fixed error when using "totem-of-undying-works-everywhere" on 1.12.2
Fixed "ignore-keep-inventory" behaving opposite of how it should
- Added possibility to use AngelChests of infinite duration (just set the duration to 0)
- Fixed AngelChests being destroyed when player died in a massive TNT explosion
- Fixed players with permission "angelchest.xp.levels" not getting their full levels restored
- Fixed no AngelChest being spawned if player killed himself and "allow-angelchest-in-pvp" is false
- Skip repeating tasks if chunk is not loaded
- Added option to not spawn a chest if player died in a PVP battle (thanks to Bibithom who let me kill them for "testing purposes" ^^)
- Added option to move the hologram up or down (e.g. when using a head as chest material, you can move the hologram down so it looks better)
- Added disabled-materials list to prevent certain items from being put into the chest. This will later be improved by including custom display names or lores.
- Added option to limit the maximum amount of AngelChests for all players and/or per group
- /aclist will only show the amount of hours if the AngelChest's duration exceeds one hour
- Added async chunk loading if Paper or forks of Paper are used. On Spigot, chunks will be loaded normally.
- Fixed unlock, fetch and tp links not being shown in /aclist
- Added Italian translation
- Added option to show links in /acinfo on a separate line (default: true)
Removed forgotten debug messages (sorry)
- Added check if chunk is loaded on death. If not, AngelChest tries to load the chunk
- Fixed AngelChests duplicating items when the chest material is one that drops when the block below is broken, e.g. torch, lantern, sign etc.
- Fixed holograms not being clickable
- Made message "message-already-unlocked" configurable
- Updated German, Spanish and Turkish translation
- Added option to use custom player heads instead of the player's head using their base64 value
- Added option to disable holograms for AngelChests
- Added option to auto-respawn the player, either instantly or after a set amount of seconds.
- Added permission node "angelchest.others" to use /aclist, /acunlock, /acfetch and /actp for other players
- Improved Soulbound detection for Slimefun items
- Items with Slimefun's "Soulbound" enchantment will not be put into the chest but remain in the player inventory
- Added config option to allow totems to be used from every inventory slot
- Added config option "ignore-keep-inventory" so that a chest is spawned even if another plugin allows you to keep your inventory
- Changed PlayerInteractEvent priority to lowest so that GriefDefender does not show a warning when opening the AngelChest. If you use GriefDefender, please also update that to the latest version (which is not released yet) as that plugin also changed the EventPriority to avoid this issue

- Fixed exceptions when spawning chest. Sorry about that.
- Fixed compatibility with 1.12.2 again
- Fixed WorldGuard compatability, now works with:
- WorldGuard 6
- WorldGuard 7+
- No WorldGuard at all
- Fixed exception and plugin not enabling when WorldGuard is not installed
- Removed forgotten debug message
- Added WorldGuard region blacklist
- You can add certain WorldGuard regions to your `disabled-worldguard-regions` list in the config.yml. Players in that region will not spawn an AngelChest.
- Added Russian translation
- Removed xp settings from groups.default.yml because that is controlled via permissions
- Fixed AngelChests disappearing at the moment it is spawned when the player dies at the exact spot where and when the ender dragon spawns a crystal
- Added "remove-curse-of-binding" and "remove-curse-of-vanishing" config options. When true, items with those enchantments will not be added to the AngelChest
- Fixed AngelChests not working anymore when using /acreload after changing the chest material
- Fixed AngelChests being destroyed by water if PLAYER_HEAD is used as chest material
- Updated Turkish translation
- Added debug mode
You can now teleport your AngelChests to yourself.
- Added /acfetch command (thanks @ XDleader555)
- Requires permission angelchest.fetch
- Updated API to 1.16.1
- Added Dutch translation (thanks @ Xeyame)
- Added option to charge a player for teleports
- Added option to use player's head as chest material (set chest-material to "PLAYER_HEAD")
- Added Spanish translation
Fixed AngelChest still being visible in /acinfo after it has been collected
- Added groups to allow custom chest durations per player (see groups.example.yml)
- Added /acreload command to reload the configuration file
- Added permissions:
- angelchest.xp: stores and restores amount of dropped XP in the chest
- angelchest.xp.levels: stores and restores amount of levels the player had
- angelchest.reload: allows usage of /acreload
- Fixed weird config update bug regarding UTF-8 problems
- Fixed exception in console when an AngelChest despawns because of its time limit
- Improved general performance
- Fixed exception on server startup when AngelChests were located in Multiverse worlds
- AngelChests now survive even when the world is renamed
- Improved the way AngelChests are saved to disk on server shutdown
(Source code changes)
Fixed infinite experience bug when a user does not take all items out of the AngelChest
- AngelChests now survive server restarts
- Prevent Minepacks backpacks from being put into AngelChests
- Fixed newlines disappearing in hologram-text during automatic config update (you will have to add the newline again once)
Major Update!
- Hopefully fixed the armor stands not disappearing once and for all
- Added option to list all AngelChests
- Added new permission "angelchest.tp" that allows to tp to your AngelChests. When you have this permission, there will be a clickable link next to each AngelChest when running /acinfo or /aclist
- AngelChest can hold the experience that would be normally dropped, or drop the XP orbs naturally like in vanilla (configurable)
- Prevent the AngelChest from spawning on certain blocks (configurable)
- Automatically applies armor when opening an AngelChest
- Prevent the AngelChest from being damaged by bed explosions, pistons, etc.
- Made AngelChest material configurable, default: CHEST
- Items with Curse of Vanishing will disappear
- AngelChests can also be opened by rightclicking the hologram
- Automatic config updater: when a new config version is released, AngelChest will create a new config file and automatically keeps your changes
- Converted project to maven
Thanks to XDleader555 for his awesome contributions!
Fixed chest not appearing at all. Since 1.5.4, there was a bug that prevented AngelChest from working properly.
Fixed duplication bug using 1.14.4
Thanks to
@Kikisito for the pull request.
Fixed exception on startup
Bug fixed: disabled worlds list was not working properly when world names were not in lowercase
Fixes an exception that is thrown when the AngelChest's time runs out after the owner has disconnected
Players can now access their AngelChests even when they disconnected!
Minor perfomance fix also included.
Creepers and other exploding entities will no longer be able to destroy the AngelChest.
Also compiled against latest api version 1.13.2.
Added config option "show-location". It defaults to false. When set to true, a message with the AngelChest's coordinates is displayed on death. The message can be customized. Please note that the included translations do not yet contain the translation for the new message. If you can translate the message, please send it to me

Sorry for the trouble! I forgot to remove the AngelChestTest-world, which I used to debug. If you used version 1.3.0, there is an AngelChestTest-folder in your server's directory. Shutdown your server, update AngelChest to 1.3.1 and delete the folder.
Also added a better mechanism to spawn chests when you died in the void. Players dying below Y = 1 are now treated as if they died at Y = 1.
- ArmorStands always work correctly now! They also disappear in the nether.
- Added disabled-worlds config option to disable AngelChest in certain worlds.
- Added French translation, thanks to AngelCynara (
https://www.spigotmc.org/members/angelcynara.398643/ )
- Added German translation
Fixed armor stands not disappearing. Although this never occured to myself, I have added a scheduler that checks every second if there are armor stands left behind that have been created by an AngelChest. This should actually not be needed when you don't use conflicting plugins, but now you can
Please test if this works! As I don't had the armor stand problems, I could not really test the fix.
Added simplified and traditional Chinese translation, thanks to maoding and qsefthuopq!
You do not need this update if you already have version 1.1.0
- When player dies in a non-air block (water, lava, halfslab, ...), the chest will be placed at the nearest empty location. If there is none inside the defined radius (see new config), the player's exact location will be used, regardless of what was there.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in discrepancy between the AngelChest's location and the location of the actual chest spawned. This lead to the bugs that made armor stands not disappear.
- Fixed a bug that AngelChests could not be opened when they spawned in water, lava or other blocks
Please tell me if this has fixed the bugs that were reported in the discussion
