AltDetector icon

AltDetector -----

Detects players' alt accounts

This is a change to plugin behavior. AltDetector 2.03 will now respect the status of vanished players. Previously, if a vanished player joined the server, anyone with the permission altdetector.notify could get an alt detected notice, thereby alerting the recipient that the player joined. The default with this change is to not send messages when a vanished player joins, unless the recipient has the permission altdetector.notify.seevanished.

The same applies when using the /alt command without parameters, because that checks all online players. The permission needed by the command sender in this case is altdetector.alt.seevanished.

Additionally, if you use the plugins SuperVanish or PremiumVanish, AltDetector will use SV's/PV's "Layered See And Use Permissions", which creates a hierarchy of vanished players, and will only show messages about the players visible to the message recipient.

The new AltDetector seevanished permissions default to op. If you want someone to see AltDetector messages about vanished players, they will need one or both of the new permissions. To retain AltDetector's current behavior, simply add the ...notify.seevanished subpermission to anyone with the ...notify permission.

Thanks to TreemanKing for the suggestion.
----------, Jun 18, 2024

This updates saves the config file as a UTF-8 file, allowing non-ASCII characters to be used.
----------, Apr 11, 2023

AltDetector 2.01 changes the way IP addresses are looked up in the database. Instead of using the player's current / most recent IP address, AltDetector now uses all of the IP addresses for that player that are in the database. This should result in better lookups for players whose IP addresses change frequently.
----------, Nov 15, 2022

AltDetector 2.0 drops using YAML flat files for data storage in favor of using a real database. This should be much better for larger servers or for owners with multiple servers who want to share the same MySQL database.

Upgrade instructions (see the Overview page for new installations):

If you have an existing installation of AltDetector, you can upgrade to the new jar file and the next time you start your server, it will automatically convert your old data to an SQLite database. You don't need to do anything else, and the plugin will work as usual with the new database. You can keep the old ipdata.yml file around as a backup, but it will no longer be used.

I recommend using the SQLite database. (Note that Spigot 1.8.8 ships with a very old version of SQLite which will not work with this plugin.)

If you want to use a MySQL database, first run the new version of AltDetector so it updates config.yml. Then edit config.yml and change database-type to mysql and fill out the mysql database credentials. jdbcurl-properties will be appended to the connection URL, so you can add any items that are required by your MySQL server. Finally, change convert-from to yml so your old data will be converted to the new MySQL database. Then restart your server.

If you're using multiple servers connecting to one MySQL database, you should pick one server to use the convert-from option, then let the other servers use the new database.
----------, Jan 12, 2022

This update changes the IP data saving from running on the main thread to using an async thread. This should improve performance, especially on larger servers. Note that the async data saving is only effective for the periodic data saving, so if you're one of the very few using save-interval: 0 in the config file, you might want to change it to 1.

This also fixes a rare error that could cause a delete command's changes to be lost if save-interval is 0.

And it updates the bStats metrics version to 2.2.1.
----------, Nov 23, 2021

This update fixes an exception that occurred on 1.8.8 servers.

Thanks to Prism3 for reporting this bug!
----------, Dec 8, 2020

This update adds the /alt delete <player> command, which deletes all records of the specified player from the AltDetector database. It requires the permission altdetector.alt.delete, which defaults to 'op'.

It also adds full tab-complete support, showing the names of all players in the database.

Thanks to lweb20 for the delete suggestion.
----------, Nov 1, 2020

All the in-game messages are now stored in the config file, so you can change them, including changing the color codes.

Your config file will be updated automatically, so you're not required to do anything when upgrading.

Thanks to xolt for the suggestion!
----------, May 26, 2020

This update has two small changes:
  • Check expiration time for offline player lookups
  • Minor fix for metrics custom charts
----------, May 16, 2020

  • Allow lookups of players who are offline.
  • Add permission altdetector.exempt to exempt the player from processing by the plugin.
A note about offline player lookups: When you issue /alt <player> for a player who is not currently on the server, the plugin will find the player's most recent IP address and do a lookup based on that. If the player has used multiple IP addresses recently, or if the alt has been shared between multiple users, this may show inconsistent results. For example, A may be shown an alt of B, but B is not shown as an alt of A. This is not a bug, but is due to multiple IP addresses being used for one player.

Thanks to JackTheBoy8 for the suggestions.
----------, May 4, 2020

Change to save the IP data periodically instead of immediately every time a player connects. This should reduce the timings impact to large servers. By default, the data is saved at 1 minute intervals; this can be changed with a new config option 'saveinterval', which specifies the time period between saves in minutes. Of course, if no one has connected in the past minute, no data is written. The old behavior (immediate writes) can be selected by setting saveinterval to 0.

This change also updates the bStats metrics to version 1.7.
----------, May 1, 2020

Properly handle not finding an IP address in the data file. This would normally only happen if you loaded the plugin with PlugMan instead of restarting the server.
----------, Aug 3, 2019

This update fixes an exception that could occur if the IP data file was empty, e.g., when the plugin was just installed.
----------, Aug 1, 2019

A minor update to add plugin metrics via bStats and to compile against Minecraft version 1.13.2.
----------, Jun 10, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 11,468
First Release: Aug 17, 2018
Last Update: Jun 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings