Hello, friends! Today, we are bringing a new full version of this resource
Since last year, there was not too much what to change. AdventCalendar will be still AdventCalendar. So I decided to extend this resource and rename it to
AdventSeason. It opens new ways, how to surprise you and your players every year
Now, plugin consists from
two parts. The first one is
AdventCalendar and the second one is
What's new?
- RewardUI - From last years, I saw that you had problems with setting up rewards. So I decided to prepare simple GUI, where you can fully customize rewards. No need to write them into the file!
- More options where to play Carols.
- Able to open previous window. Modification at Config is required.
- Added Sounds, BossBar Info
- ChristmasMail - Every player can send surprise(Message&Gift) to friend. He will be able to claim it at Christmas Eve.
- New Commands, for Main plugin and ChristmasMail.
- Increased quality of code and optimized
- Supports automatic updates.
Please, read the whole page of the resource.
Keep on mind this is the first Beta version for this year. Full version will be available after the 20th of the November!
If you think that plugin is better than before, please support me with PayPal donation.
If you like this awesome plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks